Wednesday, August 26, 2020

August 25 Meeting Notes



                                                                                                                                                            On our club's former Youth Exchange Student Paula Mota was supposed to join our Zoom call today, but that was not to happen! Paula called Tom Utigard from Brazil to say that both of her parents had the CoVid-19 virus, were recovering and were due to be released from the hospital today! However, her 92 year old grandfather was not feeling well, and they were going to get him tested for the virus. We hope to have Paula on a future call. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Paula and her family!


Next week's program will be Darci Christopherson, Executive Director of the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival.

The Rotary takeover of the Wenatchee Valley Farmers Market at Pybus Public Market was a success on

Saturday, Aug. 22nd.  Kathleen said we were there to greet people, offer masks, and be hospitable ambassadors at the Farmer's Market. Saturday volunteers were: Robin, Sam, Taro and Patti, John and Betsy, Chris, Rebecca, Milt, David, Kathleen and Ruth. A total of 26 hours were worked! Thanks for volunteering! 
Other dates this Summer and Fall also exist for volunteering: Sat. Sept. 19th and Sat. Oct. 17th. Shifts are 7:30-9:30, 9:30-11:30 and 11:30-1:30. Please contact Katherine McNalty if you wish to volunteer. 

Wenatchee Sunrise Rotarian Tom Utigard was presented with an Honorary Membership for his 33 years of selfless service. His part in the Apple Century Bike Ride every year helped make that ride famous

throughout the state and a great success in funding our club's Challenge Scholarship Program. His fellowship and social get togethers, especially the Club Barbeque in his orchard, are legendary! He and his wife Shari are always invited to attend club meeting, socials, volunteer projects and award ceremonies. Congratulations, Tom! (Tom was Wayne Massing's sponsor!)

Rebecca Lyons said the club social on Sunday, Aug. 23rd was a lot of fun! There were four couples who attended: Jim & Carol, Chris & Holly, John & Betsy, and Robin & Richard. A pink unicorn costume, worn by, none other than Robin, made a startling appearance at Rebecca's door! Masks were worn, the weather was nice, and the fellowship was unparalleled!

Carol reminded us of the Six in September dinner. It will be dinners for 6 at members' homes during Sept.  If you would like to either host or participate, please email Ruth @  The social committee will assign groups, and the host will call to arrange a time to meet. Hosts will provide the main dish and guests are to bring a side dish. This should be a great way to meet in a smaller setting.
There are currently 6 couples signed up to host, but none to be dinner guests. Please email Ruth @ if you wish to be a diner!

Committee Report

The Fundraising Committee report was given by PJ Jones. The Road Apple Roulette at the next Apple Blossom Parade is taking shape. Our club has received the proprietary software to operate the event, and several prizes have already been donated. Stay tuned for more info on this unique drawing!


Brags & Confessions

President Earl donated $5 for being able to get on a paddle board at his son-in-law's (Ethan) birthday party at the park!

Robin DeRock's Black Hawk Hockey Team lost in the playoffs. $5 left her pocket!

Kevin Love introduced us to his grandson Marshall. He gave up $5.

John Schapman experienced his one year old daughter losing her first baby tooth while camping near Port Townsend. He donated $5.

Wayne bragged about a road trip to the end of Entiat River Road! He and his wife Karen saw deer, wild turkeys, mountain sheep and mountain goats. He parted with $1.

Rotary Moment

Jim Huffman gave the Rotary Moment today. He shared how Rotary operates, and how our club fits into the world-wide Rotary purpose. He talked about our Challenge Scholar Program and how it is funded by the Apple Century Bike Ride.


Jim Adamson showed a video of Past Rotary International President Chris Docterman speaking to a group of Rotarians at PETS (President-Elect Training Seminar). His suggestions were to make your Rotary Club relevant in the 21st Century, and to create a Rotary identity within your community.
Jim rounded out the program with some Rotary District 5060 projects that show Rotary's name in communities around our District.
After the program, Jim opened up questions from club members to ask of any of the other members.
    - Rebecca asked about the 2nd Harvest Program. Jim said we have suspended working with them during the period of CoVid-19, and that the costs have gone up.
    - PJ was asked about possibly repainting the bandshell downtown with a pretty Rotary blue paint. He said the "green paint was......unintelligible...." We all agreed!
    - Earl was asked by Jim what the most memorable event was in his Navy career. He said it was hanging over the side of the ship painting it while in the Atlantic Ocean!
    - John Schapman was asked by Sergeant at Arms Wayne Massing where was the green-yellow-purple wig that was going around the club with strict instructions to keep it going. John said he still had it. Wayne fined him $3 for "failure to keep a Rotary Club tradition going"!
    - Earl asked Jim Huffman what the significance of his frequent references to lithium. Jim said most all mobile phones and electronics depend upon lithium!
    - Robin asked Jim Huffman what prompted his liking of Chuck Norris. 'Fun, I guess', Jim retorted.
    - Jim Huffman asked Tom Utigard about his orchard. Tom said he has campers staying there for the next several weekends.

Someone asked our guest, Jackie Rector, about her background. She inquired about our Rotary Club during our Take Over the Farmer's Market this last Saturday. Kathleen McNalty was quick to get her the ZOOM meeting information so she could attend today's virtual meeting.
Jackie and her husband are realtors from Ballard. They decided to leave the Seattle area and move to Wenatchee. Both are working remotely and have to occasionally drive to Seattle for real estate business. Jackie has been involved in some leadership roles with the Seattle Junior League, and community food bank volunteering. She seemed to have some good ideas of community involvement in Wenatchee, and we would love to have her for our newest member. (She's also a Cougar!)

After a quote from Babe Ruth about baseball, President Earl closed the meeting at 8:00 a.m.

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April 30 Meeting Notes

The meeting was opened by President Craig Reese. Our visitor today was Sally Feil, Dan’s wife.   Announcements   The presidential change...