Check out the All Service Club Golf Competition held at Golf Etc! Sign up in teams of two for $50.00 per team and compete with other local services groups for bragging rights and a plaque. Half your entry fee goes back to our club!
Call Lucas at 888-8616 and take him out for an adventure!
You have received an invoice from Rotary this past week. It includes $50.00 for the Foundation. We currently have 100% participation in this so even though it is technically optional, please don't be That Guy who takes it off the invoice. Keep the club at 100% Foundation Support.
The Rotaract group will be organizing a caravan to head to Seattle for the April 21st Women's March.
BIKE RIDE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO READ! (yes, I typed in all caps for shouting purposes!)
The Bike Ride is less than 6 months away! That is NOT a long time left even if it seems like it. Here is what YOU need to know:
1) Go to your calendar and block out June 3rd. Block all of it out. The whole day. This bike ride is an ALL CLUB event and we need YOU to make it successful.
2) Go to Facebook and like this page: After you like this page, share it with friends. Don't know how? Check out this pictorial guide:
On the top of the page, under the banner, you will see this little bar:
On this bar, click "Share". It will bring up a box like this:
Here, you can write a little something about the bike ride and then click "Post" at the bottom of the box and this will share the page on your timeline!
I can see if you like this go like it. Go!
3) Repeat step 2 often!
4) Know someone who would like to be a sponsor for the bike ride? Connect them to Alice. The more the merrier- we have Things that need Sponsors.
5) Last thing: Block out June 3rd on your calendar.
Brags and Confessions:
Tom shared this t-shirt with us that his kids gave him for his birthday:
There was another confession from Jim but honestly I missed it while laughing at this t-shirt.
Classification Talk:
Alan Walker was our talk today and he had a very enjoyable story about his life. My condensed version will not do it justice but here are the highlights:
- Born in Oklahoma on 3/16/65
- His parents moved around to a few places but built a house in Witchita.
- Dad went to school for public admin and that determined the next few moves for the family.
- His first job as a PA was in Independence, Kansas and that began a 35 year career in Public Administration.
- Eventually the family moved to Ellensburg where his dad worked in PA for eight years before moving to Oak Harbor. He commuted home every weekend.
- Alan's older brother decided to move back to Oklahoma to take over the family cattle farm but soon realized that it wasn't for him.
- Alan, seeing the error of his brother's ways moved back to Oklahoma to take over the pig farm, clearly seeing that the problem was the type of livestock. Not Oklahoma or ranching.
- That lasted 8 years before him and his wife decided that his brother was on to something.
- Alan refused to move back to Ellensburg so moved as far from Ellensburg as possible to a town called Roslyn. While living in Roslyn, he worked in Ellensburg.
- He earned a graduate degree in Organizational Development
- He became the Executive Director of Ellensburg Chamber of Commerce for 3.5 years before accepting a job in Wenatchee at United Way.

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