Tuesday, November 14, 2023

November 14 Meeting Notes

The meeting today was run by President-elect Rebecca.  

Guests were former member Jordan Carrol and program speaker Erica Moshe.


Quarterly invoices are coming out so watch you email. 

Signups are happening for the Dec. 14 Christmas Social.  You can see details by scrolling down to last week's blog.  In addition, we will have music by Bill and Sharon, and Alan Walker will be baking desserts.  We will be raffling off a gift basket with lots of good stuff so bring cash or checkbook.  The proceeds will go to support the Grace House.

Brags & Confessions

Guest Jordan Carrol confessed that he has not been to Rotary for about 9 years (since he moved away from our club).

Glenn bragged that Becky let his dad ride the Veteran's float in the parade.

Alan praised Becky for her organization of the Veteran's Day activities at Pybus.

Kelly will get her bandage/cast off today.

Our club Veteran's were recognized:  Wayne, Bill, Earl, and Becky.


Erica Moshe, founder and executive director of Brave Warrior Project, talked about the project and how it all started.  The purpose is to eliminate barriers for kids with special needs, chronic illnesses, and cancer.  She started the organization so parents wouldn't have to move, or take their kids out of town for services.

It all started when their child was diagnosed with autism.  They spent two years getting a diagnosis, and had many trips to Children's Hospital in Seattle.  They were about ready to move when they decided to try to found a way to get service in this area.

The Brave Warrior Project provides the following services:

  • social activities and programs for special needs kids
  • respite care and support for parents
  • day programs for adults with disabilities
  • gas and grocery cards for trips to the Seattle hospitals
  • care and activity boxes when kids are at Children's Hospital
The organization raises funds to bring in speakers and services to the Wenatchee Valley.  The social network quickly grew.  They get money through a series of fundraisers and state grants.  They now serve people in a 4-county area, and get over 100 referrals each month.  The staff consists of 2 full-time and 7 part-time workers and lots of volunteers.  Ways you can help are listed below, along with the website and email addresses.

Wayne Steel's raffle ticket was drawn, but not the right marble.  Over $190 in the pot next week.

Next week will be Rotary Foundation 101 and a club assembly.

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May 21 Meeting notes

Meeting was opened by President Craig who introduced guests Jon Clark (Jennifer's husband) and program speaker Luke Dixon. Announcements...