Tuesday, January 28, 2020

January 28 Meeting Notes

The Board approved Sam Mack, Classification Accounting as a new member.  If no objection by club members within 7 days we will go ahead and make Sam an official member.


The memorial service for Greg Lyons will be March 7, 2:00 at the United Methodist Church in Wenatchee.  Memorials in Greg's name can given to the Washington Apple Educational Foundation.  The cub is contributing, but if you would like to do so individually, the address is:
   Washington Apple Education Foundation
   2900 Euclid Ave.
   Wenatchee, WA  98801
Rebecca wanted our members to know that she is so grateful for the meals, love, and support during this time.

Craig Reese is leaving for Burundi March 7 to find a Rotary club there to partner with us on a TRF grant.  He would love to have a couple members of our club travel there with him next fall to help explore this.

Wayne will be meeting anyone interested in a tour of the Future Flight Museum in Everett at the museum on March 7.  Contact him if interested.

Brags & Confessions

John Schapman's son was in a spelling bee
Jim & Carol contributed to the challenge scholarship fund for their birthdays
Erik H is going to Vegas with his wife for her birthday
Jim & Carol are going to San Antonio & Waco for Carol's birthday
Matt Eastman's wife is now on crutches (runs in the family)

Sgt. at Arms, Erik, decided to have everyone pay a "happy buck" and state something they were happy for.


Challenge Scholarship chairs, David Barshes and Craig Reese, presented information on the new policies for our scholarship program.  Over the last 25 years we have selected 58 recipients.  78% have graduated from high school.  Of those graduates 31% used the full college scholarship, and 56% used part of the scholarship funding.
David went over the mission statement, vision, and values of our program.  The main changes and key points include:

  • More involvement and interaction with high school counselors
  • More student accountability in working with our mentors
  • A $300/semester incentive for good progress, community service, and meeting with mentors
  • 8 students chosen each year as sophomores, with 2 of those being selected for the college scholarship their senior year
  • club will fund $10,000 for semester incentives each year (8 juniors, 8 seniors)
  • Community Foundation (Salisbury Fund) will fund $20,000 for post high school tuition for 2 kids for 2 years

Meeting Notes - Jan. 21, 2020

Visiting Guests

Sam Mack from Cordell, Neher and Company visited our club again!
Jim White from "Beyond the Future" project visit the club again.


Alan Walker reminded the club that the monthly Bike Ride Committee meeting would be held at his office: Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council, 620 Lewis St., Wenatchee, at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, January 21st.

Craig Reese informed the club that next week's meeting would be about our club's Challenge Scholarship Program. He said he had been busy working to our District 5060 to write a grant to fund the Sisters Connection in Burundi, Africa. There are 9 Rotary Clubs in the country of Burundi. He plans another trip there in March, 2021.

Kathleen McNalty said the club's Membership Committee would me just after the meeting today.

Carol Adamson thanked the club members who visited and/or donated food and cards to Rebecca Lyons and family after their recent loss.

Brags and Confessions

Earl Crowe bragged about having been around the sun 48 times (a recent birthday), and that his daughter Emma was on the Dean's List at Portland State for good reasons!

PJ Jones bragged about his 70+ birthday he celebrated in Dec.

Carol Adamson bragged about her husband Jim's birthday on Monday, Jan. 20th. She reminded club members if they opted to give money for their birthday (a dollar a year is the going rate!), please make a check out to the Community Foundation of NCW, and earmark it for the Salisbury Fund. We are trying to build this up again!

Sargent at Arms

PJ Jones quizzed the club on the country on the cover of several Rotary Magazines. No one was successful in identifying any of them! No fines were collected.


Jim White presented a program about "Beyond the Future", a ongoing project in Nairobi, Kenya. It was started by "Jackie", a Rotarian from Nairobi, for impoverish children in the city. Newer schools were built, sanitation facilities were installed, and more improvements are being make. Jackie is the liaison person between the Rotary Clubs and the contractors.
The school usually has about 250 students from 3rd to 8th grade. More advanced grade must be funded by a sponsor. Students receive 2 meals a day. The school was founded and partially financed by a rancher/fire fighter from Elk, Washington. The program was originally called "Taking the Slum out of the Children".
Teachers for the school live within the same community as the students. Student are taught in English, but they also speak in Swahili and their regional dialects.
Newer building have been erected at the school using ocean shipping containers. They are joined together and interior metal walls removed and rebuilt to make 2 large classrooms from 2 containers. Waste from the outhouses is to be made into sanitized charcoal and sold or traded from materials needed for the school.
Chelan Rotary Club member Lester Cooper will be making a trip to visit the school in February, 2020. Fund raising is continuing with a goal of $40,000. This money will be used to purchase building materials and supplies for the school, but can't be used to purchase land for the new school.

President Elect Earl Crowe presented Jim White a book which will be donated to the North Central Regional Library, Children's Section, in Jim White and "Jackie" name.

Pot Draw

Jim Adamson was the big $15 winner in the raffle!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Meeting Notes - January 14


Carol reported on Rebecca Lyons, who wants to thank the group for the cards, love, food, etc. during this time.  Meal sign-ups are online through the link that Carol sent out earlier.

Adele (our YE student) thanked the club and our members for the Christmas gifts. She went to Winthrop during Christmas, and is now with her second host family. She also won $3 on the wheel after Erik H gave her the winning raffle ticket.

Milt reported that Leonard Noss turned 95 on New Year's Eve.  He fell a couple weeks ago and bruised his ribs.  He is still in some pain, and will have to miss a few meetings.

The Wenatchee Rotary Club's auction is coming Saturday, January 25.  Kathleen McNalty has tickets ($65) for anyone interested.  We hope to get a table of Sunrise members to support the Wenatchee club.

John Schapman reviewed notes from the last Board meeting.  Financials were discussed and approved. We are looking for new fundraiser ideas.  If you have a great idea (or even one that is not so great), share it with any of our Board members of officers.

Next bike ride committee meeting will be Tuesday, January 21 at 5:30.  Meet at Community Action Council office at 620 Lewis Street, Wenatchee.

Assistant Governor Karl Ruether (Leavenworth) talked about a few district events coming up.
  Earl will be have training at Pre-PETS (President-Elect Training Seminar) and PETS.  The District Spring Training Experience will be in Wenatchee on Saturday, May 16. They would like each club to send at least 10 members (officers, committee chairs and Board, but everyone is welcome).  Cost is $25/person.  Our club may reimburse any of our members (?), and the district will reimburse $250 to the clubs that have 10 or more attendees.  District Conference is in Kelowna on April 23-26.

Brags and Confessions

PJ Jones hit a deer coming home from his ski trip, so his truck in in for repair.
Matt Eastman injured his shoulder and is in a sling for about a month (trying to keep up with his son?)
Robin DeRock has new Rotary business cards, and leaves with Richard (our upcoming Dist. Gov.) for the Rotary International Convention in San Diego.


Member PJ Jones talked about some of his ski experiences over the last 30 years.  He mentioned getting buried in avalanches, flying down 60 degree ice fields, and lots of very scenic places.  He showed great pictures of trips in France, Italy, and Switzerland. He is seen sporting his rescue bag in the picture.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Meeting Notes Jan. 7, 2020

Visiting Guest:

Alice Brown from the NCW Economic Development District visited the meeting and was the keynote speaker.


Club President Taro Masuda shared the news that Rebecca Lyons' husband Greg passed away in his sleep on Monday, Jan. 6th. Greg has 3 adult children living in the US, and he and Rebecca have an adopted daughter Mari. Carol Adamson said she would be getting a card to send from the whole club.

Wayne Massing told the club that 11 applications for the Life Flight Network membership had been sent to the Life Flight office in Portland. Membership cards would soon be sent to members. Other members that would like to enroll for $59/year, please contact Wayne Massing for information.

The Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club "Fundraising Committee" will meet at Pybus Public Market on Monday, Jan. 13th at 5:30 pm.

Club Treasurer Kathleen McNalty said that dues for the 2nd quarter of the Rotary year would be coming out next week. The Holiday Party billing would be on that invoice. The optional Rotary Foundation fund-matching of $50 will be on the next quarter's dues invoice.

Kathleen McNalty also announced that she would like to get a table for our club at the Wenatchee Rotary Club's Auction on Jan. 25th. Costs are $65/person. Contact Kathleen for more details.

Club Secretary John Schapman reminded the club members that he still had sponsorship packets for the Apple Century Bike Ride sponsors. See him to get some.

Alan Walker, Apple Century Bike Ride chair, reminded the club that the next Bike Ride meeting will be Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 5:30 pm at the Community Action Council at 620 Lewis Street, Wenatchee.

Jill Courtney, Senior Dinner Chair, reminded the club of the Senior Dinner planning meeting will be Friday, Jan. 10th at 7:00 am at Bob's Classic (Wenatchee). The Senior Dinner is Saturday, March 21, at the Senior Center. This is an All Hands event!

Brags and Confessions:

Earl Crowe returned the Chuck Norris Joke Book that he ended up with at the Holiday Party. He said the jokes were "R-rated" and he couldn't share them with his family! Jim Huffman perked up at the words "Chuck Norris" and said he'd donated $20 to the club to put that book in the trash.

Kathleen McNalty said she'd finally gone to the Pasadena Rose Bowl Parade on New Year's Day. She enjoyed it, but confessed to not seeing the Rotary float!

Craig Reese confessed to having his 58th birthday.

Pete Blanksma bragged about the Seahawks' game.

Roth Dagg said one of her son's, who was in the Air Force, got engaged to an Army woman. She got out of the Army to be together with him.

Taro Masuda said he had received a Christmas card from Gary and Brenda Looney in Arizona, who wished everyone a Happy New Year!

Taro also told about getting his cat back after it was gone for 5 weeks. The cat now sports a new chip in its neck!

See January birthdays and anniversaries in the right hand column.


Alice Brown from the NCW Economic Development District was the meeting's speaker. She announced the "Supernova Business Launch Competition". This competition was available to small businesses (< 500 employees, a new business or expanding, existing one) in Chelan, Douglas, Okanogan, Ferry and Colville Confederated Tribes areas. This is an 11,000 square mile area.

The competition starts in early 2020 and ends in August, 2020, with the prize being $10,000. Business plans can be loaded to a website, voted on, judged and the prize will be awarded in August. One opportunity for the business selected will be tax breaks over a 10 year period. Details on Face Book @NCWEDD, or on their website: NCWEDD

Club President Taro Masuda presented Alice with a book that will be donated to the North Central Regional Library in her name.

Closing Comments:

President Taro reminded the club member that January was Vocational Service month, and read a description of vocational service.

The pot draw was won by Wayne Massing, who donated the $4 back to the club!

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 am.

May 7th Meeting

Section 1 was the winner, Al Schuster won the grand prize, sold 300 more tickets more than last year, please bring back unsold tickets, bee...