Start of Meeting
Club President Taro Masuda opened the meeting at 7 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and a Rotary Moment.
Rotary Guests
We had no Rotary guests.
We had no Rotary guests.
Non-Rotarian Guests
Sam Mack (proposed new member)
Kelly Walker (wife of Alan)
Adele, our Youth Exchange Student
Dan Kelly, US Census, Recruiter Assistant
Ruth Dagg asked for volunteers to staff the Habitat for Humanity booth at the Home Show, Feb. 9, from 10am to 4 pm. Contact Ruth Dagg (860-377-9800) for more information or to sign up.
Alan Walker changed the Bike Ride Committee meeting to Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 5:30 pm at the Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council, 620 Lewis St., Wenatchee. He distributed Bike Ride flyers for member to display at work or around town.
David Barshes tagged on the Bike Ride theme and told the club about the Sponsorship forms for the Bike Ride. Everyone at each table in the meeting should list potential sponsors for the Bike Ride.
Milt Herman tagged on David's theme and suggested we get Don Sangster, former club member, to donate the use of 5 pickup trucks from his dealership for SAG wagons at our Bike Ride.
Brags and Confessions
Adele bragged about skiing with friends at Mission Ridge. She is going to Los Angeles on February 28th, and would like to get a ride for her and 3 friends, from Wenatchee to SeaTac airport. Anyone who is going over there and can give the foursome a ride, contact Taro Masuda.
Chris McDarment bragged about his wife Jan's birthday party. He also bragged about his son Brian's involvement at Central Washington University in Ellensburg.
Wayne Massing bragged about going to the Deep Water Casino in Manson with Tom and Shari Utigard. He won enough money to pay for this brag and a cup of coffee. He also bragged about Karen's daughter's return from a Thailand trip. During a long layover in Japan, she decided to visit the largest aquarium in Japan, then return to the airport. When her boarding pass would now allow her access to the departure area at the airport, she learned she was at the WRONG airport. A hurried, $200 taxi ride fixed the problem!
John Schapman bragged about a big school event for his children.
John McDarment bragged about getting his brain scanned, and they found a brain! Also, he bragged that his grandson Brian has his own radio show in Ellensburg.
Alan Walker bragged about having his granddaughter at home.
Jim Huffman bragged about having his septic tank pumped!
Happy Bucks
The Sargeant at Arms started collecting dollars from club members who had a HAPPY moment to share!
-Ruth Dagg was happy about getting a new house mortgage free!
-Ruth Dagg was happy about getting a new house mortgage free!
-Kevin Love will be happy to see the Port-A-Potty leave his front driveway after his faulty sewer line is repaired!
-David Barshes was happy that he and his family have been healthy all winter!
-Dave Freimuth was happy that the weather was warm enough for the Country Club to open so he could golf.
-Earl Crowe and Milt Herman were happy that they didn't have to golf!
-Erik Holmberg was happy to have taken his wife Kristen to Los Vegas for her birthday. He didn't do any gambling, but did attend a George Strait concert.
-Taro Masuda, Club President, was happy to have NOT made a trip from Wenatchee to Spokane at night to get a lost Speed Suit to his son who was ski racing at Mt. Spokane. His son did okay with just his regular ski outfit!
-Kathleen McNalty was happy to have enjoyed the great weather of Phoenix, Arizona.
Dan Kelly, a U.S. Census Recruiter Assistant, was our club's speaker today. He defined a census as collecting and publishing the data about the U.S. people and the economy into a "uniform demographic". It has occurred every 10 years, since the first one was established in 1790. Then, it was to determine the population size to fund the Revolutionary War.

Spokane and Seattle are the main census offices with 39 field offices scattered around the state. The Spokane office has a need for 11,888 collection helpers, but only has 8,344 helpers currently. Chelan County has 2 Recruiter Assistants, like Dan, and has a need for 588 census helpers. There are currently only 406 helpers in Chelan County. Douglas County needs 222 helpers, but has only 170.
The collection of census data starts April 1st of collection years and continues into the year until all data has been collected; usually ending in late July. Census forms are usually mailed or emailed to the collection areas.
The current census asks the following questions:: How many people live in this dwelling on April 1, 2020? Are there any additional residents? Do you own or rent your dwelling? What is each person's name, sex, birth date, race and nationality? More questions are being compiled until the census actually starts April 1st, 2020. All data is collected and compiled by the end of that census year.

Rotary Wheel
Dave Freimuth won the raffle and the right to spin the wheel. He won $6 for his efforts.
End of Meeting
Club President Taro Masuda adjourned the meeting at 8 a.m.
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