We are coming up on the Wild Hockey game Friday, Feb. 15, where our club will have a suite. $25 will get you in. Contact John Schapman with the number that will be attending (john.schapman@cdhd.wa.gov).
Brags and Confessions
Wayne had a great time at the follies this year.
Ruth had the pleasure of sleeping on her couch for a week.
Jim told another fantastic Chuck Norris joke (Thanks Earl).
John Schapman's wife is pregnant!
Robin missed last weeks meeting but made up for it by doing make ups, she also hosted a small auction.
Steve Wright, General Manager - Chelan County Power

Steve talked about Strategic Planning for the Chelan PUD, and went over how the Vision / Challenge for the PUD is, "In a rapidly changing utility environment, they will provide : The Best Vaule for the Most People for the Longest Time". He spent time going over how they have lowered the debt ratio to below 35%, and the processes they go through in order to keep the rates for power as low as they can for the consumers.
Other Happenings
Robin, Rebecca, Kathleen, and Carol were there from our club. They will be repeating this event every couple of months.
Several of our members volunteered to man the Habitat for Humanity booth at the Town Toyota Center for the Home Show. More members are not pictured that worked different shifts.
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