Kathleen McNalty, President-Elect, started the meeting at 8:00 am with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Ruth Dagg lead the club with the Invocation.
Kathleen announced to the club that a club hybrid meeting will take place at Pybus at 7:00 am on Tuesday, March 9, 2021. Club members who wished to meet in person at Pybus (social distanced and wearing masks) were welcome to attend at the Pybus "Local Tel Event Center". Others who wished to attend the meeting via Zoom will be given the Zoom meeting number before the Tues. meeting. No coffee or food can be served, but you are welcome to bring your own food and coffee. Multiple
cameras/laptops will allow those on Zoom to see those in the Pybus meeting. The Zoom attendees will be visible to those at Pybus on the big screen at the front of the room! More on this later, but it looks like it might work very well for our meetings in the future. For this meeting, there will be no speaker! (Unfortunately, no Bluetooth service will be available for those with hearing aids.) See a separate email sent by Kathleen for more Hybrid Meeting info!
Kathleen also reminded those attending the Pybus meeting to wear your Rotary pins (remember those?) as the Sgt. at Arms will be checking for them. Wayne nodded!
Jackie Rector said she and husband Dan have a
loving female cat, Evie, to put up for adoption to a good home. Their 2 male cats are not friendly to her. Evie is healthy, 8 years old and very loving. Contact Jackie if you want to adopt her. Meow! jackielrector@gmail.com or 206-965-5045
Sgt. at Arms Wayne said he had been seeing Alan and Kelly Walker a week ago on Facebook, enjoying the warmth of Arizona. They didn't brag about it to the club, so were fined $10! They said it was worth it!!
Brags and Confessions
Ruth bragged about her mentee Eveline attending West Side Academy.
Wayne thanked Chris McDarment for composing the Blog two weeks ago, and thanked Rebecca Lyons adding a new section to the Blog called (for now) Rotary Corner! Visit the Blog to see it. (If you're reading this, you're there!)
Wayne also donated $73 to the NCW Foundation, Salisbury Fund, for his birthday on the 1th of March!
PJ was off for a skiing trip around the Western US.
John Schapman bragged about his church raising $125k, but was increased by donation matching to $250k.
Alan said that the Community Action Council had been nominated as Non-Profit of the Year! The Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce had made the nomination
Pete Blanksma introduced our speaker, Jim Beeson, Wenatchee High School Athletic Director.
Jim spoke about the CoVid-19 guidelines that they were required to follow, which left many of the high school's sporting events unattended by fans. The Wenatchee School District has recently changed the rules (following the Washington Dept. Of Health, and Governor's Guidelines) to allow the students to start using the locker rooms at the high school, but only 6 at a time. Fans would still not be able to attend the games because of the strict 200 person attendance at the Apple Bowl in Wenatchee only allows 200 attendees, which also includes both teams, staff and last, the fans.
Student athletes still get their temperatures taken when getting on the bus headed to sporting events. Despite the CoVId rules, the student athletes are still very busy. Home games can still only be attended by home fans, not visiting fans.
Some game where the sport field is inside a park, the coaches control the rules inside the fences and the park department controls the rules outside the fence.
Some middle school sports started this Tuesday. Tennis and Cross-Country being two of them. Students will have split shifts, morning and afternoon, for these trainings. About 30% of the students are in good physical shape, but about 70% are not because of the CoVid restrictions and students not getting any exercise at home.
Jim said there has been a documented increase in students' academic performance if they are involved in sports. It building leadership and working together for a common goal.
Kathleen, President-Elect, thanked Jim for his speaking to the club, and said the club will donate a children's book in his name to the NCW Libraries.
ROTARY CORNER (Contributed by Rebecca Lyons)
Just what is “The Rotary
According to Rotary
International, “The mission of the Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to
advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of
health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.”
The foundation was founded
more than 100 years ago to provide a vehicle for Rotarians to tackle problems
and make lives better throughout our communities and around the world. It
demonstrates the power of individual members to work together to achieve
major progress in the areas of preventing disease, providing clean water,
supporting education, growing local economics, saving mothers and children and
promoting peace. Since its beginning, the Foundation has spent more that
$4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects.

One of the projects enabled
Rotary members from Durango, CO to team with the Navajo Nation to bring solar
lights to remote, off-the-grid homes on the USA’s largest Native American
reservation. Not only did this enable access to things many of us take
for granted (such as light at night or refrigeration), but also helped
alleviate many of the health problems associated with reliance on kerosene for
heating, cooking and light. Read more about the project in this link: https://www.rotary.org/en/rotarians-bring-light-navajo-checkerboard
Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary asks
that members each donate $100 to the Rotary Foundation every year to help the
Foundation accomplish these and many other projects that align with the
mission. Is there a project you would like to see Foundation support for
in our community or the world?
Meeting ended at 8 am.
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