Our next club social is March 8th at 5:30 p.m. at Badger Mtn. Brewing Company. It is Trivia night so bring your knowledge and a friend or three.
Rotary International has partnered with Peace Corps. Read more here.
Sunrise Rotary turns 31 years old this month on February 17th! Happy Birthday Club!
There are several ways to make up meetings you have missed:
- Visit another club
- Attend a club social
- Attend committee meeting
- Attend board meeting
- Attend the Satellite meeting at Pybus Market on Friday's at 9:30 a.m.
- Attend an eClub Meeting
- Attend Rotary Trainings
- Help out at Rotary park with cleaning, weeding, raising the flag
- Attend a District Event
Our goal is 100% attendance and with so many options, we can do it! If you have completed a make-up item, either let Joanne know mark it off on the sign in sheet.
You can make up a meeting in a two-week window either before or after a missed meeting. (For a total of four weeks to make up a meeting)
Next week the meeting is regarding the Bike Ride. As club veterans know, this is our MAIN FUNDRAISER and we need all hands on deck! Newbies (like me) might not know that this is a MUST for helping out. The date of the Bike Ride is June 3rd but help is needed June 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The meeting on Tuesday, February 21st is all about the Bike Ride so if you haven't been for awhile- come say hi!
Brags and Confessions:
Jim and Carol played at the indoor golf tournament.
Rebecca just returned from Mari's gymnastic tournament in Las Vegas.
Chris and his wife celebrated 20 years!
Joel Reinhart came to speak with us about fundraising for the local LaCrosse club that is looking to purchase two AEDs. The LaCrosse club is not supported by the High School as a funded sport so they need to raise their own money. LaCrosse is growing in our valley. They have a big tournament in late March (about 20 teams) and many games at other times. Check out their entire schedule here.
Having AEDs on the sidelines will create a safer atmosphere for the LaCrosse players. If you are interested in making a donation, click here.
Lucas talked to us about his homeland of France and dispelled some myths about the French. Apparently all mimes DON'T come from France, not all frenchmen wear berets and most don't shave their legs. (you heard it here first).
Lucas is from Toulouse. Toulouse is located in a great area: 45 minutes from the Pyrennes Mountains, 45 minutes from the Mediterranean Sea, two hours from the ocean and one hour from Spain.
Rugby is a BIG DEAL in Toulouse. (Lucas is playing Rugby here so after we get his schedule, we can attend a game).
He comes from a big high school (3500 students) and the educational structure is quite different.
Lucas has a 15 year old brother and an 11 year old sister. His dad works for a software company and his mom is an elementary school teacher.
Lucas leaves in July and would LOVE to attend a big sporting event (Mariners, for example) before he goes.
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