Next week is a busy week!
December 12th: 7:00 a.m. Board Meeting at Wild Huckleberry(updating bylaws and the constitution)
December 13th: Regular meeting with Steve Robinson from Pybus Market
December 14th: 5:00 p.m. Club Social at Columbia Brewing Company
December 15th: 6:00 p.m. Christmas Party at Ridgeline Graphics
Lucas had a big week last week! He spent Thanksgiving with the extended family of his host family. Then he went to Seattle and visited Pike Place Market and took a ride in a Tesla!!! He was also able to attend Mission Ridge opening and was lucky enough to get stuck on a chair lift.
The Bike Ride Committee met and has some very cool stuff for the June 3rd bike ride. If you haven't already blocked off the day on your calendar, do it now! We need all hands on deck for the 20th anniversary of our club's biggest fundraiser.
There is a financial aid workshop for challenge scholars on Wednesday. All mentors received an email regarding the details.
Brags and Confessions:
Lisa Park's birthday!
Jim H put in money for Annie because she took Sammy.
Mansour wonders why he has been stuck in this snowy torture chamber.
Jim A spent the weekend in Edmonton training district leaders.

Laura reported that the Rotaract club made $200.00 for CASA. At right are some of the stocking stuffers they purchased for the kids.
Doyle from Lighthouse Ministries presented to our club today.
Doyle joined Lighthouse Ministries three years ago after realizing that he wanted to help people that were just like him. He reminded us that we could all be in the same position as many of the people that the Lighthouse Ministries help.
The organization was founded in 2009 by Bob Rogers who is still involved in the organization. Currently there are 7 active programs. These programs include:
- The Lighthouse Soup Kitchen which feeds about 5000 servings per month.
- The Food Distribution Ministry which distributes approximately 168,000 servings per year.
- Grace House which is a transitional house for Women and Children. The capacity is 40 people and is currently at 16 women and 19 children.
- Gospel House provides emergency housing for entire families.
- Mission House which provides transitional housing for men.
- Lighthouse Clinic which provides free or reduced medical and dental care.
- King's Garden Christian Preschool which has been in existence provides interactive preschool for 3-5 year olds. The current class has 19 children.
Lighthouse Ministries is currently looking at consolidating it's efforts in a large building they were recently able to acquire. The monetary goal for the organization is $744,000.00. They are approximately $189,000 short of their goal. If you would like to donate to this amazing local project, click here.
(former residents, and now volunteers, Harry and Crystal pose with Doyal)
You have to check out the new look for our club and bike ride web site. Very cool! Thanks to Joel and the others who helped to make this happen.
(former residents, and now volunteers, Harry and Crystal pose with Doyal)
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