Tuesday, June 27, 2017

June 27 Meeting

Important dates

July 4 - no meeting due to national holiday
July 4 - parking cars for fundraiser
July 10 - Board meeting, 7:00 am, Wild Huckleberry
Aug. 1 - no meeting - we'll be having an area club meeting and social Aug. 3
Aug. 3 - area meeting with 6 clubs, 12:00 pm, Red Lion for the District Governor's visit
Aug. 3 - area family social with 6 clubs, 6:00 pm, Sunrise Circle to meet DG Bill Jenkin
Sept. 16 - Annual club BBQ at Utigard Orchard


John McDarment has volunteered to take on the secretary role for our club.  Thanks John.

Lucas is leaving Sunday, so give him a call or take home to coffee before he leaves (he's staying with Erin).  He has been an outstanding ambassador for France, and a great addition to our club this year. Now we prepare for Elza Domene, our new youth exchange student from Brazil.  Thanks to Bryan, Earl, and Joel for hosting this coming year.

Joan Wright is moving to the Tri-Cities this week.  We will miss her.  The club has bestowed the title and position of "Honorary Member" to our club.  Joan has been with the club nearly 30 years, and spearheaded the Challenge Scholar program for all those years.

Wayne gave an update on the new standard club constitution and bylaws, which our club has adopted with some changes.  Our Board approved them, and the club voted to accept them at today's meeting.

Brags & Confessions

Earl's daughter got married this past weekend.  He donated what was left of the wedding budget to the club ($21).
Mike & Leslie are back from a camping trip to Spirit Lake, ID.  Mike also went motorcycling to Montana.
Jill's' grandson is here and she put him to work in the orchard (fun vacation).
Jim A went to speak at the Westbank RC 40th anniversary in Kelowna.  His dad chartered the club when he was DG.  Unfortunately, the club is folding after 40 years of service to the West Kelowna community.

July Birthdays - Mansour Ravassipour, David Barshes, Robin DeRock

July Anniversaries - Alice Thompson (Mitch), Patty Rush (Heath), Joel McDonald (Brett), Jason Underwood (Kelly)


Erin ran her first meeting, and laid out some of her thoughts for the year.  She also gave a rundown on the committees, listing the chairs, and asking for sign-ups.  If you missed the meeting, please sign up for a committee or two.  This is where the real work of our club gets done.

                        Keep scrolling for pictures of the Presidential Changeover Dinner

Monday, June 26, 2017

Presidential Changeover Dinner

We all had a great night of fun, fellowship, and Olive Garden food last Wednesday at Ridgeline Graphics.  We roasted President Jim, and welcomed Erin McCool, who will take over July 1.  Jim thanked his Board, and Erin introduced her Board for next year.  Lucas was present, and we got to visit with him before he leaves July 2.  Jim presented Kathleen McNalty with the "Marky" Award, named after former member Mark Anderson, and given for outstanding service.  Joan Wright was also thanked for her service to our club, and especially our challenge scholars over the past 25 years. Joan is moving to the Tri-Cities at the end of June.  We will miss her.  The raffle tickets led to four members winning $100 each.  The lucky winners were Leslie, Erin, Ted, and Wayne.

Bryan and Wayne lead the roast.

Kathleen receiving the Marky Award.

Goodbye and thanks to Joan Wright.

Jim's new "Make Sunrise Rotary Great Again" hat.

Passing the gavel.

Erin's Board for 2017-18.

Goodbye to Lucas.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

June 13th Meeting

Hey everyone,
Sorry for the delay in getting the blog out!

There was no meeting yesterday because tonight is Change Over Dinner!  Ridgeline Graphics tonight, 6:00!

We have a couple openings in the club:

  • Club Secretary (Maggie- thanks for all your hard work!)
  • Challenge Scholarship Mentors/Manager
Be sure and read the constitution and bylaws that was sent via email!  We will be voting on it soon.

We need people for the July 4th and 5th Fundraiser.  On July 4th, we need people to help park cars.  On July 5th, we need people to help do some park clean-up.  Contact Earl for details and to sign up.

June 26th:  Bike Ride Debrief.  7:15.  2004 Lower Monitor Road, look for Bike Ride signs.  

Brags and Confessions:

Leslie missed the last meeting.
Jim and Carol celebrated an anniversary.
Earl is getting ready for a wedding.
Jerry welcomed a new Great Grand Daughter.  Prayers for Kathy regarding her breast cancer.
Erin took a class at the Rock Gym and enjoyed it even though she doesn't recover as fast as she used to.
PJ's nephew got married.


Lisa Parks spoke about Wenatchi Landing, a new proposed development in Douglas County.  It sounds like a really great idea.  More information can be found at portofdouglas.org.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

June 6th Meeting

Hey everyone- this blog has a little something different.  We are going to do a small survey about our meeting space/breakfast situation so please read the options and reply to Annie with your input.

A bit of information first:   Several people have been looking for alternate meeting places and it can be difficult to meet all our needs:  Good breakfast at a decent price, good area for meeting, open in morning, etc, etc.  We could open our options up quite a bit with a few adjustments.  Read the following questions and let us know your answers!

1) Is breakfast a necessary part of the meeting?  (If we don't need breakfast we have more options of locations).  Dropping breakfast would NOT include dropping coffee.  We would still serve water/coffee.

2) Is a Coffee Only meeting acceptable to you?  (This is basically the same as the first question but focusing just on coffee)

3) Would you be willing to pay a nominal fee, added to your dues, to cover the room/coffee charge?  This fee would be around $2.00-$4.00 a meeting.

Our contract with Red Lion is over at the end of June and it would be nice to determine a new location before then if possible.  Please answer the above questions and give any other input you might have.

Now...to the meeting notes:


The next Rotary Social in June 14th at 5:30 at Kathleen's house:  2440 Mountain View Drive.
If your last name ends in A-N, bring a side dish.
If you last name ends in O-Z, bring a dessert.

Lorraine Church made a $92.00 donation to the club on behalf of Bob Church who would be 92 this month.

John is working on a new roster- if you have corrections to your information, please let him know!

Next week's meeting is at Town Toyota Center.  It is in the Crunch Pak Room which is the west corner parking lot.  If you want breakfast, it is $15.00 and you need to reply to Jim's email so they have a head count.

The next board meeting is June 12th at Wild Hucklebettey at 7:00 a.m.

Brags and Confessions:

Robin didn't make it to the bike ride but fined herself heartily for the mistake.

PJ lost is phone at the bike ride but it was recovered by a Country Boys BBQ employee!

Annie has a new nephew and spent a week with her 3 year-old niece which helped remind her she isn't a fan of toddlers.

We need a few volunteers for the 4th of July Parking Lot.  All the money made for the parking goes to the club and it won't take long- everyone will be done in plenty of time to get home for their own Fourth of July celebration.


Today we heard from the students that attended RYLA:  Rotary Youth Leadership Awards.  

The students had a great time at the conference and really appreciated being able to attend.

May 7th Meeting

Section 1 was the winner, Al Schuster won the grand prize, sold 300 more tickets more than last year, please bring back unsold tickets, bee...