August 22 Meeting Notes
The meeting was called to order at 7 am by President Craig Reese
Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation- Jim Adamson
Visiting Rotarians or Guests
- Guests
- Jennifer Devereaux - Principal - Westside High School
- Heidi Monroe - Specialist Teacher - Westside High School
- Arnie and parents - Challenge Scholar
- Marjolein Lloyd, Kelowna Sunrise
- Here is a link to her story. LINK
Breakfast for Tuesday Meetings
- Ruth will be passing the baton to Kelly Walker.
- Kelly will pick orders on the way to the meeting on Tuesdays.
- Email Kelly to pre-order breakfast ($8.00).
- NOTE: The orders will need to be in by the Monday (the day before the Tuesday morning meeting).
- Her name is Laerke
- She is from Denmark
- We will learn more about in a upcoming meeting
- Video - This video is the first of future monthly videos from the District Governor.
Maui - Today we talked about the efforts to help the people of Maui after the devastating fires. Rotary District 5000 in Hawaii is heading up the coordination of donations for immediate and long-term relief and rebuilding.
To donate, go to
Another way to support the effort is to eat at the Taproom in Pybus.
- Spent Thursday thru Sunday with family and friends
- He had his hip replaced 3 weeks ago and he is doing well.
- He had a great experience with the Wenatchee hospital staff.
- Ruth was featured in a 2 page article in Good Life Magazine which covers Chelan and Douglas county
- She is starting a new job teaching music at the River Academy
- Attended her 55th high school reunion in Walla Walla
- Attended the Seattle Opera
- She got a chance to hang out with her college roommate
- He got to spend Fri-Mon with his 2-year-old granddaughter.
- He has another one due in 2 weeks.
- She spent 3 days and 2 nights backpacking.
- They were in the Marmot Pass are of the Olympic Peninsula
- Jim Adamson presented Kathleen McNalty with her sapphire to add to her previous Paul Harris awards pin.
- The Paul Harris Award recognizes Rotary members that choose to contribute $1,000 to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus Fund, or approved global grants.
PROGRAM - David Barshes - challenge Scholar - Arnie
- Arnie was joined by the principal, a teacher, his dad, and David Barshes. Arnie is in the center.
- Arnie talked about where he was 2 years ago before the Challenge Scholar program.
- He was not going to his classes consistently.
- He didn't complete his homework to a satisfactory level.
- His teacher Heidi Monroe added:
- Poor attendance
- She knew he had a lot of potential.
- The teachers looked for an area that he was interested in.
- They noticed that science was his favorite.
- The Challenge Scholarship program came along at the right time.
- Arnie said that the $300 stipend gave him some incentive to take the challenge head on.
- Arnie explained what flipped the switch for him
- He wanted to finish without having to go an extra year.
- Heidi was a key part of his success.
- Arnie was open about the fact that once science classes ended he backslid at little.
- Math was the one subject that he was not comfortable with.
- Heidi mentioned that during covid, Arnie's Zoom screen was often blank.
- With the help of the school and his mentor, he refocused his efforts on Math.
- Once he picked up some of the ideas, he made great progress and finished strong.
- Arnie's sponsor was Matt (from another club).
- He received great support.
- Arnie's community service requirements were met by volunteering at his church.
- Arnie's future plans:
- He is considering a career as a Field Man in the fruit industry or a career in Law Enforcement.
- Arnie met with Craig to go over how his $10,000 education award works.
- Congratulations to Arnie for doing the hard work to succeed both now and in the future.
- For Your Information:
- There are 10 new students starting in the new school year.
- More volunteer mentors are needed
- Duties
- 1 - 2 year commitment
- Meet with student twice per semester