Tuesday, March 31, 2020

March 31 - Video Meeting Notes

Our club's second video meeting was a success with 16 club members and guests participating. We changed it up a bit to start at our usual meeting time of 7:00 am.

After our exchange of greetings, we said the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Adele, our Swiss Youth Exchange Student, gave us an update on her family and how they were coping with the CoVid-19 situation. All of them are well, and are taking precautions to stay that way! Several of her Youth Exchange friends have returned home to be with their families while others remain here. Adele said she had been keeping busy with online school work, and hiking around the Wenatchee Valley. Long hikes!

It was reported that Joel Banken's son Zackary had returned from India after the U.S. Government issued a Level 4 recall of all Americans abroad.

Carol Adamson said her granddaughter in Ecuador was in lock-down there and taking college classes online.

Milt Herman reported that Len Noss was doing okay after taking a fall and having a brief hospital stay. He had a home phone where he can be reached. Give him a call and cheer him up!

See our April birthdays and anniversaries in the right hand column (web view).  Wayne donated his age to the Community Foundation (our scholarship fund).

Video call moderator Jim Adamson said the Professional Version of ZOOM, our video call provider, was set up by Kathleen McNalty.  Call Kathleen or Jim if you need to host a Zoom call with our account.

Chris McDarment bragged that his son Brayden graduated from the UW and is already working at an insurance company in Seattle, remotely from home.

The club agreed collectively to have a video induction of our newest member Kelly Walker during our Zoom meeting on Tuesday, April 14th, at 7 am. Be there!

Kathleen McNalty reminded the club that invoices for club dues are coming out in the next few weeks. They will include the optional payment of $50 to The Rotary Foundation.

John Schapman said he had spoken with Alan Walker, Bike Ride Chairman, about the future of the Apple Century Bike Ride this year. Within the video meeting, there were many comments about past Rides that were delayed into the Fall. It was determined that more discussion was needed and the Board of Directors would take this up during the April meeting.

Craig Reese recently returned from Burundi, Africa, after his stay there was cut short by the CoVid-19 pandemic. He arrived in early March, intending to stay until March 21st. When he saw the large groups of European travels leaving Africa, he make arrangements to leave Burundi on a Wednesday on Ethiopian Airlines to return home. That Friday, Burundi closed its borders to foreigners going in or out. He's in his second week of self quarantine at home.

Jim Huffman said that Alaska Airlines was negotiating with the Port District to use space at Pangborn Airport to store some of their 737s from Sea-Tac airport. So don't be surprised to see 737s coming in to EAT (Wenatchee Pangborn).

Chris McDarment was asked about his father, John, and he said he was doing well. He should have been at the "meeting".

The Apple Blossom Royalty scheduled for next week will be postponed to summer so they can attend in person. Katie Blair, who is now fighting through having the CoVid-19 will be our program next week.  Kaitie was a Rotary exchange student from Wenatchee a few years ago, and now lives in New York.  Jim also said that Bethany Alhaidari, our speaker at the March 10th meeting, is a potential member. We will get her application sent to the board.

The ZOOM meeting ended at about 8 am.

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May 7th Meeting

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