Tuesday, October 19, 2021

October 19th Meeting Notes

Perhaps he thought Kathleen didn't get a COVID shot, perhaps he saw a void in Cougar leadership, perhaps he just shot his shot, but in an apparent coup attempt, Jim led the meeting this morning. Kevin led the pledge and Ruth gave the invocation; thank you all!


It's Rotary Grant season
! Club(s) put up money and the District has match money available. Kathleen and the board are soliciting ideas. If you have an idea that fits into one of Rotary's seven areas of focus, please pass it along to a board member. Ideas need champions of course for them to be successful!

Ideas so far:
  • Update of Coyote Corner - the museum's area for kids.
  • Convert drinking fountains to fountains that include water bottles fillers.
  • Rotary Peace Project at Rotary Park - partner with other local area clubs
We need to plan ahead as applications are due by November (next month!) and are put to use in the next Rotary year - July 2022 through June 2023. Grants are on a first come, first serve basis and we may partner with other clubs for local community or international projects.

Our Pet parade
 is just a week and a half away, on 10/30 at 10:30 here at Pybus. We'll also be taking donations of supplies and food for the Humane Society. Costume up everyone and don't forget the pets too!

The RR Discovery Center will provide a private viewing including tour guides for us during our normally scheduled Tuesday meeting at 7am on November 9th. Meet at the Discovery Center on the Chelan County side of the dam. Since it is prior to normal operating hours, we do need to get everyone on an approved visitor access list prior to then so that security will let you in. Let Chris know if you can make it; should be fun! 

Also, the café will open early for us so if you want a cooked breakfast ready by 7am please put your order in ahead of time. You can still order when you get there, but it just won't be ready until after 7am. They will also have coffee and other items available. See the details on the sign up sheet, but options include:
  • Breakfast Sandwich
  • Breakfast Burrito
  • Scramble
  • Biscuits & Gravy
  • Breakfast Burger
  • Pancakes, Eggs, and Bacon
You won't be disappointed by the Discovery Center or the Café! Get a preview at their Facebook page.

We are updating our
contact list because it is embarrassingly inaccurate. Apologies in advance! Please confirm or provide updates. Thank you for your patience and grace.

Please sign up for
meeting help if you are able. This is not a long term commitment! Just let us know when you can pitch in. We need help with:
  • Set Up Before - come at 6:30am
  • Invocation
  • Clean Up After - stay a few minutes after to help put things away
Choose which dates work for you - see sign up sheet or let Kathleen or Kevin know of your availability.

Make a Difference Day is this Saturday, October 23rd. Local area Rotary Clubs are partnering to provide dinner for two (need dinner for four, buy two!) Profits go toward Rotary's effort to
eradicate Polio from the world. What's more important, your diet or ending Polio? Don't be selfish now!
Prefer orders placed on or before 10/21, but call the number if you want a meal after that and they may be able to accommodate.

We would like to invite you to register for a very special event - the upcoming "Virtual Zone Summit." Our club and district is part of our Zones 28-32, which include all of Canada, parts of the northern United States, St. Pierre & Miquelon and Bermuda.  You are one of more than 65,000 Rotarians who are members of clubs in our Zones.

Chaired by our Zones' Rotary International Director-Elect Drew Kessler, the Zone Summit is a cross between a District Conference and a Rotary International Convention.  The 2021 Virtual Zone Summit will be held over three days, November 2, 3 and 4th.  It will begin each day at 7:00 PM (ET)/4:00 PM (PT).  Most Rotarians have never had the opportunity to attend a Zone event like this - but this year, it's easy to be a part of it!


We received a thank you card from Habitat for Humanity for helping with clean-up at one of their building sites. Ruth said she would have brought it to the club sooner but she's been daydreaming about winning the big raffle and going on a big trip!

Fellowship Committee reported that Oktoberfest at Kathleen's was a great success with over 20 attendees; Amber even brought her roommate Carma! Lots of funs and unfortunately this blogger didn't get all of the thank you's they mentioned to pull off this amazing event. However, he did note that PJ provided nails and logs, Dave gave expert direction on Hammerschlagen, Ruth won the trivia contest, and lots of food and drink were had by all. Great job was done by the fellowship committee on the event! The funnest game was having to say Hammerschlagen correctly in order to be allowed to drive home.

Next month we'll meet at Tapp and Putt at 246 N Wenatchee Avenue on November 19th for some more fun. Bring your Hammerschlagen hammer out on the links and we'll play a little German mini golf!

Speaking of socials,
Women in Rotary will be having a happy hour on 10/26 (next Tuesday) from 5:15 to 7pm at the Hilton Garden Inn. They will be collecting donations for the Women's Resource Center as part of their commitment to make a difference in our community.
Wish List: 
1. Gifts or Gift cards to buy teens and tweens presents for Christmas and Birthdays. We have a stash of toys for kids 9 and under but we don’t have anything for the older kids and teens when the parents do not have the means to provide gifts.
2. Two cordless hardwood vacuums or stick vacuums.
3. Curtains for windows in resident rooms. We have 50 windows that need curtains size 42x84
4. 30 kitchen size trash cans for resident rooms and also trash bags.
5. Gift Cards to buy a interview outfit or clothing items they need when they find work (such as non-slip shoes or work boots).
6. Gift cards for Supercuts or Great clips for job interviews or back to school haircuts.
7. Laundry soap and dryer sheets
8. Hair brushes, combs, Shampoo, Conditioner, and bodywash.
9. Tampons
10. Winter gloves and Beanies for men and women and children. Gift cards to buy snow pants and snow boots for kids
11. 3 electric can openers
12. Multipurpose cleaner
13. Diaper rash cream

PROGRAM - Challenge Scholar Update and Social Media

David gave an update on our Challenge Scholarship Program. We have been approved for Washington State Patrol background checks as a non-profit meaning they will provide them at no charge. We reviewed progress of our Challenge Scholars in the 2020 cohort and saw who was selected for the 2021 cohort. We also saw how when Mentors don't give up on these kids, it pays dividends in the long run, keep it up! There are 8 students in each cohort and for 2021, we will have four mentors from the downtown club helping out. We're really excited about our new mentors to add to our great existing ones! Some mentors have more than one student so we are always looking for new mentors. If you'd like to help out, talk to David or one of the other members of this committee (Craig or Jim).

Jackie gave an overview of how social media helps promote our club and activities in a positive manner. She demonstrated how to post or share content which was really easy! Just press the thumbs up or like button, it's that easy! You can also click share to your profile on other people's posts and then it will show up on all of your friends activity thread. It's just a click to get the word out quickly and easily.

Using social media allows us to connect and get to know one another. Go to the Sunrise Rotary Club Facebook page and give it a thumbs up (a like). If you need help finding the page, go to Facebook and in the search window, type Sunrise Rotary Club and select it. Boom, it's there. You can also like other Rotary clubs to see what they're doing and get ideas of fun projects or activities we might do as well.

Jackie and others also send content to other sites for them to post. These always include the Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club tagline so that we can get our name out there more. We want to promote what we are doing; the more we share/like, the more it promotes the content.
It's easiest to use a social media app, but you can also log into these sites through their website. Ask another member if you need help with these!


Brags & Confessions were postponed due to our delayed start. 

The Raffle was up to $285 and the lucky ticket wasn't so plucky as Ruth drew the wrong marble. Sorry Ruth, your travel plans may be delayed. But have you heard the good news? That worthless marble will be set aside making it inconceivable that we won't have a winner next week! (almost)

Jim closed with a Phyllis Diller quote, "I want my children to have all the things I couldn't afford. Then I want to move in with them."

See you Saturday for Make a Difference Day or next Tuesday at the latest!

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April 30 Meeting Notes

The meeting was opened by President Craig Reese. Our visitor today was Sally Feil, Dan’s wife.   Announcements   The presidential change...