Alan mentioned that the Guadalajara Rotarians love the idea of visiting Wenatchee and we are looking at some August dates. We will need hosts for our visiting Rotarians.
The Highway Clean-up went well, thanks to everyone who participated!
GWATA is considering starting an Angel Network and is looking for interested investors. Contact Jenny if you are someone or know someone.
Dues have increased from $46.50 to $48.50- look for an invoice this week. Also, we are looking for a new meeting space so if you have any ideas contact Jim Huffman.
Brags and Confessions:
Kathleen went to Olympia with the Highschoolers and the Governor kept bragging about the bike ride!
Patty said Isaiah was voted best outbound student.
Erik went to Palm Springs and Vegas for golf and then New York to see Hamilton (totally worth it!). While there, he lost his wallet in a taxi and it was returned the next day but the kind driver.
Jerry has been elected and elder of his church.
Jim and Carol went to the Rock Climbing gym with the grandkids and lived to tell about it.
Renee returned from a business trip in India. Mari earned 2nd place in the state gymnastics.
Tom went on a wildflower road trip and finally found them in Death Valley.
You can see more about Kyrgyzstan by clicking here.

One of the speakers, Tilek Toktoga, would like to connect on Facebook. His profile can be accessed here.
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