Quarterly Club Accomplishments
Brags and Confessions

Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club
(since 1986). Join us every Tuesday at 7:00 am in our hybrid meetings.
Physically at Pybus Market Event Center or virtually using Zoom:
We are an organization made up of professional business people whose main goal is service through our friendships and our vocations. Come see what we are all about.
Pybus Take Over this Saturday, 7:30 - 1:30 (3 shifts). Wear you Rotary shirts, hats, masks, etc. We are the hosts and greeters. Let's have some fun and show off our Rotary spirit.
John S reported on the Board meeting with District Governor Richard DeRock. It was a time of sharing how and what clubs around the district are doing. Hybrid meetings are starting to take place, and goals for membership and Foundation are being pursued.
Craig Reese, our Rotary Foundation committee chair let us know that they are looking at events or activities for Foundation Month (November). The committee has goals for planned giving and obtaining grants. Bill McDowell and Rani Sampson are also on the committee.
Kathleen thanked Bill McDowell for his help researching gambling rules fr our Road Apple Roulette'
Robin is going to Southern California to visit mom and family.
Craig's son and wife are expecting - grand kid #4.
Chris and Holly were just starting to enjoy the empty nest when both sons moved back in. Brian is now headed back to CWU, and Brady is moving in with some friends, so things will be back to just the two of them soon.
Carol & Jim had a great time hosting Craig & Tracy and Earl & Kaitlyn as part of the dinner for six social. Three other host will also conduct dinners for six this month.
Jim H said the Port District distributed CARE Act checks to businesses, and presented one $10,000 check to an orchardist who lost his orchard and business in the fire.
Alan had to cancel plans for a vacation with his wife, but had a good time hunkering down here. He also bragged about the Community Action Council stepping up to help with food distributions.
Earl said his daughter, Emma, is back at CWU, so they are changing her room into an office. Kaitlyn & Ethan are moving into a rental, so their home is emptying out a bit.
Jim H gave the Rotary moment by reading the 1950's RI initiative outlining the international responsibilities of Rotarians. International is one of our 5 avenues of service.
Craig introduced Dr. Ron Rice, founder of Wheelchairs for Nigeria. Ron isa graduate of Whitworth and Princeton Theological Seminary. He spent years as a pastor, and is now involved in the fundraising for his non-profit. He dis a Rotarian and a Paul Harris Fellow.
Wheelchairs for Nigeria is a non-profit that provides hand-peddled tricycles for crippled polio survivors. Nigeria has just been declared polio-free, but there are thousands of survivors suffering from the affects. From a small start, the organization now employees 65 Nigerian (total wages $4000/mo), and have built and donated 20,000 tricycles all across Nigeria. Each bike is built from bike arts, and costs $150 to make.The organization is now adopting a school for the deaf, canes for the blind, making artificial limbs, and distribution food. Wheelchairs for Nigeria partners with Rotary clubs for support, and has received a large TRF matching grant. The annual income each year is around $260,000, all going to the Nigeria project. You can get more info, and watch more videos at their website,
President Earl presented Kathleen McNalty with the Wenatchee Sunrise Rotarian of the Month award. Kathleen has been the focal point on many of our service projects. Most notably, the Pybus Farmers Market Take-Over, and the Goathead Warrior project. Kathleen, our Club Treasurer last year, has stepped up to be our President Elect. Congratulations, Kathleen!
Speaking of Taking Over the Farmers Market, Kathleen has these words: Our Rotary Club is doing the Farmers Market “takeover” at Pybus on Saturday, September 19. The market is a non-profit organization and depends on volunteers to run smoothly each Saturday. To sign up, email Kathleen at or text 503-866-5599 to let me know what time you can help!! Shifts outlined below. Any amount of time you can donate is appreciated.
Volunteers should wear their Rotary t-shirts and bling. I will also have Rotary aprons to wear.
are some things we can do on market day—
What to bring: Comfortable shoes, sunscreen, mask, family members who want to help, smile.
Below is the start of our volunteer list. Email me at or text 503-866-5599 to let me know what time you can help!!
- Kathleen, Sam
- Carol and Jim, Rebecca
11:30-1:30 - open as of Tuesday, Sept. 8th.
Carol Adamson reminded us that the Dinner Socials will take place in September. We have 4 hosts and 16 guests who will having some dinner and fun time together. If you missed this one, we'll be repeating this event later in the year.
Rebecca and Alan were working to try and get the 2nd Harvest trucks here, but there are no trucks available during the current pandemic. Alan was working with his sources to see if we could do some gleaning like we have in the past. Pick fruit from the trees after the harvest is finished, then we turn it over to the food bank. More info is coming. If you're interested, contact Rebecca. Earl with mail any information he gets.
The Wenatchee Rotary Club announced that they were having an ice cream social for local Rotarians in the parking lot of West Side High School on Sept. 16th, 4:30 to 5:30 pm. Masks and social distancing will be observed.
The Program Committee (Jim Huffman, chair) announced that he needed club speakers' names 2-3 weeks prior to their program date.
David Barshes spoke about the need for more mentors for the Challenge Scholarship program due to our increasing our scholarship candidates from 2 to 9 juniors. Contact David if you would like to get trained to be a mentor, and undergo a background check.
Jim Huffman relayed a message from former club member Heidi Black. Her family and home are safe after the recent wild fire approached their property. They used a water truck to save their home and some friends' home as well. All acreage that was planted was lost to the fire, but no one was hurt.
Kathleen introduced our guest, Jackie Rector, a realtor from Century 21, Snohomish. Kathleen met Jackie at last month's Famers Market Take-Over, and introduced her to our Rotary Club. Welcome, Jackie.
Board meeting September 14.
Kathleen gave up $5 to brag about her going with her son Tyler and the Wenatchee Velo Club on a bike ride up Sunny Slope. She was always the last one to come up the hills, but she had fun and enjoyed the views. The ride was 44 miles!
Ruth donated $1 to brag about a trip to Alaska where she attended a 14 hour seminar. She enjoyed the moose and Denali.
David enjoyed taking his family to the cowboy town of Winthrop, and spent time walking around. $1.
Milt spoke with a young man whom Milt mentored in the past. Alex is now 22 years old and is trying to get into medical school.
Wayne Massing asked anyone in the club with a 2-3 bedroom rental to contact him. One of our previous Challenge Scholar's family is in need of a rental home.
Carol Adamson introduced Ron Berschauer, owner of Jerry's Auto, a local auto parts store. Carol has
known Ron and his wife Kathy for 30 years. Ron is originally from Ephrata, and is a WSU graduate (Go Cougars!). Ron opened the program about how a small business can survive during a crisis, like the CoVid pandemic. Jerry's Auto's survival was their upper management team and the individuals' values in the organization. They had many discussions to achieve common goals and embrace the many changes and regulations put before them. The auto parts store was initially declared an "essential business" because of the critical needs of the agricultural industry. They even had a parts unit inside the Chelan Public Utility District to support that utility's vehicles.
Their primary focus was to protect the employees' health and the customers' health. They chose innovative methods to keep 6 feet of distance between the customers and the clerk, by piling cases of merchandise in front of the sales counters. They started the employees wearing masks immediately. Later, they switched to a more comfortable fitting mask so the employees didn't have to touch their faces to adjust the mask. Some opted to use a neck bandana.
Because of the swift adoption of strict rules to prevent the spread of the virus, none of his 91 employees became ill from the CoVid virus! Ten employees were furloughed because they were over 60 years old and felt they might be vulnerable to becoming ill.
Jerry's survived by embracing technology! They started online sales of their auto parts, and the customers could check part availability at multiple Jerry's stores. Buying online and having the part available at the closest store was an important business decision. They also have 6 trucks for delivery to the customers' homes or business place. Order by noon and have it delivered the same day!
Ron stressed shopping locally to support local merchants. He gave several examples of local businesses closing because shoppers chose to order from a remote chain store.
Ron is the retired CEO now. He gave the name Jerry's to his store to honor his brother Jerry.
President Earl thanked Ron for being our speaker, and said that the club was donating a children's' book in his name to the North Central Library.
Earl closed the meeting with a quote from an unknown author: "Be someone's sunshine when their skies are gray!". Meeting adjourned at 8:05 a.m.
We are looking for a 2-3 bedroom apartment for a challenge scholar and her family. Contact Wayne of you have any leads.
We are taking over hosting duties again for the the Sept. 19 Pybus Farmer's Market. Kathleen will make a sigh up sheet, but you can email her if you can do one of the shifts (7:30-1:30).
Dinner socials will take place in September. We have 4 hosts and 16 guests who will having some dinner and fun tome together. If you missed this one, we'll be repeating this event later in the year.
Board meeting September 14.
Chris found a replacement for son Brian so he can now commute to and from CWU
John S wore the unicorn hat, and will pass it on (look out). His daughter turned one, and school started online for their son. He was instrumental in helping the school raise $75,000.Kevin survived 8 days with their grandson.
Robin's friend (a DG from another district) has recovered from COVID.
Kathleen is back from their trip to Orcas and Lopez Islands.
Rebecca was a zoom guest at h er aunt's Rotary club in California.
Wayne gave the Rotary Moment by telling us about Rotary Fellowship Groups. These are made up of Rotarians from all over the world who meet virtually or in person to share their common interests in a variety of areas (skiing, bridge, biking, travel chess, fishing, etc). There are lots of fellowship groups, and we encourage our members to check them out and join one or two.
Next week's program is Ron Berschauer, owner of Jerry's Auto, who will talk about how small businesses can survive in this day and age.
The meeting was called to order by the President Elect, Allie Schank. We had 2 guests (both named Mike!) Mike Battis from Ballard Ambulanc...