Gifts and clothes were delivered to the Adame family, who we adopted this Christmas. The refrigerator looked good in the house, and an inflatable mattress was also purchased. Kathleen, Alice, Wayne, Erin, Carol & Jim delivered the gifts on Saturday morning. Some of the 10 member family were too shy to get in the photograph. They were very appreciative.
Changes in meetings:
No meeting Dec. 26
Meeting Jan. 2 at the Rivertop Grill (9th floor of the Coast Hotel)
No meeting Jan. 9
Social meeting Jan. 10 - time and place to be announced
Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club
(since 1986). Join us every Tuesday at 7:00 am in our hybrid meetings.
Physically at Pybus Market Event Center or virtually using Zoom:
We are an organization made up of professional business people whose main goal is service through our friendships and our vocations. Come see what we are all about.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Friday, December 22, 2017
Family of Rotary
January Birthdays: Kathleen McNalty, Earl Crowe, Jim Adamson, Bobby Black, Bill McDowell, & Carol Adamson
January Anniversaries: Chris McDarment (Holly)
January Anniversaries: Chris McDarment (Holly)
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Christmas Party

Tuesday, December 19, 2017
December 19 Meeting Notes

Our president trying out the water driven rowing machine.
Keep scrolling to see details about the Christmas party, books for Tonga, and presents for our adopted family. Bring books and clothes/gifts to the party Thursday and there will be a table to wrap things. A refrigerator was purchased for the family, with money left over to do some projects later (steps, door, etc.).
The family's gifts will be delivered Saturday. Anyone wishing to help deliver should meet at Erin's home at 10:00. It is good for the family to see the faces of our Rotary club. She is at 937 Highland in South Wenatchee. Coffee will be served.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Decmeber 12 Meeting Notes
Club Christmas Party - December 21, Thursday
Location: Ridgeline Graphics, 34 N. Chelan Ave.
Starts at 6:00
BYOB and/or Special Christmas Drink - $5 donation
Catered by Olive Garden
Cost per person $18
White Elephant Gift Exchange – 1 gift per family
Raffle and other fun stuff
RSVP to Ruth or Alice by Dec. 10
Future Meetings
Tue, Dec. 19 - WVC new Rec Center Your (meet in Van Tassle Hall cafeteria - center of campus)
Tue, Dec. 26 - no meeting
Tue, Jan. 2 - at Coast Hotel (River Top Grill - 9th floor)
Tue, Jan. 9 - no morning meeting - social
Literacy Project
Bring children's' books to our next meeting (Dec. 19, or the party on Dec. 21). We will be giving them to the Interact literacy project with Tonga. Call Carol (630-2120) if you need her to pick them up from you.
Small Project
Family in need - $800 was contribute by members last week, and we'll be shopping for a refrigerator this Saturday. Call Kathleen if you'd like to see the families residence and go shopping with her (503-866-5599). Everyone should have gotten the email from John with the Adame family clothing sizes. Bring gifts to the party next Thursday and we'll wrap them.
Club Elections
Congratulations to the following members who were elected to positions for the 2017-18 Rotary year:
President - Lisa Parks
President-elect - Taro Masuda
Vice-president - Earl Crowe
Secretary - Maggie Nelson
Treasure - Kathleen McNalty
Board - Patty Rush (2nd term)
Board - Jerry Karney (2nd term)
Board - Kevin Love
Board - John McDarment
Past-president - Erin McCool
Thanks to Kathy Hamilton, who donated this year's hottest toys that were auctioned off to members. The 3 LOL glitter dolls and 5 Fingerlings brought in $155.

We recognized new members who have completed their tasks to get their "new member" stickers off their badges. Congratulations to Joel Banken, Rebecca Lyons, John Schapman, Ruth Dagg, Danae Fowler, Chris McDarment, and Laura Singletary. Craig Reese (left) was presented his new member badge (it just looks like he's scared).
Brags & Confessions
Earl Crowe - Elza moved in with their family, and Lucy's recital was watched by Elza's mom in Brasil.
Bill McDowell - Army won the Army-Navy game.
Lisa Parks - will take youngest daughter to Universal Studios Orlando as a graduation gift.
Taro Masuda - took youth exchange students to Silver Star in Vernon, BC last weekend.
Rebecca Lyons - back from 2-week trip to China.
PJ Jones - headed to Jackson Hole and other ski areas for a couple months. He also announced a ski trip to France is being planned. Talk to him for details.
Bring a wrapped Christmas gift for Elza next week. Earl will put them under his tree for her to open at Christmas.
Location: Ridgeline Graphics, 34 N. Chelan Ave.
Starts at 6:00
BYOB and/or Special Christmas Drink - $5 donation
Catered by Olive Garden
Cost per person $18
White Elephant Gift Exchange – 1 gift per family
Raffle and other fun stuff
RSVP to Ruth or Alice by Dec. 10
Future Meetings
Tue, Dec. 19 - WVC new Rec Center Your (meet in Van Tassle Hall cafeteria - center of campus)
Tue, Dec. 26 - no meeting
Tue, Jan. 2 - at Coast Hotel (River Top Grill - 9th floor)
Tue, Jan. 9 - no morning meeting - social
Literacy Project
Bring children's' books to our next meeting (Dec. 19, or the party on Dec. 21). We will be giving them to the Interact literacy project with Tonga. Call Carol (630-2120) if you need her to pick them up from you.
Small Project
Family in need - $800 was contribute by members last week, and we'll be shopping for a refrigerator this Saturday. Call Kathleen if you'd like to see the families residence and go shopping with her (503-866-5599). Everyone should have gotten the email from John with the Adame family clothing sizes. Bring gifts to the party next Thursday and we'll wrap them.
Club Elections
Congratulations to the following members who were elected to positions for the 2017-18 Rotary year:
President - Lisa Parks
President-elect - Taro Masuda
Vice-president - Earl Crowe
Secretary - Maggie Nelson
Treasure - Kathleen McNalty
Board - Patty Rush (2nd term)
Board - Jerry Karney (2nd term)
Board - Kevin Love
Board - John McDarment
Past-president - Erin McCool

We recognized new members who have completed their tasks to get their "new member" stickers off their badges. Congratulations to Joel Banken, Rebecca Lyons, John Schapman, Ruth Dagg, Danae Fowler, Chris McDarment, and Laura Singletary. Craig Reese (left) was presented his new member badge (it just looks like he's scared).
Brags & Confessions
Earl Crowe - Elza moved in with their family, and Lucy's recital was watched by Elza's mom in Brasil.
Bill McDowell - Army won the Army-Navy game.
Lisa Parks - will take youngest daughter to Universal Studios Orlando as a graduation gift.
Taro Masuda - took youth exchange students to Silver Star in Vernon, BC last weekend.
Rebecca Lyons - back from 2-week trip to China.
PJ Jones - headed to Jackson Hole and other ski areas for a couple months. He also announced a ski trip to France is being planned. Talk to him for details.
Bring a wrapped Christmas gift for Elza next week. Earl will put them under his tree for her to open at Christmas.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Nov. 28 Meeting Notes
Sunrise Rotary Christmas Party
December 21, ThursdayLocation: Ridgeline Graphics, 34 N. Chelan Ave.Starts at 6:00BYOB Special Christmas Drink - $5 donationCatered by Olive Garden Cost per person $18White Elephant Gift Exchange – 1 gift per familyRaffle and other fun stuff RSVP to Ruth or Alice by Dec. 10
Red Lion has increased room fees again, so we will be looking for another meeting place.
Club elections are coming up. We need two new Board members next year (July 1). Kathleen and Patty will be going off. Kathleen has volunteered to be our treasurer. If you would like to serve, or nominate someone (w/ their permission), contact Jim Huffman soon.
New Member:

Paul Harris Recognition:
This is Rotary Foundation Month, and Jerry Karney talked about ways we can encourage members to contribute to the Foundation, and recognize members or community citizens for their contributions.
He then called Maggie Nelson up, and presented a Paul Harris Fellow in the name of Charlie, her late-husband. He also thanked Maggie for all her past work as our club secretary and with the youth exchange and Challenge Scholar programs.
Water Filter Project:

Jim Huffman demonstrated how water filtration units work. Funds collected in the "Blue Cups" will be used to send filters to Puerto Rico.
Program - Classification Talk:
Laura Singletary gave an inspiring talk about her life and career journey. She, her sister, and her parents started out in California. She gets her competitive spirit from her mom, and her spirit of adventure from her dad. When she was 15, her parents divorced, and Laura found herself homeless and drifting in and out of shelters. At 18 she was pregnant, and in an abusive relationship. She "escaped" one night, and her daughter (now 30) became her purpose in life. As a high school dropout, she couldn't support herself and her daughter, so went on welfare, which was one of the worst experiences she's ever had.
The good news? Over the next 16 years she earned her Bachelor's degree from the UW. She met her husband, Mike, at the UW, and they now have a daughter of their own. Laura worked at a court house job for 7 years, working her way up to an administrator. She completed her Masters in Higher Ed at WWU, and took a job at WVC. Laura is the Director of Student Programs, which includes overseeing the new Rec Center and residence halls, and advising the student leadership groups and clubs. She is now starting work on her doctoral program. Laura is also working with the startup Rotaract Club at WVC.
Family of Rotary:
December Birthdays: Lisa Parks, Adam Prater, Leslie Coleman, Joel McDonald, PJ Jones, & Leonard Noss
December Anniversaries: Jill Courtney (Dick), Robin DeRock (Richard), & Adam Prater (Jennifer)
Friday, November 24, 2017
Meeting Notes- 11/21/17
Happy Thanksgiving Week to Everyone!
Brian McDarment has been accepted as our outbound student!
Elza went to Yakima for an orientation and had a good time.
Remember to register for the District Conference in Prosser. It is next May.
The Blue Cups are going to Puerto Rico for water filtration systems.
We need a treasurer for the next election cycle.
The Club Christmas Party is coming up December 21st. Please RSVP by December 10th to Alice or Ruth. It is a White Elephant gift exchange.
On February 3rd, 2018, there is a president-elect training but anyone else is welcome. It is in Ellensburg.
Brags and Confessions:
Robin's German in-laws are about to arrive so she burnt some bay leaves because someone told her it would reduce stress. Instead, it made her house smell like a pot den. Good luck Robin.
Renee has been too busy to be at meetings.
Taro's kids decided to have tea with dolls at the American Doll Shop instead of spending time with him.
Jim H attended Bob Parlette's memorial service.
Erik H said some of the best tailgating is in Utah.
The Program this week was presented by United Way discussing the Opportunity Community. This is relatively new program, about 3 years old, that providers mentors, called "navigators" to families living in poverty to help them pursue strategies for increasing income potential.
Our own John Schapman is going to become a navigator and was inspired to do so after seeing the amazing impact this program can have on families.
Opportunity Community is in need of sponsors, navigators and volunteers. Contact Kenzie English at for more information.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Meeting Notes 11/14/17
First, a note from the notetaker: My apologies for not getting the blog out last week!
- Elza has enjoyed seeing snow for the first time and making snow angels!
- There will be a $3.00 sitting fee for meetings moving forward.
- The Blue Cups will go for water filters in Puerto Rico.
- The Board Elections are coming up and we need a treasurer!
- Chuck-a-puck is coming up this Wednesday for the Wild Hockey.
- The Christmas Party is December 21st at 6:00, BYOB. $18.00 per person, RSVP to Ruth or Alice
Brags and Confessions:
- Erik Holmberg took his son to Stanford, the campus was beautiful.
- Leslie and Mike Coleman celebrated their one year anniversary.
- Rani is excited about applying to be a judge along with Erin.
- PJ's mom passed away.
- John Schapman is celebrating a year in Wenatchee, a year with his in-laws
- Alan has left United Way and is looking for a job that keeps in the valley
We had the Wenatchee Valley Symphony Orchestra visit us today. Two of the members, Marva Lee McCracken and Mary Carter Pringer, played us some samples of songs. You can watch a couple video clips below:
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Pizza with Challenge Scholars
Club members and mentors met with some of our challenge scholars and their families at Abbys' on Sunday afternoon. Scholars introduced their families and told us what they have been doing with school and work. Thanks to Earl and Erin for organizing the event.
Family of Rotary
November Birthdays: Matt Eastman; Tom Utigard
November Anniversaries: Laura Singletary (Michael); Mike & Leslie Coleman
November Anniversaries: Laura Singletary (Michael); Mike & Leslie Coleman
Friday, November 3, 2017
Halloween Party
October 31st Meeting
-Want to reach Elza and take her out to do something AMAZING and fun!
Here are ways to connect:
-Carol is prepping us for an amazing District Assembly in a couple years when Richard DeRock is District Governor (pictured at right). It is going to be fun to be a part of this!
-Want to reach Elza and take her out to do something AMAZING and fun!
Here are ways to connect:
- For Sunrise Millenials and younger: Instagram: domeneelza or text at 509-668-0677
- For the Sunrise Gen-Xers: Email: elzadomene0400@gmail or text at 509-668-0677
- For the Baby Boomers and up: Phone: 509-668-0677
-October 24th was World Polio Day. Rotary has been instrumental in the fight against polio. Donate here!
-Wayne attended the District Assembly in Osoyoos and had a great time. Keep in mind that the club reimburses members for the registration fee if you attend.
-Annie needs to borrow last year's bike jersey from someone- please bring it to the next meeting.
-Jim Huffman has started a Find Chuck thing in the slideshows. Although we all know that you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.

-A big thanks to everyone who helped with the busy weekend last weekend including concessions and Highway clean up!
-Next Club Social is November 8th at 5:30 p.m. at Riverside Pub
-We have elections in December so start thinking about who would make a good leader!
Brags and Confessions:
- Wayne went swimming in the new pool and is a bit chilly!
- Kevin paid for missing a meeting
- Robin said to come see Bob Ferguson next week at the Town Toyota Center with the other Rotary group
- Chris M said his youngest has applied for Rotary Youth Exchange
- Jim A just got back from New England, the Oregon Coast and Suncadia
- Roni grumpily worked at a Will clinic on Saturday and then ended up being really glad she went and enjoyed helping all the people
- Jane just came back from Houston
Great program about laughing. It will bring a smile to your face.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Meeting Notes October 24
-This is a big weekend for Sunrise Rotary:
-This is a big weekend for Sunrise Rotary:
- Friday, October 27th- Concessions at WHS. Meet at 6:00m p.m.
- Saturday, October 28th- Make a Difference Day. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at Hydro Park Boat Launch.
- Sunday, October 29th- Costume Party at Kathleen's House.
-Elza has some free time this week for lunch. She is available November 1st or 3rd.
-Small Project Committee meets Friday afternoon, 3:30 at Tastebuds.
Brags and Confessions:
- Alice just came back from a cruise on the Rhine river. She lost her wallet but a friendly German found it and called her!
- Mansour is headed south for the winter.
- Kevin's kid had a 28th birthday!
- Jim Richardson spoke at the college recently and is excited about the two Four-year programs at WVC
- John's youngest son was accepted into the Kellogg school of management.
- Alan is babysitting a puppy and is enjoying every single minute of it....not really.
- Kathleen's son finally had a score that was NOT overturned due to a penalty.
Today's program was from Our Valley, Our Future. Steve Maher presented and overview of what the organization has been doing and where it is headed. It was very informative! Check out more about this great group by clicking here.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Meeting Notes: October 3rd
- Invoices will be coming out this week- watch for them and check your spam folder.
- The changes to our Red Lion Meeting place will be announced soon.
- The upcoming Board Meeting may be delayed- stay tuned.
- Rotary Leadership Institute is coming up 10/14, 10/28 and 11/18. Click Here for more information.
- The District Conference for 5060 is in Prosser. Save the date: May 17-19, 2018. Sign up before October 31st and save $50.00. Click Here for more information.
- Upcoming dates to remember:
- October 27th we are helping with concessions at the WHS football game.
- October 28th is Roadway Clean-Up
- October 29th is a club costume party!
- Peter VanWell from the Downtown Club is interested in starting an inter-club committee for the local Rotary groups. If you would like to be on this committee, let Carol or Erin know.
Our Rotarian of the Month is Leslie Coleman. Leslie works A LOT of hours keeping the club books and money in order. It is not an easy task and we appreciate everything she does.
Brags and Confessions:
- Bill McDowell was glad to see his name tag was still in the box.
- Mansour Ravassipour spread two trucks of gravel and is feeling it. Apparently he forgot he was 75, not 25
- Lisa Parks irrigation project is finally done- just in time for winter.
- Kathy Hamilton had a birthday.
- PJ saw snow on his drive back from Salt Lake City. His grandson passed the National EMT certification.
- Earl Crowe's daughter, Emma, passed her driving test.
- Wayne Massing missed the last meeting due to having a pool flown into his yard. Save the date for the Massing Pool Party '18
- Tana Nichols is having surgery at the end of the month, thoughts and prayers requested.
- Ron Griffith had pictures on Live Wire.
- Jerry Karney's son visited for the first time in 11 years and they played a lot of golf.
- Alan Walker is headed to Boise for the weekend.
There was no official program today so Jim Adamson led a fun round round "get-to-know-you" game at each table. Great idea!
Thursday, September 28, 2017
September 26th Meeting Notes
- Elza went to Lake Chelan. She also went to a Mariner's game. Last weekend was her first performance as an Applette.
- There will be a costume party on Sunday, October 29th from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Wear a costume or be fined $25.00 (all proceeds go to Small Miracles). Kathleen's House, Family welcome!
- The next club social is October 11th at Riverside Pub at 5:30 p.m.
Brags and Confessions:
- Danae Fowler missed the last couple meetings due to back pain.
- Chris McDarment realized he is a Harvey Mudd fan but not a great one because he isn't sure when exactly they won or lost their games.
- Erik Holmberg missed a meeting. His wife's grandma turned 100!
- Alan Walker's Daughter and Son-in-Law returned from a trip to Denmark and Switzerland.
- One of our Rotary Scholars, Alex Rodriguez, came today to speak about his trip to Nicaragua. He is currently in his second year at University of Washington and will be graduating next year. He hopes to go on to Medical School. He had a great time and Nicaragua and it really helped him realize how much he wants to be a medical professional. He hopes to come back to Wenatchee to practice.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Elza dances at the Panther game
As part of the football halftime show, the Applettes drill team performed a dance routine. Our Elza is part of the team, and did a great job. Check our the short clip (Elza is 2nd from the left).
Friday, September 22, 2017
September 19th Notes
- Elza is a new applette for Wenatchee High School!
- The Blue Cups are still going towards Hurricane Relief
- Save the Date for Make a Difference Day on October 28th. We will be doing the Hwy litter clean up project
- District Assembly is the weekend of October 28th
- We are adjusting our contract with the Red Lion and there will be a sitting fee for everyone attending. Those who want breakfast will be able to go to the buffet in the restaurant.
- Updates on Rotary Scholars: AJ works at Fresh in Leavenworth and Jasmine works at Alma's Cafe
- The Fellowship & Small Projects Committee is meeting on Friday, October 27th at 3:30 at Tastebuds
- We need volunteers for the Apple Bowl Concessions on Friday, October 27th at 6:00 p.m.
- There is a Costume Party planned for Sunday, October 29th around 5:00- families welcome!
- Wayne updated the group on the four bylaw changes and all passed a club vote
Brags and Confessions:
- Earl Crowe's daughter, Emma, turned 16. She will be attending a mission trip in Haiti.
- Callie Klein attended the Wellness Place Gala which was themed with the Love Boat and 50K was raised for the fight against cancer!
- Jim Adamson threw in $1.00 because he always gets fined for being a Coug!
- Kevin Love spent 12 days in the San Juans with his wife and they got a nice close up view of a whale.
- Carol Adamson said that Jenny is just super busy right now getting ready for the Maker's Faire.
Classification Talks:
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
September 12 Notes
The picnic at Utigard's orchard has been cancelled due to smoke and not being allowed to have a fire.
We will be having our monthly PUB Social at Riverside PUB (538 Riverside Dr) on Wednesday (13th) from 5:30 on. Spouses welcome.
Our Blue Cup donations are going to help the victims in the areas affected by the hurricanes.
Bill McDowell's wife, Pat, passed away Sunday. Keep Bill in your prayers.
Make-a-Difference Day project will be the highway cleanup on October 28. More details to come.
Bike ride meeting at Bob's Burger and Brew at 6:00, Monday, Sept. 18.
The Board will be proposing a new policy starting after our Red Lion contract ends. The meeting will be a beverage service only, with members paying a sitting fee to cover labor costs and beverages. Those who want breakfast can use the buffet in the cafeteria, and pay about $7 at the cashier's stand there.
The small projects/social committee (Ruth and Kathleen) will be setting up a meeting soon. One of the events on the schedule is working at the Town Toyota for the Nov. 22 Wild hockey game. We will be selling 50-50 raffle tickets and chuck-a-puck chances as a small fundraiser.
Brags & Confessions
Dorry Foster, CEO of the Wenatchee YMCA, talked about her background of YMCA service, which started in 1999, and the state of the organization. Her goal was to expand the culture of philanthropy. The Y is offering more youth scholarships, and allowing adults to work to help pay for the dues. They are also offering free babysitting, new exercise equipment, and unlimited guest passes for members. They will be working on a capital improvement plan for the 107 year-old building, and hope to renovate instead of building a new facility. They would also like to have more collaboration with other agencies, and broaden services outside the building.
So far in 2017, 2390 children have been served, with 1296 scholarship needed. They have had an increase in membership, more YMCA campers, started 8 new programs, and 6 new collaborations (CVCH, WSU Extension, Land Trust, etc). The main service goals of the YMCA are youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.
The picnic at Utigard's orchard has been cancelled due to smoke and not being allowed to have a fire.
We will be having our monthly PUB Social at Riverside PUB (538 Riverside Dr) on Wednesday (13th) from 5:30 on. Spouses welcome.
Our Blue Cup donations are going to help the victims in the areas affected by the hurricanes.
Bill McDowell's wife, Pat, passed away Sunday. Keep Bill in your prayers.
Make-a-Difference Day project will be the highway cleanup on October 28. More details to come.
Bike ride meeting at Bob's Burger and Brew at 6:00, Monday, Sept. 18.
The Board will be proposing a new policy starting after our Red Lion contract ends. The meeting will be a beverage service only, with members paying a sitting fee to cover labor costs and beverages. Those who want breakfast can use the buffet in the cafeteria, and pay about $7 at the cashier's stand there.
The small projects/social committee (Ruth and Kathleen) will be setting up a meeting soon. One of the events on the schedule is working at the Town Toyota for the Nov. 22 Wild hockey game. We will be selling 50-50 raffle tickets and chuck-a-puck chances as a small fundraiser.
Brags & Confessions
- Jim Huffman reported that his brother-in-law survived Irma, but has water and no power.
- Erik Holmberg told of his father-in-law passing away on his 80th birthday hike.
- PJ said that Cookie broke her ankle in a ladder fall.
- John Schapman's oldest son started pre-school, and he (John) turned 35.
- Jerry Karney had a gourmet dinner at Kathleen's home by purchasing an auction item at the Weantchee Rotary Club auction a few months ago.
- Rebecca is back from Hong Kong and the family has adopted a new dog.
Dorry Foster, CEO of the Wenatchee YMCA, talked about her background of YMCA service, which started in 1999, and the state of the organization. Her goal was to expand the culture of philanthropy. The Y is offering more youth scholarships, and allowing adults to work to help pay for the dues. They are also offering free babysitting, new exercise equipment, and unlimited guest passes for members. They will be working on a capital improvement plan for the 107 year-old building, and hope to renovate instead of building a new facility. They would also like to have more collaboration with other agencies, and broaden services outside the building.
So far in 2017, 2390 children have been served, with 1296 scholarship needed. They have had an increase in membership, more YMCA campers, started 8 new programs, and 6 new collaborations (CVCH, WSU Extension, Land Trust, etc). The main service goals of the YMCA are youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.
Family of Rotary
September Birthdays: Milt Herman, Jill Courtney, John Schapman, Don Sangster, Bertha Goehner, Taro Masuda, Jason Underwood, Erin McCool, & Kathy Hamilton
September Anniversaries: Erin McCool (Paul), Joel Banken (Julie), Ron Griffith (Marilyn), Bobby Black (Brooke), John Schapman (Jennifer), David Barshes (Eloise), & Alan Walker (Kelly)
Erik Holmberg's father-in-law passed away over Labor Day weekend.
Bill McDowell's wife Pat, passed away Sunday.
September Anniversaries: Erin McCool (Paul), Joel Banken (Julie), Ron Griffith (Marilyn), Bobby Black (Brooke), John Schapman (Jennifer), David Barshes (Eloise), & Alan Walker (Kelly)
Erik Holmberg's father-in-law passed away over Labor Day weekend.
Bill McDowell's wife Pat, passed away Sunday.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
September 5th Meeting
The Wenatchee High School Mariachi Band is headed to Washington D.C. to perform in front of Congress. That are raising money to help send all the kids. If you would to contribute, click here.
PJ is our Rotarian of the Month! Thank you for all you do for the club, PJ!

Save the Date: Make a Difference Day is October 28th. We will be doing the Highway Litter Clean-Up and can use many hands to make it happen!
Bike Ride Meetings: Bike Ride Meetings will be held once a month on the 3rd Monday of the month at Bobs Burgers and Brews in East Wenatchee. 5:30ish. All are welcome!
Brags and Confessions:
Erin McCool celebrated her 10th Wedding anniversary camping. From their vantage point they were able to see 3 major fires.
Renee Parkins is starting her new job as Marketing Director of the Humane Society.
PJ went to Bozeman to visit his Mom who is getting along quite happily. He also reunited with his son after several months.
Lisa Parks is finishing up the irrigation at her house on Sunday (tomorrow) and would love some help!
Alan Walker's mom headed to Texas and the kids are headed to Denmark.
Jane Davis is a new aunt.
Jill Courtney is celebrating a birthday!
John McDarment's son was visiting from Miami Beach
Today we were visited by Chris Bailey from the Cayman Island Rotary Group. He was speaking to us about the Guatemala Literacy Project.
The next trip is coming up in February and there will be two groups: February 3-11 and 20-25.
The Literacy Project focuses on educating Guatemalan girls to be able to become employed and help their families. You can sponsor a girl for around $70.00 per month.
To learn more or sponsor a student, click here.
The Wenatchee High School Mariachi Band is headed to Washington D.C. to perform in front of Congress. That are raising money to help send all the kids. If you would to contribute, click here.
PJ is our Rotarian of the Month! Thank you for all you do for the club, PJ!
Save the Date: Make a Difference Day is October 28th. We will be doing the Highway Litter Clean-Up and can use many hands to make it happen!
Bike Ride Meetings: Bike Ride Meetings will be held once a month on the 3rd Monday of the month at Bobs Burgers and Brews in East Wenatchee. 5:30ish. All are welcome!
Brags and Confessions:
Erin McCool celebrated her 10th Wedding anniversary camping. From their vantage point they were able to see 3 major fires.
Renee Parkins is starting her new job as Marketing Director of the Humane Society.
PJ went to Bozeman to visit his Mom who is getting along quite happily. He also reunited with his son after several months.
Lisa Parks is finishing up the irrigation at her house on Sunday (tomorrow) and would love some help!
Alan Walker's mom headed to Texas and the kids are headed to Denmark.
Jane Davis is a new aunt.
Jill Courtney is celebrating a birthday!
John McDarment's son was visiting from Miami Beach
Today we were visited by Chris Bailey from the Cayman Island Rotary Group. He was speaking to us about the Guatemala Literacy Project.
The Literacy Project focuses on educating Guatemalan girls to be able to become employed and help their families. You can sponsor a girl for around $70.00 per month.
To learn more or sponsor a student, click here.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
August 29th Meeting Notes
Save the Date! September 16th is the Barbeque at Utigard's Orchard. Families and friends are welcome. Camping is available is needed. Meat will be provided but please bring a dish according to the following:
A-G: Salad
H-N: Side Dish
O-Z: Dessert
Also, it is BYOB. The BBQ will happen around 3 but everyone is welcome anytime!
Our next club social is September 13th at the Riverside Pub. 5:30. Bring a friend!
We have a new inductee! Welcome Danae to the club! Danae is a financial manager at Numerica Credit Union. She lives with her St. Bernard puppy and two cats, and enjoys spending time with her boyfriend and family. Pictured at right.
Last call for anyone who wants to go to Nicaragua with the Stove Building team. Contact Erin.
The money in the blue cups will be sent down the the victims of Hurricane Harvey.
Brags and Confessions:
Pete celebrated his 28th anniversary.
Chris went to the Seahawks game.
Robin went camping, picked blackberries and made a WHOLE lot of blackberry syrup. Also, it is only 35 days (31 now....) until NHL season opens.
Jerry went to Neah bay and limited out with 35 rock fish, 8 ling cod, 9 coho and 1 king.
Fresh from Cotia! (pronounced co-chee-a)
Our new exchange student is here! Elza joined us on Tuesday and is an absolute ray of sunshine! She also had to give an impromptu talk to the group today when the planned program didn't work out. She answered a bunch of our questions and was so sweet. She keeps claiming her English isn't very good but you would never know it. She is working on a list of things she would like to do while she is here but if you have any fun ideas, be sure and take her out. She will be staying with Brian's family for the next bit so contact him if you want to get a hold of her.
And just for fun.....
Save the Date! September 16th is the Barbeque at Utigard's Orchard. Families and friends are welcome. Camping is available is needed. Meat will be provided but please bring a dish according to the following:
A-G: Salad
H-N: Side Dish
Also, it is BYOB. The BBQ will happen around 3 but everyone is welcome anytime!
Our next club social is September 13th at the Riverside Pub. 5:30. Bring a friend!
We have a new inductee! Welcome Danae to the club! Danae is a financial manager at Numerica Credit Union. She lives with her St. Bernard puppy and two cats, and enjoys spending time with her boyfriend and family. Pictured at right.
Last call for anyone who wants to go to Nicaragua with the Stove Building team. Contact Erin.
The money in the blue cups will be sent down the the victims of Hurricane Harvey.
Brags and Confessions:
Pete celebrated his 28th anniversary.
Chris went to the Seahawks game.
Robin went camping, picked blackberries and made a WHOLE lot of blackberry syrup. Also, it is only 35 days (31 now....) until NHL season opens.
Jerry went to Neah bay and limited out with 35 rock fish, 8 ling cod, 9 coho and 1 king.
Fresh from Cotia! (pronounced co-chee-a)

And just for fun.....
Saturday, August 26, 2017
August 22nd Notes
Hey Everyone,
I have lost my notebook. I keep hoping it will turn up at some point but it is Saturday and I haven't found it and it is time to post about last week's meeting so...this is from memory. My apologies, I will have a new notebook by Tuesday. -Annie
Elza is our new in-bound student! She arrived on Friday evening and will be at Jim and Carol's until next week and then she will be with Brian's family. She will be at the meeting on Tuesday so be sure to come meet her!
Brags and Confessions:
They were AMAZING this amazing I can't remember what everyone said.
Raquel Crowley, a representative from Senator Murray's office, came and spoke to our group about the things Senator Murray is aware of in our area.
I have lost my notebook. I keep hoping it will turn up at some point but it is Saturday and I haven't found it and it is time to post about last week's meeting so...this is from memory. My apologies, I will have a new notebook by Tuesday. -Annie
Elza is our new in-bound student! She arrived on Friday evening and will be at Jim and Carol's until next week and then she will be with Brian's family. She will be at the meeting on Tuesday so be sure to come meet her!
Brags and Confessions:
They were AMAZING this amazing I can't remember what everyone said.
Raquel Crowley, a representative from Senator Murray's office, came and spoke to our group about the things Senator Murray is aware of in our area.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
August 15 notes

The club received a "thank you" card from DG Bill Jenkin.
Notes form the Board Meeitng
Quarterly dues has been increased to $51.37. Watch your email for coming quarter's invoices.
Please take the club satisfaction survey if you have not already done so.
We are sponsoring Challenge Scholar Alex Rodriguez to attend a medical summer camp.
Our youth exchange student Elza Domene from Brazil will be her soon. She's coming in by bus from Seattle, and will be at the train/bus station at 4:00, August 24. Lets give her a big welcome.
Our outbound YE student, Isaiah Banken, made it to Thailand, and already had to give a speech in Thai to 2000 people. He's having fun so far.
Kevin Love got his first new grandson on the 11th.
PJ Jones' mom's house flooded.
Adam Prater missed a few meetings due to the Children's Charity Classic and becoming one of the "30 Under 35". Congrats, Adam.
Jane Davis is back from a running tour of Iceland (she puts in the miles).
Wayne Massing has a pool being installed (TGIF here we come), and spent time in Klamath Falls.
Jerry Karney's wife is done with radiation, and is cancer free!
Rebecca Lyons is back from an Alaskan cruise.
Alan Walker has missed a few meetings, wife Kelly's son is engaged, and daughter has surgery tomorrow.
Karen Dawn Dean talked about our regional arts program in her presentation of "Economics of Creativity". The arts (creative and cultural industry) pump billions into our economy, and provide lots of jobs (4.2% of the jobs in Washington). The arts include everything from game design to fine food and wine. Karen first focused on the creative part - the makers and creators that are behind everything else. This all leads to the cultural/economic impact (jobs, wages, businesses, community attractiveness, and quality of life). She also touched on the WVC art/music programs and facility supported by our community.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
August is Membership Month
It's Membership Month on the RI calendar. This is a good time to examine where our club wants to be as far as membership. Our 5 year goal, set 4 years ago at a club visioning event, was to be at 70 members by 2019. We are now at 61. We have quality members who enjoy making a local impact through service, and also the friendships that are built along the way. Are you engaged in our club fellowship and activities? If not, what can our club do to help you get more connected? If you are engaged already, what can you do to help those who are not connected yet? Do you enjoy our club, and the friendships gained? If so, have you shared this with your friends and acquaintances, and invited them to check us out? Membership is everyone's responsibility. Let's find ways to bring other community leaders and service minded individuals into our club.
Coming membership webinar
Attracting new members is a goal for our club in the year ahead. Remember that first impressions matter. Join Jennifer Jones, past RI vice president, and an exciting panel of guest speakers for an English-language webinar called “First Impressions Matter: The Membership Experience.” The participants will discuss best practices and resources for clubs looking to improve their first impressions on potential and new members.
Coming membership webinar
Attracting new members is a goal for our club in the year ahead. Remember that first impressions matter. Join Jennifer Jones, past RI vice president, and an exciting panel of guest speakers for an English-language webinar called “First Impressions Matter: The Membership Experience.” The participants will discuss best practices and resources for clubs looking to improve their first impressions on potential and new members.
At the end of the webinar, you should be able to:
- Highlight, in interactions with prospective and new members, ways that Rotary is different from other service organizations
- Take a fresh approach to creating a meaningful club experience for prospective and new members
Register for First Impressions Matter: The Membership Experience, on Thursday, 31 August, 12:30 Chicago time (UTC-5).
August Happenings
This has been a busy month already. The District Governor was here for a visit on August 3, the Back-to-School Giveaway took place Saturday, and the whole month is Membership Month in Rotary.
Let's start with District Governor (DG). Bill Jenkin and his wife Lisa, from Prosser, were in our area Thursday. Bill gave the address at the Wenatchee Club's meeting at noon, and all area clubs were invited. Bill talked about his goals for the distinct, which is Challenge, Commitment, and Change. He encouraged each club to make at least one change this year to improve the club, or engage members. Each club this year gets to select a "Change Maker" who will be recognized at the district conference in Prosser in May. Bill also talked about the history and contributions of our area clubs, and some of the district and RI leadership that has come from our area clubs. Bill ended his talk with a promotional video of the May 17-19 District Conference in Prosser. Sunrise had 10 members in attendance. Thanks to Kathleen, Pete, Rene, Laura, Jim & Carol, Jerry, Patty, Robin, and David for showing up to represent our club and support our DG.
That evening, the area clubs hosted a social in honor of DG Bill and Lisa. Over 100 people, representing all 6 area clubs, showed up at Sunrise Circle for fun, food, and fellowship. Despite the heat and smoke, it was a good time, and several family members enjoyed the pool while the adults visited. Many thanks to John and Betsy McDarment for organizing the party, shopping for the food, setting up, etc. Thanks also to PJ, Jim & Carol, Mansour, and Chris for helping with set up/clean up. We had a great show of support from Sunrise. John & Betsy, Chris & Holly (and son Brian), Jim & Carol, Robin & Richard, Mansour & Linda, Kathleen, Jane & Jayna (and friend), Annie & Jim, Erin, Jerry & Kathy, and PJ & Cookie.
Area presidents presenting DG Bill and Lisa with gifts from our area. And Bill presenting the presidents with a bottle wine from his winery.
Saturday morning, Jim & Carol and Tana helped at the Back to School Giveaway. It is estimated that around 5-600 kids received back packs, supplies, and information. The event was sponsored by Columbia Valley Community Health.
Let's start with District Governor (DG). Bill Jenkin and his wife Lisa, from Prosser, were in our area Thursday. Bill gave the address at the Wenatchee Club's meeting at noon, and all area clubs were invited. Bill talked about his goals for the distinct, which is Challenge, Commitment, and Change. He encouraged each club to make at least one change this year to improve the club, or engage members. Each club this year gets to select a "Change Maker" who will be recognized at the district conference in Prosser in May. Bill also talked about the history and contributions of our area clubs, and some of the district and RI leadership that has come from our area clubs. Bill ended his talk with a promotional video of the May 17-19 District Conference in Prosser. Sunrise had 10 members in attendance. Thanks to Kathleen, Pete, Rene, Laura, Jim & Carol, Jerry, Patty, Robin, and David for showing up to represent our club and support our DG.
That evening, the area clubs hosted a social in honor of DG Bill and Lisa. Over 100 people, representing all 6 area clubs, showed up at Sunrise Circle for fun, food, and fellowship. Despite the heat and smoke, it was a good time, and several family members enjoyed the pool while the adults visited. Many thanks to John and Betsy McDarment for organizing the party, shopping for the food, setting up, etc. Thanks also to PJ, Jim & Carol, Mansour, and Chris for helping with set up/clean up. We had a great show of support from Sunrise. John & Betsy, Chris & Holly (and son Brian), Jim & Carol, Robin & Richard, Mansour & Linda, Kathleen, Jane & Jayna (and friend), Annie & Jim, Erin, Jerry & Kathy, and PJ & Cookie.
Area presidents presenting DG Bill and Lisa with gifts from our area. And Bill presenting the presidents with a bottle wine from his winery.
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