Thursday, February 24, 2022

February 22 Meeting Notes


Welcome guest Marcy Treat, who will no longer be a guest after today.  She, along with Steve Cope and Allie Schank, will be inducted next Tuesday as our three newest members.

We are looking for members to host a few Rotarians (and some spouses) for dinner on Friday, May 13.  This is the traditional home hosting for the district conference that weekend in Wenatchee.  This is a great fellowship event where you can meet Rotarians from around the district in a casual, smaller setting.  Let Jim or Kathleen know if you would like host.  

March 19th is the district spring training.  This will be a free zoom event in the morning, and will feature interactive training on topics like membership, public relations, Rotary 101 for newer members, The Rotary Foundation, fundraising, service projects, and more.  The registration will be on the district website soon (, and should be coming again in an email to everyone.

We will be selling Road Apple Roulette Raffle tickets at the coming KPQ Home & Garden Show March 11-13.  You all should have received an email from Kathleen showing the times, and the empty slots.  Please consider filling in for a shift.  It is an easy way to talk to people about Rotary while seeking donations (raffle sales).  We all need to be selling tickets.  This fundraiser will help supplement out Bike Ride, and support our Challenge Scholar Program, as well as other activities of the club.  If you don't want to take a bunch of tickets to sell on your own, at least try to take a shift or two at the Home Show.  Current tickets sold are at 17% of our 5000 ticket goal.

Century Bike Ride committee met Tuesday night and set the ride for September 17.  They had fun doing it, and want you all to know you can come to any of the committee meetings.

Brags & Confessions

Alan paid just because it was 2/22/22.  He could have paid more if he had waited until 2:22 in the afternoon, but no one would have been there to see him.

Jackie was excited to see the beautiful sunrise this morning.

Robin brought her dog, Chloe, in her new dog sling.  She also announced that mom is at home in Fieldstone, and that everyone had a good time at the Wild hockey game.

Amber announced the Blueberry Hills pies are being sold to raise funds for the Humane Society.  Let her know if you want one (or more).

Rebecca confessed that she left with her Rotary badge last week, and then left it at home today.

Wayne had no Rotary pin on today.  He also went to Kennewick for 4 days and met with a former Boeing co-worker.

Rani had fun teaching ski lessons to kids last weekend.


Rebecca introduced Jennifer Talbot, Executive Director at the Wenatchee Valley Dispute and Resolution Center (WVDRC).  She talked about the mission of the center, "Changing relations through peaceful resolution".  The WVDRC is one of 21 centers in the state, and is an alternative to using the judicial courts.  

The WVDRC deals with different types of mediation, including small claims (business, neighbors, civil, landlord/tenant, etc).  They do mediation training (basic and family), and community education and outreach.  Jennifer discussed the methods around how they do mediation, and why people use mediation (low cost, efficient, a more peaceful alternative to resolving conflicts, personal empowerment, etc).  People receiving mediation pay a $25 intake fee, and $155 for 3 hours of mediation, but a sliding scale based on income level is used.

The WVDRC uses volunteers who go through 40 hours of training and take an exam, and can do an additional 20 hours of family training with a practicum.  If you are interested in being a trained volunteer, the next trainings are March 25-26 and April 2-3.  Cost is $540.  For more information, check out their website at

After Notes

Wayne's raffle ticket was drawn, but not the wining marble.  Pot should be over $130 next week.

Next week's programs are a classification talk by newest member Amber Halberg, and the Road Apple Roulette Raffle fundraiser.

Set-up - Wayne and Milt
Clean-up - Carol and Milt
Invocation - Ruth

March 8th program is Private Investigator Kollin Harmon 


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

February 15the Meeting Notes


Welcome guests Steve Cope, Marcy Treat, and Allie Schank, all who have been approved for membership! 😄 We look forward to inducting them at our March 1 meeting.

Women in Rotary will have another informal meeting March 15 at 5:00 at the Marriot Residence Inn.  This is a fellowship time open to all women.  Bring a guest.

Valentine's gift bags were distributed to 13 adults and 10 children at the Grace House.  Gift bags were made up by our members, brought to Pybus Market on Friday night, and delivered that weekend by Jackie and Kathleen.  Thanks to all of you who bought items and put the gift bags together. Six bags were brought by two of our soon-to-be members (Marcy and Allie), and a "friend of Rotary".  A small fellowship event took place at Jones Winery while we were waiting for people to bring the gift bags.

Our club got some good exposure at the Home Show last weekend.  Road Apple Roulette tickets

were sold, we got a few names of people interested in Rotary, and maybe a new sponsor or two for our RoadApple Roulette.  Thanks to Kathleen, Rebecca, Earl, Kaity, Wayne, Ruth, and Kelly & Alan for manning the booth.  If you feel bad you missed out, we will probably be doing the same thing for the Home & Garden Show that is coming later.  

Wenatchee Wild Hockey fellowship event this Friday for 12 lucky people.  Robin has a suite at TTC, and there may be a couple free tickets left (call Robin).

We are having a District Conference in Wenatchee on May 12-15.  This will be a great opportunity to fellowship with Rotarians from clubs around the district, hear some great RI speakers, and support DG Richard DeRock and Robin.  There will be some fun events, including the popular Friday night home hosting.  We are looking for members of our club to host 5-10 people for dinner.  You can even team up with other members to do this.  Jim & Carol, Robin, or Wayne can answer any questions about this.  Let Jim know if you are interested in hosting.

Rotary Spring Training will be held virtually on March 19th from 9-12:00.  This free online training will cover several topics and sharing of success stories from other clubs.  You should have all received an announcement and a link, but we will post one later.

With sadness, we received a resignation from PJ Jones.  PJ has been a member for many years, and has contributed to the club in many ways, especially through his community service and dedicated work on the bike ride each year.  He will stay connected, and plans to help out om the bike ride again this fall.

It is also with sadness we announce the passing of Aaron Rosenthal, husband of past member and club secretary, Joanne Rosenthal.  Aaron participated in many club socials and projects.  We will miss him.

Brags and Confessions

Chris confessed that he couldn't help with the Grace House,  Home Show, and Board meeting because he was taking some well-deserved time off in Santa Rosa.

Alan matched the amount of tickets he sold at the Home Show.

Jackie spent time in Las Vegas as a bridesmaid, and at a wedding in Seattle.

Robin's mom is now settled in memory care; she ordered a dog sling to carry her dog in, and hit all the lights green on the way to Rotary this morning.

Jim & Carol's two oldest grandsons are competing in the State 4-A wrestling tournament this weekend at the Tacoma Dome.

Milt gave us some great philosophical advice: learn the rules properly, so you can break them properly.


Bonnie Orr, Master Gardner, has spent 22 years as the "Dirt Diva" on the radio.  She gave us advice on how to have a good landscaped yard, even in our climate of change and extremes.  5 tips:

lawn care is not competitive
don't blame the irrigation water for the weeds
don't try to beat the season
don't plant wrong trees and shrubs not suited for our area
little is good. more is better

Other tips included thatch every 2-3 years; water deeply twice a week; wait to plant until the soil is 70 degrees; don't plant trees in the middle of the yard; chemicals can cause damage to soil and ground water; and put mulch on top of soil to prevent water evaporation, stabilize soil temperatures, and prevent weeds.

After Notes

Robin's raffle ticket was drawn, but wrong marble.  Pot is now over $110, and marbles are getting fewer.

Nest week's program is Jennifer Talbot front the Dispute and Resolution Center.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

February 8 Meeting Notes


Welcomed visitors Steve Cope (Arctic Refrigeration), Marcy Treat (CVCH New Path), and Allie Schank (Apple Sox).

Sign ups for the Feb. 18th Wild Hockey.  8 free tickets left for this "suite" adventure.  Contact Robin or Rebecca if you would like to join in the fun.

Earl reported on the Road Apple Roulette ticket sales. Tickets will be sold at this weekend's Homeshow.  We will have a Sunrise Rotary booth to man from 2:00 - 7:00 Thursday, 9:00 - 7:00 Friday, and 9:00 - 5:00 Saturday.  Earl, Katie, and Rebecca have signed up for Saturday, but we need people for 2-hour blocks on Thursday and Friday.  This's our chance to sell lots of tickets, and promote our club's activities.

We will be providing Grace House Valentine's gift bags for the women and kids there.  Please bring your gift bags full of goodies to Jones Winery at Pybus between 4:00 and 5:00 this Friday, or call Kathleen and she will pick it up at your house.

Board meeting Monday at 7:00am via Zoom.  Anyone welcome.

Wayne announced that the RI Convention this summer will be in Houston, Texas (in person).  Wayne has volunteered to be the chair of the RI Convention promotion for our district.

Leavenworth Rotary Club is having an online auction we can support.  You can register and place your bids at this link from Feb. 5 - 28. There are some great items.

Invoices for the last quarter will be sent out soon.  Christmas dinner and our $50 Rotary Foundation contribution will be on the invoices.

The first meeting of the Century Bike Ride Committee will be Tuesday, Feb. 22 at the Hilton Garden Inn.  Everyone is invited to attend.  Lets make this 35th annual bike ride a special one.

We received a thank you letter from the Women's Resource Center for our donations/gifts to each of the residents at Christmas time.  We even got Santa there to present the gifts.

Kathleen presented the January Rotarian of the Month to Jim Adamson. She said Jim has stepped in whenever needed, like taking over the Blog while Chris has had to step away for awhile.

Brags & Confessions

Amber went Nordic skiing for the first time, and will next try snowboarding.  Some of us witnessed her graceful fall on one of her down hill runs.

Ruth had one of her music students take first alternate in the solo and ensemble contest.

John's daughter got back to school after 2 and a half weeks of quarantines. 

Robin's mom will be moving into memory care today.


Rebecca introduced J Woody Block, Executive Director of the Numerica Performing Arts Center (PAC).  Woody gave us his background which started in his hometown of Parker, AZ, where he played football and wrestled until he blew out both shoulders. He turned to theater and arts, moved to Peru and taught grades 3-high school, and directed shows there.  Then back to Northern Arizona University, where he met his wife.  From there they moved to Lynnwood, and he worked at Buffalo Wings and completed a masters degree at Seattle University.  He became a tour manager for a reparatory theater, then a project manager for a construction company that did work for Google, Amazon, Swedish Hospital, etc.).  They decided to take a leap of faith 5 months ago, and move to Wenatchee, where he had never even been before, to take the PAC position.  His wife works at Confluence Health.

Woody, the other 3 paid staff, and some volunteers have worked hard to get the PAC going again after almost two years of COVID shutdowns.  There have been 8500 people come attend events over the last 5 months.  They are bringing in some top names in comedy, music, and theater this year, along with being the venue for Apple Blossom events, Fabulous Feet Dance Studio performances, the Wenatchee Symphony, and Stage Kids.  The PAC provides a big impact for the community's economy and marketing by attracting visitors from around the northwest.

You can check out the PAC at

After Notes

Dave won the raffle ticket draw, but not the important marble draw, so the pot will be over $100 next week. 😖

Program for next week is Bonnie Orr from Master Gardeners

Do you know the RI theme this year?  "Serve to Change Lives".  Let's go out and do that this year.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Special Blog Posting - Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club's ROAD APPLE ROULETTE!

What could be better than the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival “Grand Parade” this year?! How about a chance to win $10,000 at the parade? What’s a parade without horses and their “droppings”?!

As those high-stepping horses in the parade leave their “road apples”, you could win some serious money! Welcome to Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary “Road Apple Roulette”You can be the winner of the $10,000 Grand Prize by purchasing a raffle ticket in the section of your choice. 

Part of the parade route will be divided into 5 sections. Raffle tickets can be bought for any, or all, of the sections for your guess as to which section gets the first “road apple deposit”.


Both the horse group and the parade route sections are randomly selected. When a horse, from the selected group of horses, makes the first “deposit of road apples” in a section, that section is declared the Grand Prize-eligible section. Every ticket sold for that section will be entered into a drawing for a single prize of $10,000. Big Buck$!


Secondary drawings will take place for each of the other four sections. One raffle ticket will be drawn from each of remaining four sections, and each ticketholder drawn will win $500.

Must be 18 years old to participate. IRS Taxes will be withheld from winnings. Need not be present to win. All prizes paid in US Dollars! If no horse droppings land in any of the five sections, we will randomly draw a number between 1 and 5. That number will determine the Grand Prize-eligible section.


Contact any Wenatchee Sunrise Rotarian to buy tickets for $5 each or see us at our Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club booth at the Wenatchee Home Show on Thurs-Sat., Feb 10-12. Raffle tickets can also be purchased at the Apple Blossom Festival Office located at 2 South Chelan Ave., in Wenatchee.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

February 1 Meeting Notes


Our club's dessert-for-a-month auction item went for $600 at the Wenatchee Rotary Auction.  We still need a couple volunteers to make a dessert sometime next year.  Contact Kathleen or Rebecca if you can contribute  to this cause.

Former member Ted Fukuzawa's daughter, Taylor, was killed in an accident a couple weeks ago.  Her memorial service is at 10:30 Saturday at Grace City Church.

Service Project (and maybe some fellowship) - Grace House Valentine's gift bags for the women in recovery and their children will be delivered around Valentine's Day.  We need members to purchase and bring fun little gift Valentine's bags to Jones Winery in Pybus on Feb. 11 between 4:00 and 5:00.  You are free to stay and enjoy some wine and fellowship.  Kathleen sent out an email with suggestions, and numbers of adults, and ages of the kids.  Let her know which you are taking care of so we don't get duplicates.

Fellowship opportunity at 7:00 pm on Feb. 18.  Robin has 11 free tickets in a suite for the Wenatchee Wild hockey game.  Contact Robin to claim your spot and be prepared to have some fun. 

Earl Crowe
was presented a Paul Harris Fellowship by President Kathleen.  A PHF recognizes people who contribute $1000 to The Rotary Foundation (TRF).  Club points were used to add to Earl's existing contribution balance to bring him up to the $1000 mark.  This was done to thank Earl for all his hard work in club activities, especially the Road Apple Roulette fundraiser. Earl also recently became a Rotary Foundation Bequest Society member, promising $10,000 to TRF in his will/estate.  Earl, thanks for your support of our club, and TRF.

Brags & Confessions

Kelly received a promotion at Cashmere Valley Bank.  She has work there for over 20 years, and is now an Operations Manager (VP). Way to go Kelly.

Amber was appointed Vice-Chair of  the Code Enforcement Board in Wenatchee.  Congrats.

Robin supported the Wenatchee Rotary Club at their auction, including buying a Scotch tasting party for a couple thousand dollars.  Who's her friend?


Member Rani Sampson, attorney at Overcast Law, gave a program on recognizing and avoiding scams.  She gave several examples of scams, many which target those over 60 years old.  Some include the phone calls of a relative in jail, timeshare resales, debt relief, subscriptions, and other email scams.  She suggests that if you've been scammed, share your story to help others recognize the scam.  If you suspect something, talk to someone.

After Notes

Kevin's raffle ticket was drawn, but the wrong marble was picked.

Guests today were Matt Lundh, President of the Upper Kittitas Rotary. Club, and Marcy Treat, CVCH Assoc, Director of Substance Abuse)

Feb. 8 set up - Rebecca and Wayne        Clean-up - Dave

Feb. 8 program is J Woody Block, Executive Director at the Performing Arts Center


May 7th Meeting

Section 1 was the winner, Al Schuster won the grand prize, sold 300 more tickets more than last year, please bring back unsold tickets, bee...