President Earl Crowe started the meeting at 8:00 am with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Carol Adamson lead the club with the Invocation.
Rotary Moment
Earl continued the Rotary Moment theme of "Women in Rotary".
Earl added to the Rotary story regarding women joining Rotary clubs as members. After the California Supreme Court refused to hear the case of women joining Rotary, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against discriminating against women and ruled that Rotary must accept women members in 1987. On May 28, 1987, the Marin Sunrise Rotary Club of Marin, California accepted the first woman in Rotary after that historic U.S. Supreme Court ruling. We are honored with the women of Rotary worldwide! Within our Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club, 30% of our members are women, some in executive positions!
Today is also World Rotary Day! Rotary is 116 years old.

President Earl presented Jackie Rector a certificate and pin proclaiming her as Rotarian of the Month, February, 2021! Although she is a relatively new member, she was instrumental in advertising, collecting and distributing the Valentine gift bags for the women and children of The Grace House in Wenatchee. Well done, Jackie!
Earl thanked Kathleen for exploring the possibility of having a hybrid meeting at Pybus. More on this later, but it looks like it might work very well for our meetings in the future.
Kathleen reminded the club of RLO (Rotary Learning Online, an off-shoot of the Rotary Learning Institute) is being conducted within District 5060 on Monday, March 9, 2021. 4:30-6:00 PM PST. Register in advance for this training:
Rotary Learning Online Registration link
Kathleen introduced Karen Gallie, the owner of Learning Well. Karen is also a former tutor at the Tutor Doctor. She is affiliated with Saddle Rock Evangelical Church, and a neighbor of club member Rani Sampson. Learning Well is project-based learning and a recent project involves Tiny Houses. This improves the math and language skills of the 4th and 5th graders in the program. They will design a
Tiny Home (400 square feet) and build a model later this coming
month. Community visits for the students, included The Lighthouse Ministry, to determine the needs of those who would live in a Tiny Home. The students use data to calculate the reduce the carbon footprint, thus reducing the impact on the environment.
In April-June of 2021, she would like to get Rotary club(s) involved. President Earl said he would bring it up to the Board of Directors at the next meeting on Mon., March 8th. Club members suggested getting the Interact Club and Eagle Scouts involved.
Brags and Confessions
Milt received a call from his former Challenge Scholarship mentee. While Milt was mentoring him, he had said he would like to be a doctor. He recently called Milt to say that he had just been accepted into the UW Medical School in Seattle!
Rebecca found the "traveling yellow/green unicorn wig" on her door knob. Doesn't that look like fun to wear that??? Who's next!
Kevin had another birthday thus celebrating his most recent trip around the sun. His age is '6 bricks and 8 stones', he says! Happy Birthday, Kevin.
Jim Huffman offered a $5 prize for the correct answer to the question: The Mars rover is equipped with a microphone to record sounds on Mars. Given the less dense atmosphere, will the sounds it records be higher or lower in frequency than those heard on Earth? Someone said it would sound like Chuck Norris, which totally threw Jim for a loop! Joel Banken said "lower pitch". Guest Karen Gallie looked it up on the internet and found they would be higher frequency. Jim will contribute to the Learning Well!
Earl and family celebrated his daughter Lucy's 13th birthday. Now, everyone in the household is officially a teenager or older!
Kathleen introduced our speaker, JC Baldwin, from the Cashmere Rotary Club. JC and husband Randyhave owned GTC Technical Support in Wenatchee for 22 years. JC has a vast work history in the communication and computer worlds, having worked for both Motorola and Microsoft.GTC Technical Support provides worldwide customer and technical support and employs 40 people, half of which are women.
JC is also on many board of directors in the area: Chelan Douglas Regional Port Authority commissioner, Washington State Public Works Board, Commercial Revenue Aviation Board (appointed by Governor Jay Inslee), and Greater Wenatchee Area Technical Alliance (GWATA) to name a few.
She has always based her decisions in life around the Rotary Four Way Test. It is still her "cornerstone".
Past President of Cashmere Rotary Club and Past Assistant Governor for Rotary District 5060 are two of her recent titles. She has been a Rotarian for about 17 years!
President Earl thanked JC for her Rotary and civic contributions to the communities in the Valley. The club will donate a children's book in her name to the local library.
Rotary Corner (A NEW entry into our BLOG)
Rotary’s Pledge: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
a global network that strives to build a world where people unite and take
action to create lasting change, Rotary values diversity and celebrates the
contributions of people of all backgrounds, regardless of their age, ethnicity,
race, color, abilities, religion, socioeconomic status, culture, sex, sexual
orientation, and gender identity.
A top priority
for Rotary is growing and diversifying our membership to make sure we reflect
the communities we serve.
As Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club President Earl summed up in a meeting recently, 30% of WSR members are women,
and women hold several leadership roles. But where can we strengthen our
outreach to others in the community so that we can reap additional
benefits of diversity?
Earl adjourned the meeting at 8 am.
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