Maggie is currently updating our information list. Please email Maggie with your CURRENT info. She will match up what you send with what she has. Please email her your: Name, work phone, cell phone, home phone, classification, business, mailing address and email.
The Master Gardener plant sale will be at Pybus Market on April 30th at 9:00 a.m.
The next Bike Ride meeting is April 24th at 7:00 a.m. at Smitty's.
Be sure to make-up your meetings. You can attend a committee meeting or a club social or another group's meeting.
Lucas had a great time in Canada with his family.
We still are in need of Bike Ride Sponsors!
The All-service club luncheon is May 3rd. Contact Carol Adamson if you would like to join their table- two tickets left.
The Apple Blossom Youth Parade is April 29th. Rotarians often help out with the parade. If you are able help, contact Linda Haglund with the Downtown Association. Word on the street is you get an official walkie-talkie!
There are five challenge scholar applications so far.
Ruth Dagg was inducted as a new member.
Brags and Confessions:
Jim- The Adamson's grandson is finishing up the last of his cancer treatment!
Wayne- His mentee put on four plays regarding bullying.
Jenny- Relatives from Thailand are visiting.
Leslie- Mike took her on a hike that was a bit more than she expected. Doesn't recommend it.
Earl has been absent for work and vacation.
Kevin need some help moving furniture for his mom after the meeting on Tuesday.
Callie has started her own business! If you would like to connect with her, she is on social media:
Robin is no longer the District Youth Committee Chair.
Ruth's 4th grandson was born on Saint Patty's Day.
Dick is having surgery and will be gone for a couple weeks.
Here are a few pictures from the Rotarians that visited us from Krygyzstan.
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