March Anniversaries: none
Brags & Confessions
Brags & Confessions Gauntlet |
- Earl Crowe's daughters rock. One was selected to lay the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in DC, and another is going to the state math competition.
- Ron Griffith second book is published, and is about the life of a long haul trucker.
- Stacy Speer is taking her daughters to Great Wolfe Lodge (need chaperons?).
- Milt Herman's 50 year-old daughter ran a marathon in 4 hr/20 minutes.

Check your junk e-mail! Look for a Rotary Membership Matters survey, probably from Ron Hooper. Please complete the online survey by Saturday. Jim Adamson sent a link on Tuesday if you can't find the one from Ron.
Packing Friendship participants this week are Shelley Miller and Jill Courtney.
Kevin is organizing a spring spruce up for Rotary Park. Come and get your hands dirty on April 2 from 9-1. Families welcome. Contact Kevin for details. Lunch is provided.

Mark you calendars for April 17, 2016 about 5 pm for our Senior Dinner to be held at Bonaventure. Bonaventure is donating and cooking the food. We need all Club members to volunteer in support of this event.
Matt McColm attended President- Elect training and says it was a blast. He has a tip for a fundraiser, a tasting contest. Not sure what is being tasted but if you want to learn more and go on a road trip, see Matt about attending a Rotary meeting in Hidden Lake, Idaho. The Club in Hidden Lake is planning its annual tasting contest fundraiser.
Bike Ride Update. Cycle Central has signed on as a major sponsor. We will hold our Friday night registration at Cycle Central. Steve Maher will help us with social media and advertising. Steve was with Wenatchee World and is founder of Adventure Wenatchee. Next bike ride meeting is March 30 6 pm at Kathleen's house. Cascade High School may not be available for us to use as a pit stop. Norm Sturm is checking on other options. Rotaract Club has agreed to volunteer at the Ride and will help with Lake Wenatchee pit stop.
Bike Ride Update. Cycle Central has signed on as a major sponsor. We will hold our Friday night registration at Cycle Central. Steve Maher will help us with social media and advertising. Steve was with Wenatchee World and is founder of Adventure Wenatchee. Next bike ride meeting is March 30 6 pm at Kathleen's house. Cascade High School may not be available for us to use as a pit stop. Norm Sturm is checking on other options. Rotaract Club has agreed to volunteer at the Ride and will help with Lake Wenatchee pit stop.
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