Current President Taro Masuda opened the his last meeting of his Rotary year at 7 am.
"Stuff the Bus" event brought in over 20,000 pounds of food and cash donations to provide for our hungry through Community Action Couincil and Serve Wenatchee Valley. The event was sponsored by LINK and the area Rotary Clubs. Jim & Carol Adamson and Alan Walker helped out on Saturday.
Jim and Carol Adamson helped celebrate their grandson's 11th birthday! He's a leukemia survivor, too!
Alan and Kelly Walker have settled down into the condo life and are enjoying the pool there. "No pool maintenance!", they said!
John Schapman seconded the appreciation of the condo pool that Alan and Kelly enjoy. His mother-in-law lives in the same condo complex, and John and family also enjoy that pool!
Kevin Love finally returned to the Wenatchee Valley after extensive travels to Yellowstone National Park, Cody and Jackson Hole, Wyoming. His temporary job has ended.
Wayne Massing announced that, after a short visit to the Wenatchee Veteran's Clinic in early June, he was contacted by them to report that he may have been exposed to CoVid-19 while at the clinic. They recommended a CoVid test at Wenatchee Confluence. Even though, he had no symptoms, he took the test, and the results were NEGATIVE! Yeah!
Incoming District Governor Richard DeRock and wife Robin were inducted Tuesday evening. Past District Governor Peter Schultz was complimented by various Rotarians for a great year. Valerie Wafer, Rotary International Director from Ontario, Canada, was the featured speaker.
On Thursday, June 25th, club members grouped together at Foothills Middle School, and then drove by Adele's home to wish her farewell before her return to Switzerland on June 27th. We are going to miss her smiling face and fun attitude!

Alan Walker was asked about the Washington National Guard troops helping with the distributions at the Food Bank. He said the 30 guard members had been cut to 15 through the end of July. He also said that the Community Action Council had been given funds to buy face masks for the low income residents of the Valley. Alan reminded the club that volunteers are still needed Monday through Saturday, from 7 am to 3 pm for food distribution.
Courtney Tiffany, Senior Branch Manager at the Wenatchee Public Library was our speaker at Tuesday's meeting. She spoke about the North Central Regional Library (NCRL).
The Wenatchee Public Library is the largest of the 30 libraries in the NCRL region. This library usually gets over 21,000 visits per month, during normal operations. Courtney told the club that the area that NCRL services is the size of the states of Massachusetts and Connecticut combined (About 15,000 square miles). It stretches from the town of Mattawa to our South to the Canadian border to the North.

The newly renovated library will have a more central circulation desk, more electrical outlets for patrons' electronic devices, an expanded mezzanine seating area, and a lower floor café' for coffee and some foods. A future event to be added to the Wenatchee Library's operation is author talks. Book author will give readings and answer questions. Attendees should register for these talks.
Courtney also encouraged club members to sign up for E-Cards that allows for electronic check out and download of materials. CreativeBug provides children and educators with thousands of arts and craft tutorials on line.
Alan and Kelly Walker have settled down into the condo life and are enjoying the pool there. "No pool maintenance!", they said!
John Schapman seconded the appreciation of the condo pool that Alan and Kelly enjoy. His mother-in-law lives in the same condo complex, and John and family also enjoy that pool!
Kevin Love finally returned to the Wenatchee Valley after extensive travels to Yellowstone National Park, Cody and Jackson Hole, Wyoming. His temporary job has ended.
Wayne Massing announced that, after a short visit to the Wenatchee Veteran's Clinic in early June, he was contacted by them to report that he may have been exposed to CoVid-19 while at the clinic. They recommended a CoVid test at Wenatchee Confluence. Even though, he had no symptoms, he took the test, and the results were NEGATIVE! Yeah!
Incoming District Governor Richard DeRock and wife Robin were inducted Tuesday evening. Past District Governor Peter Schultz was complimented by various Rotarians for a great year. Valerie Wafer, Rotary International Director from Ontario, Canada, was the featured speaker.
On Thursday, June 25th, club members grouped together at Foothills Middle School, and then drove by Adele's home to wish her farewell before her return to Switzerland on June 27th. We are going to miss her smiling face and fun attitude!

Leonard Noss underwent minor surgery on his ear. He is home and recovering.

Courtney has spent most of her life here in Wenatchee; leaving only to complete her degree in Library Information Science. She is married and has 3 children between 5-10 years old. She has worked in the fund-raising field and management of construction of the renovation of the Wenatchee Public Library.

Each month, the NCRL processes over 35,000 items, provides 28 bilingual children's story times, and has over 7,000 logins to their electronic library. NCRL recently received a $20,000 grant to increase the WiFi connectivity at each of the 30 branch libraries to provide connectivity within a 600' circle around each library.
The renovation of the Wenatchee Library is proceeding. Their lease on the building is ending where the books are being stored during this construction, so they have been given special permission to move the books back into the remodeled library. They are not allowed to use volunteers for this event.

Contact the NCRL online at NCRL or contact the Wenatchee Public Library on their Facebook page: Wenatchee Public Library
Questions she was asked:
Q: With the increase in the WiFi service areas around the libraries, are additional parking areas going to be provided?
A: Since the 600' circle around each of the 30 libraries and the NCRL headquarters building will be about two city blocks, plenty of parking already exists for that connectivity. This should get people farther from the libraries, and allow other library patrons to have closer, physical access to the libraries.
Q: Does the NCRL have reciprocal library access with other Washington libraries?
A: Yes! If you have a King County library card, and a NCRL library card, you can access the huge library system in King County. This is a plus when downloading electronic books, as King County may have a bigger selection. (Courtney also said if NCRL patrons used "Hoopla", they would not have a waiting period to check out books.)
Q: When is the Wenatchee Public Library to open?
A: It is unknown right now. The reopening would be coupled with the Phase 3 openings of businesses and services during this CoVid-19 period. There is a huge backlog of mail-order books to process before reopening that service, which might be during Phase 2. Curbside pickups may also be available during that same period.
Q: Is the library still taking donated books?
A: They will be accepting them probably during Phase 2, depending upon their backlog and storage capabilities.
Incoming Club President Earl Crowe and current Club Treasurer Kathleen McNalty have been in contact with Pybus Public Market regarding when our club can restart having physical meetings there. Watch this blog for future information!

Club President Taro Masuda, in one of his last official acts, thanked Courtney for her presentation, and said the club would present to NCRL a children's book dedicated in her name.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 am.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 am.
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