Remember to get a hold of Lucas! He has a list of stuff he would love to do (See November 15th Meeting Blog) before he leaves. His number is 881-8616.
The Christmas Party is on December 15th. If you haven't signed up, be sure to get a hold of Wayne. Family welcome!
The week of December 12th is a busy one! At our regular meeting on December 13th, Steve Robinson will come speak about Pybus Market. On December 14th there is a club social at Columbia River Brewing Company at 5:00. On December 15th is our Christmas party.
Brags and Confessions:
Earl paid for the Coug's loss in the Apple Cup.
Erik paid for the Huskie's win the Apple Cup AND the celebration of his 26th wedding anniversary.
Rani's dad broke his leg and is currently staying at the hospital at which Jonas Salk worked. Rani was glad that Ohio beat Michigan.
Ron paid for his big ole color picture in the paper.
Alan took his mom and the kids to the woods to gather trees for Christmas and left with 5!
Club Assembly:
Today we spent time looking at all the committees we have and making sure that everyone is involved on some level. A reminder that Rotary is a service club and serving on a committee is how that service happens. We have the following committees list with their chairpersons that you can contact to get involved:

Rotary Foundation (contact Jerry Karney)
Fund Raising (contact Earl Crowe)
Challenge Scholar (contact Joan Wright)
Salisbury Fund (contact Maggie Nelson, Jim Huffman or Leslie Coleman)
Youth Exchange (contact Maggie Nelson)
Membership (contact John McDarment)
Public Relations and Social Media (contact Annie LaCroix)
Rotaract (contact Laura Singletary)
Fellowship (contact Wayne Massing)
International Projects (contact Wayne Massing)
Community Projects (contact Matt Eastman)
Senior Dinner (contact Jill Courtney)
Bike Ride (contact Alice Thompson or Alan Walker)
Programs (contact Jim Huffman)
Club History (contact Leonard Noss)
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