Wednesday, May 22, 2024

May 21 Meeting notes

Meeting was opened by President Craig who introduced guests Jon Clark (Jennifer's husband) and program speaker Luke Dixon.


Jim gave a report on Rotary Park.  The representatives from the 3 Wenatchee clubs met to discuss several items, including what the city does for maintenance versus what the clubs responsibilities are.  We are mostly involved with any capital outlay costs (signage, new plants/trees, etc).  One topic was whether to change the many tiles on the flag plaza walls to four more big signs with all the tile information on them.  The committee has decided to replace the tiles on one wall per year (about $5000 per wall).  There is currently $16,000+ in the bank.  Another consideration is to replace the broken and outdated lights in the flag plaza.  The city may be able to do this if they can get it in next year's budget. Carl French has volunteered to be one of our club representatives on the Park committee.

Jim presented Kathleen with her Paul Harris +6 pin since she wasn't at last weeks meeting.

Kathleen gave a short training on our new database mobile app, "Ignite".  Try to install that on your mobile device so can get access to our members' contact info, calendar, TRF report, and more at the touch of your screen.

Laerke is going home July 19th, and will give another talk on June 25.  There is still time to take her out to coffee, lunch, dinner, or a weekend getaway.  Our outbound student (Pearl) will be back in July from Belgium.

Brags & Confessions

Wayne M celebrated his 31st anniversary in Penticton, BC with some Rotary friends.

Mansour is back from Arizona and an injured knee.

Emma and her fiance' went to Seattle an visited the zoo, Pike Place, and other attractions.

Alan's son and his wife came to celebrate his daughter-in-law's birthday.


Alan introduced Luke Dixon of Eastside Rebuild.  This is a part of "Waste Loop" which helps turn local construction waste into sustainable resources in our area.

He described the construction waste industry - how waste is generated and where it goes.

He talked about solutions - deconstruction with recycling and reuse of materials, which can reduce landfill waste by 90-96%.

Luke described the benefits of deconstruction - environmental, affordable materials for housing, "green" jobs created, equity and education, and historic preservation.

He talked about the mission of Eastside Rebuild.  They have a facility to store salvaged material for resale, a tool library where people can rent tools for a small per year fee, and repair cafes where people can get help from volunteers to repair household items.  There are 58 volunteer who have logged over 400 hours of service.

Luke explained that we can help with financial donations, donating tools, or volunteering.

More information is available at their website:, or you can email Luke at

After meeting notes

Jim's raffle ticket was drawn, and he opted for instant gratification, spinning $15 on the wheel.  There is $203 in the marble pot.

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June 18 Meeting Notes

 The meeting was opened by President Craig Reese. "Good morning, Sunbeams!" (Mark Anderson) Returning Wenatchee Sunrise Rotarians,...