Monday, May 13, 2024

May 7th Meeting

  • Section 1 was the winner, Al Schuster won the grand prize, sold 300 more tickets more than last year, please bring back unsold tickets, beer garden was great sales
  • DACDB, how to login and how to download app


Brags and confessions

  • Carol and Jim’s grandson got engaged
  • Kelly, thank you to RAR volunteers
  • Laerka got accepted to the school she wanted for the second part of high school
  • Rebecca, solved water pressure issues
  • Allan, in paper
  • Mark, 3D printing, Saturday 9-1 for anyone even adults, ask mark for details
  • Dan, took his name tag home
  • Jennifer, daughters 21st birthday

Sargeant at Arms

  • 5 bucks for everyone on tv for RAR

AMERICORPS, with community action council

  • National volunteer service
  • Benefits like education awards, professional development
  • Working in several counties 
  • AmeriCorps, 1960s, VISTA
  • Education award


  • over 200 people at conference
  • Went on a hike with Julie to horse lake
  • Wednesday went on school trip to Seattle to the aquarium

Next Tuesday is the social

Mark's ticket got pulled. He spun the wheel and got $5. 

Letter from Pearl

Hi everyone! 

In April I got to go to Greece with Rotary for ten days during the spring break. It was 10 out of our 12 inbounds here and it was the perfect sized group for a trip like that. I got to learn a lot of history (which I loved) and did a lot of sightseeing, but also tried a lot of new foods and drinks in the Greek cafes and hung out on the beaches of course. It was the perfect balance. It was really nice to be in the mountains again too. I also went to Amsterdam with my host family. It was just a day trip but it really left an impression. I thought it was such a beautiful and vibrant city. I also loved getting to see the famous Dutch tulip fields in bloom. Both were really memorable, beautiful experiences with great people. I also visited a really cool forest and the place where the Battle of Waterloo took place before I left for my big Greece trip. Since then, I've also seen some really cute villages and castles with my new host family and I went to the 72nd European Youth's Music Choir Festival/Competition. I went to the Brussels parliament and met the 'president' (-president isn't really a great translation of 'voorzitter' but there's not a better one I can think of- head or chair maybe) of the Parliament and some really well known Belgian politicians. And I've had a couple different city trips in Belgium with school which has been fun. It's been a full month and a fun one!  

The Hallerbos forrest and Waterloo Museam (with our super cool 3D glasses of course)
Parliament in Brussles!

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July 2 Meeting Notes

The meeting started with a full breakfast buffet, followed by Past-President Alan Walker welcoming members and guests, flag salute and invoc...