Save the Date! September 16th is the Barbeque at Utigard's Orchard. Families and friends are welcome. Camping is available is needed. Meat will be provided but please bring a dish according to the following:
A-G: Salad
H-N: Side Dish
Also, it is BYOB. The BBQ will happen around 3 but everyone is welcome anytime!
Our next club social is September 13th at the Riverside Pub. 5:30. Bring a friend!
We have a new inductee! Welcome Danae to the club! Danae is a financial manager at Numerica Credit Union. She lives with her St. Bernard puppy and two cats, and enjoys spending time with her boyfriend and family. Pictured at right.
Last call for anyone who wants to go to Nicaragua with the Stove Building team. Contact Erin.
The money in the blue cups will be sent down the the victims of Hurricane Harvey.
Brags and Confessions:
Pete celebrated his 28th anniversary.
Chris went to the Seahawks game.
Robin went camping, picked blackberries and made a WHOLE lot of blackberry syrup. Also, it is only 35 days (31 now....) until NHL season opens.
Jerry went to Neah bay and limited out with 35 rock fish, 8 ling cod, 9 coho and 1 king.
Fresh from Cotia! (pronounced co-chee-a)

And just for fun.....
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