Next bike ride meeting will be Tuesday, March 10, 5:30 at the NCW Community Action Center. We have hired Jennifer Korfiatis to help with PR and social media. Watch for future Facebook posts that we can all share and have our friends re-post. Thanks to NC Bank and Alpine Air for each sponsoring at the $250 level.The date of the Senior Dinner has been changed to Saturday, April 18 due to a conflict at the Senior Center. Mark this change on your calendar.
Craig Reese announced that there are two Rotary clubs in Burundi that may be willing to partner with us in a Rotary Foundation global grant to help out the people there. He is also inviting anyone who wants to go on the trip to Burundi later this year, or early in 2021.
-District 5060 Conference is being held in Kelowna, BC, on April 23-26, 2020. Register early for savings. Our club reimburses your registration fee. Click this District Conference registration link
-Kathleen McNalty announced the Club Building Team Experience, May 16th, 10 am to 3 pm. Social gathering from 3 pm to 5 pm. If our club gets over 10 members to attend, the club will be refunded $200. See Kathleen to sign up.
-Honolulu, Hawaii, is the site of the 2020 Rotary International Convention, June 6-10, 2020. Discounted registration rates are still available. Register at this link: Hawaii Convention register
Brags & Confessions
- Earl Crowe is back from President-elect Training Seminar in Seattle. He learned a lot from the facilitators and other PEs (Pres-elects). Over 700 PEs, District Governors, Trainers, and RI leaders were present.
- Adele is celebrating her 17th birthday in Southern California with her host family. Disneyland here she comes.
- Chris McDarment is back from a trip to Santa Rosa.
- If you see this color (blue), tell Jim or Wayne at the next meeting to receive a free raffle ticket.
- John McDarment joined Rotary 40 years ago.
- Ruth Dagg & husband took the train to Seattle and toured several places.
- Alan Walker is back from Puerto Villarta - and he is expecting another grandchild.
- Erik Holmberg is back from a dental training in California.
Jim Kuntz from the Regional Port Authority discussed the consolidation of the Chelan and Douglas County Port Districts. The change occurred on January 1, 2020. There are 6 commissioners, 3 from each county. There was a $500,000 savings by consolidating. The Port Authority has a projected $14.4 M revenue to match the anticipated expenses. The Port District is the largest in the state, and serves 13 municipalities. The offices have moved to the former Executive Flight building.

Jim also talked about the Lineage property purchase. This includes the land and buildings between Kittitas and Palouse, and Columbia and Worthen. 100,701 square feet of usable space will be available, and most everything will eventually be sold to the private sector.
The third topic was Pangborn Airport. They had a record year for passenger boardings (up 73% over last year). They also have added 3-4 flights per day during the busy season. One goal is to get direct flights to the San Francisco area. They are also looking at getting an airlines to come in that would provide Wenatchee with less than daily service (ie. Allegiant). Jim discussed the challenges and problems with adding more flights and new airlines to the services.
Raffle Winner
Club President Taro Masuda watches as Pete Blanksma wins $15 this week!
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