Pictured to the left is Bertha Goehner, who came today with a couple guests: son Nick, a Rotarian from Santa Monica, and Bethany, who has been living in Saudi Arabia for the past nine years. Nick gave us a glimpse of his club of 200, and Bethany is going to be our program next week.
Next bike ride meeting will be Tuesday, March 10, 5:30 at the NCW Community Action Center. We have received our club's first Facebook exposure report from Jennifer Korfiatis, our contracted Social Media Analyst. Watch for future Facebook posts that we can all share and have our friends re-post. Thanks to Alpine Air for donating at the $250 level.
The date of the Senior Dinner has been changed to Saturday, April 18 due to a conflict at the Senior Center. Mark this change on your calendar.
The date for Greg Lyons' service was incorrectly posted last week. The correct date is Saturday, March 7th. It will be at the First United Methodist Church at 2 pm.
Check out the March birthdays in the right hand column.
Joel Banken said his son Zachary had recently sent a monthly update on his time spent with his host family in India. He is taking classes for Hindi, piano and art. Here is the link to photos, videos, and letters: https://tinyurl.com/RyeZachary
Kevin Love said he and his wife Lynn had just returned from a 10 day ski trip to Canada. They logged 1,300 miles and 8 days of skiing!
Jim Hoffman welcomed Bertha Goehner back after a lengthy absence!
District 5060 Conference is being held in Kelowna, BC, on April 23-26, 2020. Register early for savings. Our club reimburses your registration fee. Click this District Conference registration link
Kathleen McNalty announced the Club Building Team Experience, May 16th, 10 am to 3 pm. Social gathering from 3 pm to 5 pm. If our club gets over 10 members to attend, the club will be refunded $200. See Kathleen to sign up.
Honolulu, Hawaii, is the site of the 2020 Rotary International Convention, June 6-10, 2020. Discounted registration rates are still available. Register at this link: Hawaii Convention register
Our Youth Exchange Student, Adele from Switzerland, was recently in California with her host family. She visited Disneyland, Universal, Hollywood, a funny wax museum, Santa Monica pier and Six Flags. She had fun celebrating her birthday!

Robin DeRock returned from PETS (President-Elect Training Seminar) in Seattle, and was happy to be home! The number of visitors to the Hospitality Suite at the Double Tree Hotel exceeded last year's numbers! A good time was had by all.
Erin McCool returned after being gone for awhile.
Bertha Goehner admitted to being gone for a "few" meetings, and paid the club treasurer a "healthy" fine!
Alan Walker, Executive Director, Chelan Douglas Community Action Council, said they had received a $125,000 grant to be used for creating a mobile food unit.
Rebecca Lyons bragged that her daughter Mari had taken First Place in the Vault competition in gymnastics. She was very proud of her!
If you see this green 86 (green 86), tell Jim or Wayne at the next meeting to receive a free raffle ticket.

The Literacy Council provides free literacy classes for anyone wanting to improve their English skills in reading, writing and speaking. Students attending have many different backgrounds and literacy needs. Some speak their native language, but can't read, write or speak in English. The Literacy Council provides Life Skills English training. Tutors are trained in an 8 hour class regarding how to assess students' needs, make a lesson plan, and teach them English. The minimum time that a tutor has to teach each week is 1-1/2 hours. The tutors can develop specialized lesson plans, such as how to understand real estate terms in English if they are buying a home.
The literacy program is funded through government and community organization grants, church and local fruit industry funding. Volunteer tutors are always needed. Contact the Literacy Council if you are interested in tutoring. Chelan-Douglas CAC/Literacy Council. 509-682-6966.
Raffle Winner
Robin DeRock won $4 in the raffle and donated it back to the club!
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