Tuesday, January 19, 2021

January 19, 2021 Meeting Notes

 President Earl Crowe opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Ruth Dagg gave the invocation.


President Earl share Jim Huffman's health issues. Please keep Jim in your thoughts and prayers.

Alan Walker reminded the club of the Bike Ride Meeting tonight, Tues. Jan. 19th at 5:30 pm. The link for the Zoom meeting will be sent in an email by Wayne. 

PJ discussed having a club ski day, every Wednesday at 1 pm at Mission Ridge Ski and Board Area. So, tomorrow, Wed., meet at the trail sign at the base next to the ticket office at 1 pm.

Earl said our club's flatbed trailer, donated by Tom Utigard, is now licensed and ready for duty.

Wayne explained that the Life Flight air ambulance memberships are due to expire on Jan. 31, 2021. If you have said you wanted to renew, and haven't gotten your membership application and $59 check to Wayne Massing, get going!! Taro, Rebecca, and Craig, head's up!! If you need another application, contact Wayne at: wkmassing@nwi.net

Earl reminded club members to check with Craig, our Club Treasurer to see if what you are purchasing for the club can or will be reimbursed. There may may not be a budget for what you are buying. The online reimbursement form is on our club's website: http://www.wenatcheesunriserotary.org/links . The hard copy can be obtained by contacting club treasurer Craig Reese.

Brags and Confessions

Ruth sported her new yellow/green unicorn wig that has been circulating through the club since last June! Nice, Ruth!

Ruth revealed that her 95 year old Mother-In-Law fell. She lives in an independent care facility in Arizona is will probably be going to an Assisted Living facility now.

Wayne donated an extra $1 that Ruth had overpaid for the Life Flight membership renewal (with her consent).

Carol announced she's living with birthday boy, Jim, and will give the club a check for the appropriate amount for his birthday! Jim added that Carol's birthday was coming up later this month! It will be a costly month!

Earl said that he and his wife Joy both have the same birthday this month, but he's 4 years older. He gave a check for $49.

Rotary Moment

Kevin Love read from the newest issue of The Rotary Magazine about the Future of the World, related to Rotary.


Jackie and Dan Rector, our club's newest members shared their classification talk with the club today.
Dan was born in Portland, Maine, and moved to West Virginia. He attended the University of Michigan (Go Blue!) and received an electrical engineering degree. He worked for Northrup/Grumman, a defense contractor in Chicago. A brother coaxed him to visit Portland, but he liked Seattle better, and so moved there. In 2013, he met Jackie.

Jackie lived in Seattle, but graduated from Omak High School. She attended WSU (Go Cougars!) and received a degree in Communications. She moved to Seattle in 2010 and became a property manager for 3 years until she met Dan.

They were married on 8/18/18 at Lake Chelan. 2 wedding dresses and 2 tuxedos were required because they both took a lake plunge in full wedding attire before the wedding!

They both received their real estate licenses and started working for Century 21 North Homes Realty on the West side of the mountains. 

Runs/walks/hikes, shoe shoeing and visiting National Parks are high on their lists of things to do.  They recently flew to Florida for Dan's birthday to visit several parks there; one was underwater! One of their yearly goals is to complete 100 different hikes.

They were attracted to Rotary because of their previous volunteer work and community giving.  They started volunteering with Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club BEFORE they were even members! Your smiling faces and warm personalities are welcome in the Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club! Welcome!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

January 12 Meeting Notes


Possible service project was presented to the Board.  This would be a one day job of sprucing up the sign shelter and surrounding area at the north entrance to Wenatchee where the service club signs are displayed.  More details to come.

Earl had Carol present the Rotarian of the Month to Jim Adamson.  He has been involved with the blog, setting up the Tuesday meetings on zoom, and is chair of the membership committee.

District Governor changes - Due to the weird COVID year, our DG Richard DeRock may get the chance for a do-over. DGE Jordana LaPorte has agreed to step aside for next year and reapply for the 2024-25 year. This would give Richard and Robin a chance to actually visit clubs and attend an international convention (assuming things open up be next spring). This is the fun part of the DG year, and they have done all the hard work this year, without the fun. This will be discussed further at an upcoming district business meeting.

Life Flight Network has provided an opportunity for Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club to obtain air ambulance service for a discount:
• No out-of-pocket expenses for medically necessary emergent flights, if flown by Life Flight Network. The Life Flight Network works directly with your insurance company (if any) for their portion of the payment and the rest of the cost is covered by your Membership.
• Covers you, your spouse or domestic partner, and dependents you claim on your income tax return. Elderly (65+) and disabled family members living in the same household can also be covered. Coverage in Washington, Idaho, Northern Oregon and Western Montana.
• Life Flight Network Memberships are not an insurance policy but are secondary to insurance carriers.
This link can give you additional information about Life Flight Network: www.lifeflight.org . The Membership page has a short video on Life Flight Network.
Please contact Wayne Massing (wkmassing@nwi.net) , our club’s Life Flight coordinator prior to Jan. 20, 2021, if you wish to enroll in the Life Flight membership at a discount!

Brags and Confessions

Wayne attended a virtual meeting of a club in the Raade, Norway Rotary club.
Jim and Wayne attended a virtual RI meeting with 1700 Rotarians from around the world that featured RI General Secretary John Hewko, who talked about the future of Rotary.
Milt had an epoxy finish put on his garage floor by Drew Holmberg.
Chris and John McDarment both had the same thing done with Drew.
Kevin's daughter announce their new baby will be a girl, expected near the end of April.
Rebecca went snowshoeing at Echo Ridge above Lake Chelan.


Jim A introduced Paula Mota, a former YE student from Brazil, was hosted by our club in 2001.  Paula, who is now 37, started her year in January, and had to go back home after the September 11 terrorist attacks on the US.
Paula showed pictures and videos of her town, family, and career path.  She lives in a city of 2.5 million people.  She said that her exchange year was life changing for her.  Learning English, along with the experiences in Wenatchee, contributed to life decisions that have made her a successful person in business and in life.
2001 - came to Wenatchee in January, and enrolled at WHS.  Left for Brazil in September
2002 - entered physical therapy college
2006 - worked at college and taught English lessons to pay for school
2010 - taught post-graduate class at prestigious college -specialized in the esthetics and permanent cosmetics areas of PT
2014 - visited Wenatchee again - just ended 7-year relationship
2015 - got master's Degree and started permanent teaching career - met her husband
2016 - teaching at 2 universities
2018 - had her baby (Leo) 
2020 - traveled all over Brazil teaching workshops and has online classes - 
ambassador for big cosmetics line -awarded "Best Professional in Brazil", and the State Entrepreneurial Award - spoke to international congress

Follow her Instagram at profpaulamota

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Jan 5, 2020 Meeting Notes


Alan Walker, Bike Ride Committee Chair, reminded everyone that there is a Bike Ride Committee meeting on Tues., Jan. 19th at 5:30 pm. Zoom connection details forthcoming. All club members are invited to this important meeting.

Earl reminded the club of the Board of Directors' meeting on Monday, Jan. 11th at 7 am.

Earl also announced that Ron Griffith's wife Marilyn passed away on Monday, Jan. 4th. A separate email will be sent out with Ron's address if you would like to send him a sympathy card. PJ and Wayne are in contact with Ron to determine if the club can help out with any assistance. Check your email.

Rotary Moment

Wayne relayed information about a Zoom call/meeting with John Hewko, Rotary International's General Secretary and CEO about "The Future of Rotary" on Wed., Jan. 6th, 2021 at 8:30 am PST. This Zoom call is open to all Rotary members and guests, but you must register first at: Register for "Future of Rotary" .

Thought provoking topics include:
  • CoVid's impact on Rotary
  • Maneuvering the challenges while realizing the opportunities
  • Learn what's new in the 7 Rotary International focus areas.
John manages a combined budget of over $450 million and assets of more than $1 billion on behalf of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. He is a leader in managing Rotary's relationships with strategic partners and governments.

Brags and Confessions

Jill confessed to missing several meeting because she was in the hospital with a burst appendix. She was "washed out" and released on Christmas Day. Welcome back, Jill!

Chris said his sons are now back to school and that he and Holly are now "empty nesters" again!

John McD. bragged about recovering from CoVid-19 and sustaining 14 days of quarantine. Welcome back, John!

Sam said that he and his wife have recovered from having CoVid-19 and are feeling better. He now has a new job with ESD. Welcome back, Sam.

Alan bragged about his daughter being back to work after having her new baby.

Kathleen announced her birthday today! She will be sending a check to the Salisbury Fund for something "north" of 24 years! She also touted her being part of one of two Toastmasters Clubs in the valley and invited anyone interested to check them out.

Jim "Chuck Norris" Huffman bragged of getting a new toaster!

PJ bragged of being in the "early to bed" club on New Year's Eve.


PJ Jones introduced Tony Hickok, Marketing Manager at Mission Ridge Ski and Board Resort (MRSBR). He is also a member of the Wenatchee Confluence Rotary Club. Originally from Bozeman, Montana, he and his wife moved to Wenatchee when she got a job at Costco. He is also a member of the Central Mountain Bike Alliance. Tony shared with us changes that have been made at Mission Ridge, which included:

  • New chairlift for run #2 , which has a bubble-covered seat
  • Open 7 days a week from Christmas to end of February
  • Wed. thru Sat. night skiing from 4-9 pm

  • CoVid prevention precautions that include wearing of masks in the base area and on lifts, and social distancing
  • Online ordering for tickets and food, with food to be eaten outdoors
  • Childcare has been closed because of CoVid-19.

Tony showed some pictures for the web cameras on the mountain top which were breath-taking.

More information about the new lift can be seen in a YouTube video: https://youtu.be/24sQSCyZpI0
The new lift has a total length of 1 mile, and although some of the original lift towers were reused, some newer, lower ones were installed. This lessens the wind the riders experience.

Tony took questions after the presentation:

Robin Q: Were the towers on the new lift replaced?
Tony A: Yes, but there are less towers.

Robin Q: How is the expansion of MRSBR going?

Tony A: It is in the approval process.

Jim Huffman offered words of praise for MRSBR for employing locally and helping our local economy.

Jim Adamson Q: Will there ever be summer use of the chairs to get to the top for picnics?
Tony A: MRSBR has been granted a Special Use permit for the lifts which does not include transport of picnickers.

Milt Q: Did MRSBR get any overseas help with the purchase of the European lift?
Tony A: No, local expertise was used for technical and engineering support.

Rebecca Q: What percentage of the Mission Ridge skiers are from Wenatchee vs. Seattle?
Tony A: About 50% are from Wenatchee, 45% from Seattle area, and 5% from elsewhere. This has been pretty constant over the years.

Wayne showed a long-neck Pepsi Cola bottle, full of soda, from the 25th Anniversary of Mission Ridge in 1990, when he last skied there. He said he knows of only 3 bottles (his, PJ has one, and the Wenatchee Museum has one). Tony showed his 25th Anniversary bottle, but without soda, and then showed the 50th Anniversary Pepsi in a commemorative can.

Q: Will twilight snowshoe walks come back to Mission Ridge?
Tony A: They will probably return mid-January until the end of February. Sign up for tickets on-line.

President Earl thanked Tony for his enjoyable program, and presented him with a children's library book dedicated in his name, which will be donated to the Regional Libraries.

President Earl ended the meeting with a quote from Willie Nelson:
"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, you get positive results!"

The meeting ended at 8 am.

May 7th Meeting

Section 1 was the winner, Al Schuster won the grand prize, sold 300 more tickets more than last year, please bring back unsold tickets, bee...