Thursday, June 23, 2022

Wenatchee Sunrise Change-Over Dinner 21 June 2022

Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club gathered at the Wenatchee Museum and Cultural Center on Tuesday, 21 June 2022, to say goodbye to our outgoing Club President Kathleen McNalty, and welcome incoming Club President Robin DeRock.

Alan Walker, Past President, acted as the ceremony Master of Ceremonies. The evening began with a brief social with various drinks.

Guests were welcomed:

  • Glenn King introduced his wife Dena
  • Kevin Love introduced his wife Lynn
  • Craig Reece introduced his wife Tracey
  • Mansour Ravassipour introduced his wife Linda
  • Stacy Gold introduced her friend Allen Blackmon
  • Kathleen McNalty introduced her husband Steve, sons Tyler & Daniel, and potential member Mustafa Jibrin
  • Marcy Treat introduced her daughter.
  • Robin DeRock introduced Katie Blair (former Youth Exchange Student)
Rotary Guests joining the dinner were:
  • Richard DeRock, District 5060 District Governor and member of Wenatchee Confluence Rotary Club
  • Alice Meyer, Wenatchee Rotary Club President
  • Jill Leonard, Wenatchee Rotary Club President-Elect.
Ruth Dagg led the group in a brief prayer, and the audience said the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The attendees enjoyed a fabulous dinner from Country Boy's Barbeque in Cashmere. BBQ pulled pork, BBQ's chicken thighs, baked beans, coleslaw salad, and chocolate cake (from Albertson's). Veggie burgers were also cooked to order in the museum kitchen. Many bottles of local wines were also enjoyed.

After dinner, Alan welcomed Kathleen to the stage. She called her Club Officers and Board of Directors to the stage, where she presented gifts to those in attendance:

  • Earl Crowe, Immediate Past President
  • Robin DeRock, President-Elect
  • Chris McDarment
  • Craig Reese, Treasurer
  • Rebecca Lyons.
Those Officers and Board of Directors missing from the dinner and ceremony were:
  • Jim and Carol Adamson, Co-Vice Presidents
  • Kaity VanWeerdhuizen
  • David Barshes
  • John Schapman, Secretary.
Kathleen presented gifts to Sargent at Arms Wayne Massing and Kevin Love for their roles in setting up the weekly meetings and taking them down.

Earl Crowe, Immediate Past President, made a brief appearance at the ceremony, just long enough to be presented with the Mark Anderson "Marky" Presidential Service Award for the Rotary year of 2021- 2022. Earl's tireless work on the club's Road Apple Roulette fundraiser got approval with the Wash. State Gambling Commission and netted the club over $8,000 to be used for our scholarships program and other projects. Family health issues prevented a longer stay for Earl.

Richard DeRock, District Governor for Rotary District 5060, called Robin DeRock, Club President Elect (and his wife!), to the stage to be sworn in as Club President for Rotary year 2022-2023. 

Robin, in turn called her Club Officers and Board of Directors to the stage, where she presented gifts to those in attendance:

  • Kathleen McNalty, Treasurer and Immediate Past President
  • Craig Reece, President Elect
  • Alan Walker, Secretary
  • Rebecca Lyons
  • Chris McDarment.
  • Jim Adamson (absent)
  • Jackie Rector (absent).
Alan Walker called all the POOPS (Past Order Of PresidentS) to the stage. Alan Walker, Bill McDowell, Craig Reece, Dave Freimuth, Jim Huffman and Wayne Massing. (Missing were: Jim and
Carol Adamson, Earl Crowe, Milt Herman, Taro Masuda, and Erin McCool.) Alan introduced the POOPS and proceeded to tell those in attendance about Kathleen's BAD jokes, then the POOPS read some examples. About 6 minutes was enough, so the POOPS went into a huddle to discuss whether Kathleen should be allowed to join the prestigious POOPS. After an elaborate discussion, the vote was 4-2 against, then it was unanimous 6-0 in favor. Welcome Kathleen! You're a POOP now! 

Kathleen was again called to the stage to be presented with gifts and flowers from the club. Alan Walker and District Governor Richard DeRock presented her a Rotary Club gavel plaque in recognition of her dedicated service to the club and to Rotary International during her 2021-2022 year.

The Change Over Dinner ended with everyone having fun! A good time was had by all!

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

June 14 Meeting Notes

Welcome guests Allen Blackmon, Wayne Steel, and Shanley Crane (Asst. Governor)

New Member Induction:  Stacy Gold

Jim introduced Stacy as our new member.  Stacy was a Sunrise member years ago, and we are glad to have her back.  Stacy grew up in Texas, moved to Seattle when she was 12, returned to graduate in Texas and got her AA degree, moved to Wenatchee and started in the nursing program at WVC.  She had to leave the program when she was pregnant with her first daughter, and had a second daughter a couple years later.  After various job, and being a stay-at-home mom for 5 years, she found a dream job at SAGE, a domestic abuse treatment center.  A few years ago she met Dan Gold.  They were married 2 years later in Hawaii.  Welcome Stacy!


Assistant Governor for our area, Shanley Crane, was here to present the club with district awards from Earl's year.  We received the RI Presidential Citation for completing goals in several required areas.  This award is earned by few clubs in the district.  The other award was for our polio plus contributions of at least $100 per capita.  Way to go Sunrisers, and way to go Earl for getting us through a tough COVID year with such great accomplishments.

Robin was presented her correct Paul Harris Fellow +5 pin for contributions to The Rotary Foundation.

Kathleen presented the Rotarian of the Month to John Schapman to give to his wife who takes care of their 5 children.

Mark your calendars

June 18 - Pybus greeters and Pet Parade (7:30 - 1:00 - sign up for a slot)

June 21 - No morning meeting - Presidential Changeover Dinner at the Museum. Bring family, fiends, and/or guests along with your beverage of choice.  Around $20, which can be added to your quarterly invoice. 5:30

July 4 - Manning the parking lot at the Toyota Center (sign up for a slot) 

July 5 - Morning meeting at Walla Walla Point Park and park clean-up as a fundraiser.

September 21 - Dedication of the Peace Pole Project at Rotary Park at 5:00.

Brags & Confessions

Jim H completed his last day of immunotherapy.

Stacy's daughter scored 22 points to help her team win a basketball tournament.

Robin had fun at the RI Convention in Houston. She again mentioned her broken ribs that she blames her husband for.

Jim and Carol celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their grandson's high school graduation (and his AA degree) in Kent.  Their daughter is getting married next weekend.

Kathleen attended her first RI Convention, and is signed up for next year in Melbourne, Australia.

Wayne and Rebecca went to Chelan to observe and work at the glass recycling center started by the Chelan Rotary Club.  Check it out at


Newer member, Marcy Treat gave her classification talk today.  She came to Wenatchee to be the director of CVCH's New Path, an outpatient substance abuse program. How she got here is quite a story.  Marcy, one of 5 siblings, was born in Selah on her dad's birthday.  She got her GED at age 16, and had a full-time job to help the family finances.  Marcy is a single mom.  She had her first child at age 17, and he second daughter 12 years later.

Marcy started on her career path when she worked as a secretary at a social service agency, then in a residential facility for youth, and at 19, got a job at a Yakima detox center.  She went to college at 21 and got certified as a substance abuse counselor.  At 26 she became a certified substance abuse professional.  Ten years later she took her previous boss' job, and eventually moved to Wenatchee.

New Path started small, but now has 6 staff and 150 clients. They do outreach to youths and adults, as well as outpatient substance abuse work.  Marcy is passionate about helping people, loves her work, and enjoys volunteering and connecting people.  She like hiking, snowboarding, and camping.

After Notes

Chris McDarment's raffle ticket was drawn, and he picked the right marble, winning $436.  Way to go Chris.

Coming programs:

June 21 - no morning meeting - Changeover Dinner at the Museum.

June 28 - Chris McDarment - fire mitigation with the PUD.

July 5 - morning meeting at Walla Walla Point Park and park cleanup.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

June 7 Meeting Notes

Welcome guest Wayne Steele (application in).

Our meeting was led by Craig Reese, as both Kathleen and Robin are in Houston at the Rotary International Conventions.


Mark your calendars

June 18 - Pybus greeters and Pet Parade

June 21 - Leadership Changeover Dinner at the Museum. Bring family, fiends, and/or guests along with your beverage of choice.  Around $20, which can be added to your quarterly invoice.

June 28 - Bike ride meeting, 5:30, Hilton Garden Inn

July 4/5 - Manning the parking lot at the Toyota Center, and park clean-up the next day as a fundraiser.

September 21 - Dedication of the Peace Pole Project at Rotary Park at 5:00.

Brags and Confessions

Allie bragged about the first AppleSox game (which they won).

Ruth is tired from being with grandkids, and bragged that her son is the Commander of the new Technology Information Support Company.

Wayne seeded some areas in his yard, and was sad that the rain washed away his new lawn seeds, so he was replanting.

Carol bragged about the challenge scholar she is mentoring.  A complete turn around.  She graduated last Friday, and was given the EHS "Most Effort" award. She is also working, and moved into her first apartment with a friend.

Alan bragged that he and Kelly went to the Chris Stapleton concert at the Gorge last weekend.  He also bragged that Chelan/Douglas Community Action Council (where he is the director) was awarded the Westside HS Partner of the Year.

Robin injured her ribs taking out the trash right before they left for the Rotary International Convention in Houston (blames her husband).  It hurts to laugh, and she's doing a lot of that.


Today we improvised, and spent time talking about RI Conventions.  Robin and Richard DeRock were on zoom to give some highlights of the Houston Convention. 11,000 are in attendance from all over the world.  All the RI dignitaries are there (past presidents, president, incoming president Jennifer Jones - our first woman president, 17 Board members, and 17 Rotary Foundation trustees). There was entertainment, speakers on the polio progress, Ukraine relief, and other projects.  They have also had time to explore areas around Houston with guided tours.  Robin went to the Johnson Space Center, Buckey's Truck Stop, and the underground mall.  They had a huge House of Friendship where people can look at projects, hear about Rotary Fellowships and Action Groups, and meet Rotarians from all over the world.

Jim A talked about the experiences he and Carol had at the Chicago RI Convention in 2005, where over 40,000 people celebrated the 100th year of Rotary.  They also attended the RI Convention in Copenhagen, where they experienced home hosting and events in Denmark and Sweden.

Wayne talked about the RI Convention he and Karen attended in Sydney.  It was a game changer for him.  He is going to the next convention in Melbourne, Australia, and is again the district promotional chairman for the RI Convention.

Craig talked about all the people who are using Rotary Park, and that we all need to check it out.  There are opportunities to help support the park, the Peace Pole Project, and the new pickleball court construction.  Forms will be on the tables each Tuesday.  

Craig also talked about the Ukrainian families that are settling in the area, the support they will need, and how we can help.  Wayne raffled off a Rotary vest and two shirts, and club voted that the money go to the community refugee fund.  He also mentioned how good we have it in the US in contrast to the people in Burundi.  He's looking for members who would like to go with him to see the work that is being done there to help the people.  He is looking for a Rotary club there to help support a possible Rotary international project.

After Notes

Raffle ticket drawn was Milt's, but he didn't pick the right marble.  Bring your money next week, the pot is growing (over $430 next week, and a small amount of marbles left).

May 7th Meeting

Section 1 was the winner, Al Schuster won the grand prize, sold 300 more tickets more than last year, please bring back unsold tickets, bee...