Location: Ridgeline Graphics, 34 N. Chelan Ave.
Starts at 6:00
BYOB and/or Special Christmas Drink - $5 donation
Catered by Olive Garden
Cost per person $18
White Elephant Gift Exchange – 1 gift per family
Raffle and other fun stuff
RSVP to Ruth or Alice by Dec. 10
Future Meetings
Tue, Dec. 19 - WVC new Rec Center Your (meet in Van Tassle Hall cafeteria - center of campus)
Tue, Dec. 26 - no meeting
Tue, Jan. 2 - at Coast Hotel (River Top Grill - 9th floor)
Tue, Jan. 9 - no morning meeting - social
Literacy Project
Bring children's' books to our next meeting (Dec. 19, or the party on Dec. 21). We will be giving them to the Interact literacy project with Tonga. Call Carol (630-2120) if you need her to pick them up from you.
Small Project
Family in need - $800 was contribute by members last week, and we'll be shopping for a refrigerator this Saturday. Call Kathleen if you'd like to see the families residence and go shopping with her (503-866-5599). Everyone should have gotten the email from John with the Adame family clothing sizes. Bring gifts to the party next Thursday and we'll wrap them.
Club Elections
Congratulations to the following members who were elected to positions for the 2017-18 Rotary year:
President - Lisa Parks
President-elect - Taro Masuda
Vice-president - Earl Crowe
Secretary - Maggie Nelson
Treasure - Kathleen McNalty
Board - Patty Rush (2nd term)
Board - Jerry Karney (2nd term)
Board - Kevin Love
Board - John McDarment
Past-president - Erin McCool

We recognized new members who have completed their tasks to get their "new member" stickers off their badges. Congratulations to Joel Banken, Rebecca Lyons, John Schapman, Ruth Dagg, Danae Fowler, Chris McDarment, and Laura Singletary. Craig Reese (left) was presented his new member badge (it just looks like he's scared).
Brags & Confessions
Earl Crowe - Elza moved in with their family, and Lucy's recital was watched by Elza's mom in Brasil.
Bill McDowell - Army won the Army-Navy game.
Lisa Parks - will take youngest daughter to Universal Studios Orlando as a graduation gift.
Taro Masuda - took youth exchange students to Silver Star in Vernon, BC last weekend.
Rebecca Lyons - back from 2-week trip to China.
PJ Jones - headed to Jackson Hole and other ski areas for a couple months. He also announced a ski trip to France is being planned. Talk to him for details.
Bring a wrapped Christmas gift for Elza next week. Earl will put them under his tree for her to open at Christmas.
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