Kathleen reported the next Pybus Farmers Market Take-Over is Saturday. Oct. 17th. Contact Kathleen if you would like to volunteer. There are still 3 two-hour shifts to fill. Wear your Rotary shirts, hats, masks, etc. We are the hosts and greeters. Let's have some fun and show off our Rotary spirit.
On October 31, Halloween, 2-4 pm, there will be a "Candy Drive" at Pybus Market. Parent will bring their kids by to pick up candy and drive off. If you are interested, contact Kathleen. If you attend plan to wear a costume or at least a mask.
John Schapman said the Monday apple gleaning event had to be cancelled, but the one for tonight, Tuesday, Sept. 29th, is still going to happen from 5-7 pm. Contact John Schapman if you would like to pick some apples to be donated to the local food bank. He will give you directions to his Uncle's orchard.
***Alan said that the Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council has applied to be awarded a $25k grant from State Farm Insurance Company's Neighborhood Assist Program. Public votes will determine the winner, so vote for your favorite (Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council) starting Wed. Sept. 23rd through Fri. Oct. 2nd at this link: Neighborhood Assist Vote often! The Community Action Council will use the money for a mobile food pantry. You can vote up to 10 times a day!!
Quarterly Club Accomplishments
President Earl reminded the club how busy we have been during these difficult times. During the first 3 months of this Rotary year, we had these activities:
- Three service projects involving 19 volunteers (including 5 family members and 2 guests) for a total of 73 service hours)
- Two socials (socially-distanced dinners) with 12 attendees
- Seven club members took advantage of District 5060 online training sessions.
Brags and Confessions
Bill and his partner Silva bragged about the dinner at District Governor Richard DeRock and wife Robin's home on Saturday. Taro & Patti also attended. Snow crab was on the menu!
Erik's son Raleigh got married to Nicole on Friday. Chris and Holly helped out with the wedding planning.
Kevin sported the purple/green/yellow unicorn wig and promised to pass it along to someone else in the club. Check your doorstep!
Robin confessed to sleeping in and missing an important Public Image Committee meeting at Pybus last Friday, then bragged about all the snow crab she served for dinner on Saturday!
Kathleen had lunch with club member Dave Freimuth, who got the golf course to donate a round of golf for our Road Apple Roulette fund raiser next year!
Wayne confessed to having sent the announcement about the blog out to all the club. He didn't set the template up correctly and sent it to each club member addressed with their first name and his last name (Massing). He paid $39, one dollar for each incorrect name! (He did get his own correct!)
Pete had two of his daughters get engaged recently. He also bragged about going elk hunting!
Taro bragged about all the snow crab at Robin's dinner that he and Patti attended!

Earl said the club will donate a book to the children's library dedicated in her name and GWATA.
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