Wednesday, July 22, 2020

July 21 Meeting Notes

President Earl Crowe opened the meeting at 7 am with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and Jim Adamson lead the Club Members with the Invocation.


Carol Adamson said our one of our September programs would be an Apple Blossom Update by Darci Christopherson, Chairperson for the Apple Blossom Festival.

Robin DeRock announced that tomorrow was her birthday! Happy birthday, Robin! She received a new unicorn costume, and will be wearing it to a ZOOM meeting with the Kamloops Aurora Rotary Club.

Taro Masuda and Kathleen McNalty contacted the "Goathead Warriors", Ariahna Jones and Doug Pauly, to see if they need any help. (They gave a presentation to our club on June 9th. See this blog on that date for more information about them and their program.) They would like some volunteers to remove goathead noxious weeds in South Wenatchee on Saturday, August 1st, 7-11 am. during the cool of the day. Volunteers should wear sturdy shoes or boots, and  bring heavy duty gloves (The goatheads are sharp!). Shovels are provided. Be prepared to be outdoors for a few hours with sun protection and water bottles. It might be beneficial to have your hands free, so a small day pack or fanny pack comes in handy to carry a water bottle. To volunteer, contact Kathleen McNalty. More information on the exact location will be provided prior to Aug. 1st. Wear your Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club "Rotarian At Work" T-shirt! (If you need one, let Earl know.)

Taro and Kathleen also are planning to get other Rotary Clubs to join ours at the Saturday farmers' market at the Pybus Public Market. Volunteers from the clubs would help out at the farmers' market, assisting with carry-outs, clean up, etc. It would get the Rotary name and logo in front of the public. More information in the future!


Chris McDarment re-introduced our speaker from last week, Brett Stoffel, a former U.S. Air Force B-52 and B-2 pilot. Last week Brett spoke about his military career, and this week, Brett spoke about Emergency Response International, Inc. (ERI).

ERI has specialized in Global Survival, Search and Rescue (SAR), and emergency preparedness training, publications, consulting and products since 1978.

Brett touched on trying survival skills, rather than reading about them. There are many publications and reality TV shows that preach survival, but few teach the basics of survivability. You can survive 30-40 days without food, but your body needs 3 quarts of water daily for you to live.

If you have the Necessities of Life and Survival Skills, you can survive! For more information about ERI, click on this link: Emergency Response International
For more information of their products, click this link: ERI Publications and Products

President Earl Crowe presented Brett with two children's books, donated in his name to the North Central Regional Library for the two presentations he gave to our club.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 am.

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April 16, 2024 Meeting Notes

Our Tuesday, April 16, 2024, Rotary Club of Wenatchee Sunrise was called to order by President-Elect Rebecca Lyons. The Pledge of Allegiance...