Earl Crowe's oldest daughter is engaged with a wedding date of June 2017.
Craig Robertson reported a tennis star and a straight A student among his brood. Perhaps a predisposition to Mandy's genetic makeup? Congratulations!
Bill McDowell reminded us there is a caucus for Presidential elections this Saturday, March 26th at 10 am.

Heidi Black spent a day in sunny southern California attending a training session sponsored by Brighton Jewelry. She was wined and dined and even educated. A great time! And we all know the best place to buy Brighton Jewelry is ..... Collins Fashions.
Mateo attended a Sounders game. Another check mark on his See America Bucket List.
Tom Utigard celebrated his musically inclined granddaughter who was accepted to the Youth Symphony and his grandson who is getting As in very difficult subjects.
Jerry and Kathy Karney travelled 1200 miles through Oregon, seeing every form of precipitation and taking in Ashland, McMinnville's Spruce Goose, and Bend.
Highway Cleanup April 9th. Please sign up with Wayne at out next meeting.
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