Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

March 23, 2021

President Earl Crowe opened our Hybrid meeting at Pybus Public Market at 7:05 am as he allowed some extra time for everyone to greet each other in person. Next week we'll start on time and then have time to say "Howdy!"

We had 15 club members physically attend the meeting, and 5 via Zoom as well. It feels good to see each other again.

Robin led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and Milt led the invocation/inspiration.

John McDarment introduced his wife Betsy as his caretaker and guest.

Rotary Moment

Kevin provided another Rotary moment in our club's history by reliving an article from April 28, 1984 in the Wenatchee World detailing our involvement in Centennial Park's picnic shelter and performance stage. We wanted to leave something lasting behind and it's nice to see it still there!


Wayne encouraged people to buy a raffle ticket for the privilege of drawing a marble from the magic marble bag. A reminder: this is a progressive 50/50 pot. The week's raffle winner gets the opportunity to try and draw the silver marble to earn half the prize. Each week a marble is drawn that is a loser is not replaced so your odds go up each week. But don't wait, buy now and support the kids. Remember it's all about the children!

April 6th marks the return of many things such as Spring, Monarch butterflies, and the exciting return of food service at our meetings! Ruth will again be coordinating with Glaze bakery on breakfast sandwiches, doughnuts, and more. Thanks Ruth!

April 10th at 5pm will be our next large social. We'll be at Martin-Scott Winery in East Wenatchee. Grab some eats and your lawn chair, and head over to the East side where there is a stunning view looking out over the river. Bring the kids and some money for wine, but don't get those two things confused! Bring some dangerous lawn games like lawn darts or corn hole too!

Tailgate Spring Fling at Martin-Scott Winery: 3400 Tenth St SE, East Wenatchee.

Brags and Confessions

PJ bragged about a two and a half week ski trip in Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho. Even had the opportunity stop in and check in on former member Wendell Cayton and his wife Loretta.

Dan and Alan both bragged about something, or maybe confessed to something, who knows. It's a secret unless you attended in person because the audio cut out for the Zoomers. Too bad, because it was a REALLY great moment! (Birthdays for both!)

Robin bragged about getting cuts from pruning roses (NOT bed bug bites!) and picking up guys at the city compost pile. It's interesting what she says when the DG isn't around. 

Jim Huffman confessed he was going to brag about going four weeks into chemo without losing hair, but... now he's starting lose it. And the hair isn't doing much better.

Rebecca gave a public service announcement that there are many appointments available at the Town Toyota Center for a Pfizer vaccination, even short notice so if you're interested, go to https://prepmod.doh.wa.gov/clinic/search.
Bill added that veterans can get their Moderna shot at the VA clinic. 


Kathleen introduced today's speaker, Jerrilea Crawford, Mayor of East Wenatchee. She doesn't have much on social media, but you can find her throwing an axe (bullseye) and that she has a January birthday. She has been the East Wenatchee Mayor since just last year, but was on the City Council for four years prior to that as well as the Chamber of Commerce Deputy Director for seven years.

Jerrilea offered to talk about anything we wanted to know about and we asked to hear about a new park, city growth, new zoning, and sewer expansion.

She walked into city hall with new ideas, being the first new mayor in 21 years. Then COVID happened and city hall has been closed ever since. Some plans were, of course, postponed due to COVID, but with phase 3 here, she's looking to start rolling out more ideas.

As for growth, they have a lot more available land than Wenatchee and since East Wenatchee doesn't provide many services, they look to partner with others for them. This includes partnering on the sewer expansion out to Obadashian bridge and the north end. State funding is also helping with this.

Jerrilea is a proponent of controlled growth; 2006 was the last city annexation. The next annexation is likely to be from 3rd Street SE at Costco expanding to Kentucky in the South and to the river. This is part of the urban growth boundary. Then up to the airport and north to Obadashian bridge and even eventually out toward Rock Island.

Since they offer no utilities or parks, they partner with other entities, such as the county and port district. They try to balance community so they partner with Eastmont Metropolitan Parks District. The parks district's latest park is designed for a local community and does not have any parking associated with it as it is intended to serve the locals who can walk to it.

One hire she has made has been Police Chief Rick Johnson who Jerrilea recommended for a future program! They are part of regional police officer training for the first time. She'd also like to see the city place a school resource officer into Eastmont High School.

Speaking of partnering, East Wenatchee has passed a 0.1% sales tax for a homeless shelter sleep center. It is a low barrier facility so can't refuse service to anyone, even if they have been disruptive in the past. The funding is conditional on Wenatchee also passing the same sales tax increase to fund the sleep center. Wenatchee will be voting on this on Thursday.

She'd also like to see improvements made to the city hall campus. They are still working out of the old bus garage which has dirt floors and non-potable water.

Jerrilea closed with some secrets that could not be shared on the Zoom call. And was then presented with the fabled story of a children's book in her honor. 


Craig was the raffle winner, but it was not for all the marbles. And most importantly, it was not for the silver marble. No worries, one less available for next week!

Air Show

Prior to the air race (not sponsored by Red Bull, but twice as dangerous) the fliers were judged. While "fixed" wing aircraft these were not, the owners and their planes with their accoutrements were judged and the following esteemed craft were the winners:
  • Most Creative - Wayne
  • Most fun and a fan favorite - Robin
    • The syringes also won it the most likely to give a free vaccination award
  • Most Rotarian - Betsy
  • Least Likely to fly and most school spirit - Carol
While the voters thought Carol's plane was most likely to "Coug it", she showed them what it really meant to Coug it, as her plane flew the furthest. Earl, not to be outdone, tied Carol for distance.


Earl closed with an inspirational and heartening quote,
"Whatever you are, be a good one." While this is often attributed to Abe Lincoln and was first attributed to him 80 years after his death, it is perhaps more likely a quote by William MakePeace Thackeray. I don't know for sure, I wasn't there. Probably on my phone at the time.

This is William Thackeray, the 19th century English novelist, not next week's program...

Next week's program is Tom Tochterman, Lake Chelan Rotary President, to explain and promote Rotary Action Groups.

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April 30 Meeting Notes

The meeting was opened by President Craig Reese. Our visitor today was Sally Feil, Dan’s wife.   Announcements   The presidential change...