Tuesday, Feb. 5th, is the Rotarian Women Fellowship, at 5:30 pm, at Norwood Wine Bar, 23 S. Wenatchee Ave. If you are a Rotarian woman and an active member in any of the North Central Washington Rotary clubs, please join other Rotarian women for this informal , no-host event.
Saturday, Feb. 9th, is the Pre-PETS (President-Elect Training Seminar) in Ellensburg.
Tuesday, Feb. 12th is the Bike Ride Committee's next meeting is , at 5:30 pm at Bob's Burgers and Brews in East Wenatchee. Anyone can attend this meeting.
Friday, Feb. 15 this the Wild Hockey game, where our club will have a suite. $25 will get you in. This is also a great time to bring family and/or potential members. The Wenatchee Confluence Rotary Club members with be attending also. Contact John Schapman with the number that will be attending ( There are still tickets available.
February 15-18, Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) in Revelstoke, BC. Fun and sun in the wintery mountains of British Columbia. Welcome Wenatchee Sunrise Rotarians!
February 21-24, PETS (President-Elect Training Seminar) in Seattle.
April 12-13 is the Rotary Leadership Institute in Wenatchee. The $170 fee will be reimbursed by our club. This will include lunch and dinner Saturday, and breakfast Sunday. RLI is a wonderful training for future leaders and new Rotarians. The weekend is filled with interactive lessons on leadership, membership, PR, Rotary Foundation, and more.
May 2-5 is the District Conference in Kamloops, BC. You can register online on the district web site ( The club will reimburse our members up to $150. If you have never been to a district conference (or even if you have been to many), this will be a great one to attend. It will change and expand your ideas about Rotary, and you will meet future friends from all over our district. Check to see who's going and possibly car pool.

Family of Rotary
See birthdays and anniversaries in the right hand column (if viewing on your phone, you'll have to scroll to the bottom and click web view).
Brags and Confessions
Rebecca Lyons confessed to being late for being a greeter at this meeting. She has many clocks at home, but chose the slowest one to watch!
Assistant Governor Carol Adamson did a speed classification talk with Mike Coleman! Three minutes for Mike to answer as many self-disclosing questions as possible. Some of his responses were:
Favorite song: Stairway to Heaven
Choice between Beer/Burger or Red wine/steak, Mike chose the wine/steak!
What do you like about our Rotary Club?: a FUN Club!
Earl Crowe, Vice President, stood in for absent President Lisa Parks. He lead a discussion with club members in attendance regarding committees, and their status. It was a lively and informative discussion. During the committee discussion, these items were brought up:
Membership Committee - Jim Adamson reported that we have 49 members now. Seven left and two joined. The members in attendance agreed to acquiring quality members, rather that quantity of members. The Membership Committee is to meet on Thurs., Feb. 31st, 7 am at Bob's Classic (Wenatchee) to discuss membership, of course!
Senior Dinner by Jill Courtney - Always held on Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Easter, and this year is April 14th). Details are being worked out.
Challenge Scholarship Committee - Earl Crowe does the interviews. Erin McCool does the financials. Scholarship applications go out to Wenatchee, Eastmont, and West Side High Schools on April 2nd, and the applications are due back April 12th. David Barshes and Craig Reese have volunteered to be co-chairs of this committee.
Projects Committee - Ruth Dagg said the Habitat for Humanity group was looking for volunteers to help with the Home Show booth. Just need to welcome people and be friendly. See Ruth if interested. Also, there was discussion about possibly purchasing a Project Trailer that could be used by our Rotarians around the community for various projects, similar to the Chelan Rotary Club's Project Trailer. Good Rotary visibility within the community. Contact Matt Eastman if you hear of ideas that might make good projects in our communities.
Fund Raising Committee - Earl Crowe said that our club had been asked again to sell parking places at the Town Toyota Center for the 4th of July firework event. John McDarment will be making some signs for the parking lots. Wayne Massing spoke about The Gorge volunteer efforts this year. Rob Tidd will be getting back to us about concerts where our club, Wenatchee Confluence and Wenatchee Rotary Clubs will be selling beer. We would like to get more club members trained for the MAST (Mandatory Alcohol Serving Training) cards prior to the start of the concerts and our volunteering..
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 am.
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