Wednesday, April 27, 2022

April 26 Meeting Notes


Welcome guest Glenn King again to our meeting.

We are looking for a secretary to start in July.  Contact Kathleen if interested.

We can still use volunteers to be parade marshals this Saturday. Contact Alan Walker for details.

Wayne needs help manning the registration table on Friday and Saturday (May 13 & 14) for the district conference.  Several shifts are open, so contact Wayne if you can take a shift.  This is a fun way to meet other Rotarians from around the district as they check in.

I hope many of you have signed up to attend the conference May 12-15 (optional activities in that time frame).  We have scholarships for first time attendees.  This is an excellent opportunity to expand your sense of Rotary and fellowship with Rotarians from Canada and Central Washington.

June 18 will be our 2nd annual Pet Parade at Pybus.  We will also be at the entrance to greet people and help vendors. This will be fun.  We'll be signing up later, but mark your calendar.

May 4th is the Apple Blossom All Service Club Luncheon.  Steve Raible (former Seahawk player and announcer) will be the speaker.  We will have at least one table for our club.  Contact Kathleen, and pay her the $25 for the ticket.  Good lunch buffet and a chance to hang out with fellow members.

Brags and Confessions

Ronnie heard from a former WWII pilot when she was in high school, and learned from listening to the elderly.  Point is, share your stories with the youth.  They can learn from us.

Robin needs people to respond to the survey she sent out via email last week.  This will help her plan for her year as president, which starts in July.  It's your chance to give valuable input on what you think our club could do better, and give ideas for the future.

John announced that his wife Jennifer was in labor, so we hope to have some exciting news next Tuesday.

Kevin had knee surgery, and everything is looking good.

Wayne auctioned off some Rotary apparel, which Jim A. and Taro were high bidders for.


Jim introduced Brian Ross, Pre-arrangement Specialist for Jones & Jones & Betts Funeral Home.  Brain has been there for over 8 years.  Prior to that he served as a church pastor.  He discussed the value of pre-arranging things concerning your death while you are still in good health.  He talked about selecting a Power of Attorney and filling out a Cremation Authorization Form ahead of time if that is your wish. Chris brought  up the point of making sure your spouse is not just a user, but a joint credit card holder.

Here are 5 aspects that make this so important to do:

1) peace of mind for you and your loved ones
2) makes your wishes clear
3) documents necessary information
4) it's an extension of your estate planning, and helps family with immediate decisions
5) relieve emotional and financial burden for the family

Brian helps people gather information, make selections, estimate costs, and plan funding.  He provides emotional support, and helps families at their most difficult time to navigate the process.

After Notes

Carol's raffle ticket was drawn, but not the correct marble.
Jim Huffman closed the meeting with a bad joke.

Next week's program is Wenatchee Fire Chief Brian Brett.

Greeters are Kathleen, Zach, and Mansour.  Also, any of the new members should jump in to be greeters this month so we can get to know you better.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

April 19 Meeting Notes


Welcome guests Pete VanWell (Wenatchee Rotary Club), Glenn King, Blake Suzeli, Diana Sotelo, and East Wenatchee Mayor Jerrilea Crawford.

Our meeting today was led by President-elect Robin DeRock.

Quarterly invoices have gone out, so check your email (and maybe the spam folder) if you have not seen it yet.

Bike Ride - 

Alan emailed the meeting notes from yesterday to everyone.  The next meeting is Tuesday May 24, 5pm at the Hilton Garden Inn.  Thank you to Wayne and Robin for taking on additional tasks. 
 We currently need volunteers to help with: sponsors, food donations, swag bag donations, beer/wine garden vendor, music performers, route map updates/printing, poster printing, and poster distribution.   
Storage Unit work party is scheduled for Saturday June 25, 8:30am to Noon.  We will need 5-7 people to help with modifying our bike racks, sorting supplies, discarding outdated/not needed stuff, and ensuring everything is clean/repaired and ready for use.  We will meet at our Ohme Garden Storage, 501 Ohme Garden Road, Wenatchee, gate access code is 2453, Unit # D99.   More information to follow.

April 30 is the Apple Blossom Kid's Parade, and our club has always provided parade marshals along the route from 9:00 - 12:00.  Contact Alan Walker if you would like to be a volunteer for this fun activity.


Chris introducing guests Glenn & Blake

District Conference to be here May 12-15.  Pete VanWell is recruiting people to host a few visiting Rotarians for dinner Friday night.  You just need to pick them up and bring them to your home for dinner.  This is a fun way to meet and get to know Rotarians from around our district.  Fast friendships are often formed that last a lifetime.  Contact Jim, Carol, or Kathleen of you can host.

 Jim talked about the other events of the conference, which include an authentic Native American salmon dinner at the museum on Thursday night, a reenactment of Canadian David Thompson's landing near the confluence of the Wenatchee River while exploring the Columbia by canoe on Friday afternoon followed by home hosting, speakers and break-out sessions on Saturday that will provide lots of great Rotary information and ideas, a semi-formal dinner that night with dancing to a band, and a youth segment on Sunday morning.  Lots of time to network and fellowship with great people.  Register now on the district website  Price goes up after May 1.

New Member Inductions

It is a pleasure to welcome Woody Lotts, Mark Van Horne, and Kollin Harmon into our club.  These new members have attended several meetings, and will be great additions to our club.  They all bring many talents and energy that will be much appreciated.  Sponsors Rebecca, Wayne, and Kelly handed out the Rotary pins, license plate frames, and other Rotary information.




                               Woody Lotts with sponsor Rebecca

Sponsor Wayne with Mark Van Horne

Kollin Harmon with sponsor Kelly Walker

Brags and Confessions

Ruth will be performing in Handel's Messiah as part of the Wenatchee Symphony and Columbia Chorale presentation this week.

Mansour is celebrating a 52nd wedding anniversary with his wife Linda.

Rebecca is back from a work trip to Berlin, Germany, and is getting over jet lag.

Alan celebrating sip and paint, and all the art work they have in their garage already.

Guest Glen King introduced Blake Suzeli who is giving a free talk at Malaga Springs Winery on Friday at 7:00 pm.  Topic is on "Be the Hero", and how to share your own story.

Robin bragged about Jim Huffman being in attendance today.

Sip and Paint Social

We all had a great time of fellowship, food, and painting Thursday night with Leavenworth Rotarian and artist, Steve Schwind.  Here are some of the pictures form Thursday night.

Allie and boyfriend Joel

Artist Steve Schwind took us through the steps top paint this masterpiece.

Robin needed more wine.

Jim was concentrating too much.

Kelly and friend Erin enjoying the painting.


Kathleen introduced East Wenatchee Mayor Jerrilea Crawford, who talked about the strategic plan East Wenatchee has adopted.  Jerrilea was a director of the Chamber of Commerce, and city council member. She thanked our club for all the great things we are doing for the community.

The strategic plan has 6 goals:

1) managing growth - they are now annexing different areas as they are only at 45% of the urban growth boundary;

2) housing affordability - streamlining the process for contractors;

3) a vibrant community and economy - maintain festivals, define downtown area with more access;

4) outreach - talks and presentation in the community;

5) community health and safety - new school resource officer, police presence, connections with other law enforcement agencies; and

6) effective and efficient government - awareness of resources, good stewardship and communication. 

After Notes

Mark Van Horne pulled his own raffle ticket, but drew the wrong marble.  Stakes are getting higher.

Program next week is about pre-arrangement planning before you die.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

April 12 Meeting Notes

We welcomed guests Betsy McDarment, Mark Van Horne, Glen king, and Diana Sotelo.  Also the Apple Blossom Royalty and their chaperones, Kathy Campbell and Adele Haley.

The Blog editor was busy getting his computers, cameras, and zoom links working, so didn't get much of the meeting notes.  For a schedule of coming activities and events, scroll to last week's notes.

Below are photos of the Apple Blossom Royalty presenting their program. Queen Rianne Salcido, and Princesses Ainsley Shearer and Presley Nelson, did a great job talking about their Apple Blossom experiences so far, some facts about themselves, and some Apple Blossom promotion for the Festival coming April 30 - May 8. 

Princess Presley, Princess Ainsley, and Queen Rianne.
Kathleen with Betsy McDarment, presenting the children's book we will donate to the library in honor of our guests.

Next week's program will be Mayor Jerilea Crawford who will talk about the East Wenatchee strategic plan.

Kathleen had her raffle ticket drawn, but again, the money marble was not pulled from the bag.  More money next week, and less marbles.

Friday, April 8, 2022

April 5 Meeting Notes


Welcome guests Mark Van Horne (soon to be installed as a member) and Kate Taylor (our program).

Thanks to Mansour (yes, he's back), Wayne, Allie, and Carol for setting up and cleaning up today.

Rotarian of the Month - Kathleen presented the award to Wayne Massing, praising him for his consistent work setting up the room, and filling in on the Blog.  He is an all-around servant and a leader in our club. Way to go Wayne.

Joel Banken said that youth exchange is back.  Our club is sending a student out in August (Carley Sagesser), and will be getting a foreign student.  We need three host families to house the student for 3+ months, and we need all our club members to help welcome, entertain, and do things with him/her.  Contact Joel if you would like to host, or if you would like to help on the youth exchange committee.

Upcoming activities and events - here is a list of future happenings.  Lots of opportunities to get involved in social events and service projects.  One thing to add is the "Class with a Glass" social on April 21 at Ridgeline Graphics at 5:30.  Bring your own drinks and an appetizer to share.  Rotarian Steve Schwind (Leavenworth club) will be guiding us in the painting.

Also, Cashmere Rotary club is having it's annual dinner and auction at the Chelan County fairgrounds this Saturday (4/9) from 6:00-9:00.  Just show up an buy your tickets at the door ($35 each).

We need parade marshals for the Apple Blossom Kids Parade on 4/30, and people to watch the horse poop fall in the sections during the Grand Parade on May 7.  Contact Kathline to sign up.  T-shirts available to those working the parades.

Volunteers are needed for Nick's Bricks Lego giveaway on May 21.  Here are ways you can help:

Brags and Confessions

Chris is back from Las Vegas, and donated half his winnings ($0).  HE shared teh good news that his dad's business has officially been sold.

Mansour is back from Arizona, will be back and forth between here and the Portland area this summer.

Jim & Carol are back from 2 weeks in Puerto Vallarta.

Robin says 39 days until the District Conference, and they will be celebrating the end of Richard's District Governor term at the end of June.'

John's 4th child is due on April 26, so he may be out for awhile.


Carol introduced Cate Taylor, owner of The Organized Owl.  Cate's day job is a support specialist for
PUD projects.  She has worked for 501 Consultants, and as a hospitality properties manager.  She has completed the area leadership program, and was one of the past People Under 35.

Cate caters to homes and businesses to help them get organized.  She said there is a six step process she takes them through, and that you can do yourself if you want to get organized.

1 - rethink your space, set vision and goals for the space, and a budget;
2 - schedule time to do it;
3 - categorize, purge, and clean.  Move everything - toss, donate, keep piles;
4 - design your new space - measure, draw, create floor plans, etc.;
5 - shop for supplies or find what you need for your new space;
6 - place items, fine tune, and label things.

Learn more on the website or on her Facebook page. 

After Notes

Next week's program will be the Apple Blossom Royalty
.  This will be a great time to bring daughters, granddaughters, and guests.

Shari (our morning server) had her ticket drawn, but nit the right marble.  More $$, less marbles next week.

May 7th Meeting

Section 1 was the winner, Al Schuster won the grand prize, sold 300 more tickets more than last year, please bring back unsold tickets, bee...