Board meeting next Monday at 7:00 - zoom (ask for the link if you want to join in).Stuff the Bus food drive brought in over 23,500 pounds of food and cash donations.
Brags & Confessions
Earl's daughter, Emma, was accepted to the CWU Honors CollegeRobin is now officially the District 5060 First Lady, and will be visiting clubs and other district events with DG husband Richard.
Ruth is now president of the Columbia Chorale, but with COVID, has no group or concerts to oversee.

introduced 2020-21 District Governor Richard DeRock. Richard, who is no stranger to our club since his wife Robin is a member here, was our program today.

Outside Rotary, Richard is the CEO of Link Transit, and past-president of the Washington Transit Association and Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce. He came to Wenatchee from the Los Angles area where he headed the area-wide transit system. In Rotary, Richard was a member of the Wenatchee Rotary Club, Past-president of Rotary North, and the charter President of Wenatchee Confluence Rotary Club. He served 11 years on the district youth exchange committee, 4 of those as chairman. He is a Paul Harris Fellow and TRF Benefactor. He is married to Robin, and has two adult children.
RI President Holgar Knock of Germany
Richard discussed the direction of Rotary International, and the focus he has for our district this year.
The RI theme this year is Rotary Opens Opportunities, which was selected by RI President Holger Knack of Germany. Part of the Rotary's vision is "together people create change", and RI and our district have settled on four priorities:
- increase our impact
- expand our reach
- enhance participation and engagement
- increase our ability to adapt
Richard talked about our district expanding youth activities, rebuilding youth exchange after the program being cancelled for this year, maintaining our strong Polio Plus contributions, getting more of an online presence during and after COVID, creating at least three new models for clubs (examples - e-club for former youth exchange students, hybrid club for small communities), quarterly district business meetings, a junior RYLA program, and making sure every program in the district can be done in a virtual platform/
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