Kathleen reported on the Pybus Take Over on Saturday. There was less of a crowd, but there were enthusiastic Wenatchee Sunrise Rotarians. The volunteers were Sam, Kathleen, Milt, Rebecca, John M., Jim & Carol Adamson, Dan & Jackie Rector (potential members), Craig, and John S. & his son Michael.
There is still a $1000 grant available for businesses for PPE. Contact Kathleen for more details.
On October 31, Halloween, there will be a Candy Drive By at Pybus Market. Parent will bring their kids by to pick up candy and drive off. If you are interested, contact Kathleen. If you attend plan to wear a costume or at least a mask.
John Schapman has contacted the Upper Valley Mend's Gleaning Coordinator and offered apples from his Uncle's orchard that haven't been picked. If you are interested in picking apples on Monday, Sept. 28th, 5-7 pm or on Tuesday, Sept. 29th, contact John Schapman. Address will be provided to those volunteering.
Committee Report - Local and International Projects
Milt and Taro reported on projects. Locally, Taro said the Goathead Warriors were seeking volunteers to help eradicate the goathead weeds in the valley. The Warriors will be going out on Saturday and Sunday in October, 3rd &4th and 10th & 11th. More info will be furnished next week.
Taro reported that Make-A-Difference Day, Oct. 24th will be spent in Rotary Park. More details later.
A free reading program was being offered by St. Paul's School. Contact John McDarment for more details.
Milt said the Moses Lake Medical Team will not be going to Nigeria this year, but plan to do so in 2021.
Brags and Confessions
Earl rescued his daughter Emma from CWU after the classes changed from in-person to video classes the day after she got on campus. She was happy to be back home in Wenatchee ready for video classes.
Kevin Love was the lucky recipient of the circulating, purple/green/yellow unicorn wig this week. He had ideas of wearing it with his ski helmet! It looks great on you, Kevin!!
Kevin (and wife Lynn) complemented Rebecca on the great dinner there with Jackie and Dan Rector and Rani Sampson. One of the Dinners for 6 during September.
Jill retired from Confluence Health after 7 years. Congratulations, Jill!
Rebecca paid a fine for Kevin's wig!!
John S. and his family picked about 100-150 pounds of apples from a local orchard.
Alan said that the Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council has applied to be awarded a $25k grant from State Farm Insurance Company's Neighborhood Assist Program. Public votes will determine the winner, so vote for your favorite (Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council) starting Wed. Sept. 23rd through Fri. Oct. 2nd at: Neighborhood Assist Vote often! The Community Action Council will use the money for a mobile food pantry. You can vote up to 10 times a day!!
John Schapman introduced Deb Miller, Executive Director of Action Health Partners. The AHP vision and mission are to educate, support and empower individuals to improve quality of life and well being by building relationships that reduce barrier to healthy communities.
Risk level assessment helps in the building of bridges to optimal health. Medicaid patients average 7-9 chronic illnesses. Helping those patients receive the correct healthcare reduces the use of hospital emergency rooms and hospital beds.
The Action Health Partners also assist in an overall health assessment every 3 years. The next one will be in 2022.
Service club volunteers can receive training to assist AHP.
Earl thanked Deb Miller and told her that the club would be donating a children's book to the North Central Libraries in her name.
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