Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June 11 Meeting Notes

The meeting was opened by President Craig, and introductions were made including Assistant Governor Mike Kintner and program speaker Claire Oatie.


Our presidential change over breakfast is going to be on the morning of July 2nd. The cost will be $8 for breakfast. Contact Carol if you haven't already signed up.  We need numbers for the meals. The charge will be put on your next quarter’s invoice. Let's have a fun time roasting Craig and bringing in Rebecca as our next president.

Monday night, June 24th, all the Rotary clubs are invited to Circle 5 Winery (formerly Martin Scott) to hear a Nashville artist perform from 6:00 to 9:00. There is no cover charge. Should be a fun time. This will follow the Confluence Club’s evening meeting out there.

Tuesday night June 25th will be “Rotary Night” at the Applesox’s game. There will be a lot of Rotary action going on including the first pitch thrown out by District Governor Marjolein Lloyd of Kelowna. That's the team we are playing that night. We'll also have a Rotary information booth, a 50/50 raffle that benefits “Only 7 seconds” (a mental health nonprofit), and lots of fellowship time. Get your tickets at Type in “Rotary” in the promo box and get bleacher seats for $5 or you can sit in reserve section D for $10.50 where many Rotarians will be seated.

Laerke said that she graduated from Wenatchee High School, had lots of parties, and will be cutting her hair and donating it. She will be giving her going away presentation on June 25th, so be sure to attend that morning.

Assistant Governor Mike Kintner gave an update of our district and area activities, and gave Craig a gift in thanks for his leadership this year.

  • ·        He gave a summary of our club’s progress with over $ 5500 given to The Rotary Foundation, service projects, social events, leadership development, a great youth exchange, and the challenge scholarship program.
  • ·         Mike announced the Cashmere Rotary pickleball tournament June 29th as their fundraiser.
  • ·         District Governor Marjolein Lloyd will be visiting our club June 25th.
  • ·         The district governor changeover dinner will be June 26th at the museum. You can register on the DACdb calendar. The cost is $32 per person.
  • ·         Mike announced the Fishing Derby that East Wenatchee Rotary has on June 15.

Kathleen emailed that the Club Finder app is not working at this time, but you can find times and places clubs from around the world meet at this RI link.

It was announced that former Sunrise member and past-president Mark Anderson has passed away.  Craig and a couple others will be attending his memorial service.

Braggs and Confessions

Jim and Carol attended 3 different graduations in the last couple weeks. One for 8th grade, one for high school with his associate arts degree, and a college bachelor's degree. She mentioned she was very proud of our 8th grader who had cancer when he was four years old and had to miss some school.

Monsieur will be in Oregon for a couple of weeks.

Jennifer went kayaking on the West side, and took a flight over Puget Sound with their son-in-law as a new pilot.

Kathleen was in Seattle, and is now leaving for two weeks to the East Coast.

Rebecca is back from the Rotary International Convention in Singapore and came back with a case of COVID. She also said she's very proud of her daughter who graduates from West Side High School tonight.


Wayne M introduced Claire Oatie, Director of Community Engagement for the Community Foundation of NCW. Claire talked about the Leadership Institute of NCW. This is a free twenty session training program (bilingual) ending in the development of projects in neighborhoods, communities and families.

They're using curriculum from the Parent Leadership Training Institute and will be facilitated by 8 different trainers. Anyone 18 and over who wants to enhance leadership and community development skills can apply. Classes will be at Wenatchee Valley College and childcare will be provided. There will also be simultaneous bilingual translation. Applications are due June 30th, and classes begin September 21st and end January 15th.

Claire said the goal is to train and empower diverse members to strengthen the community. Vital conditions fill urgent needs. The training will create a sense of belonging and civic muscle in areas of social media use, civic confidence, knowledge of elected officials, and civic knowledge. Long term benefits will build bridges across many differences in our community. Funding comes from nonprofits, grants, and individuals.

You can check out her presentation at this link, or contact Claire at, or 509-663-7716.

After meeting notes

Kevin's travel ticket was drawn, but he pulled the wrong marble. Next week there will be over $245 in the pot. The meeting ended with the traditional joke by Mark.

Photos of two of our graduating challenge scholars at the West Side HS ceremony Wednesday night.  They will be attending future meetings in July.  Thanks David Barshes for coordinating the program and presenting the awards at the grad ceremony.  These two won the $10,000 scholarships.

Here is a letter and photos from Pearl, our outbound YE student.

It's officially my last full month in Belgium! I've been saying the time is flying since my first month here but it's somehow sped up even more. Here is my little May recap! 

May was a pretty calm month. I went to a couple concerts, visited a few new cities, and said some goodbyes to exchange student friends. My host Mom took me on a tour of a couple cities on her vespa and I went to this super cool plant sale in a castle! Those were probably the highlights of my month. I went to Brussels for maybe the last time until I fly home. Brussels is one of my favorite cities here so it was really fun to go again, but also a little bittersweet. My city has the biggest antique market in Europe, and I finally got to go see it!
I also went on a trip with school where we went canoeing in Dinant (one of the French cities in Belgium). It was about 13 miles, and the views were absolutely insane. It was such a fun experience!

People here are preparing for exams, but since I've already passed a set of exams I'm getting ready to do volunteer work with puppies! A Rotarian in my city runs a center that trains guide dogs for the blind, and I thought that sounded more fun than ending off my year with tests (shocker!) I'm really looking forward to it, butI'm basically done with school here which is crazy! I ended my school year by doing a presentation in Dutch on my life in the US and my year here, and by the end everyone said they wanted to come to Washington so it was a success. 

Looking forward to June! 

My host Mom and at one of our vespa tour stops!
Kayaking in Dinant

The only photo that I took of the Antique Market- you can’t see how big or pretty it really was from this!
Visited a new city (Mechelen) to say goodbye to an exchange student friend! 

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June 18 Meeting Notes

 The meeting was opened by President Craig Reese. "Good morning, Sunbeams!" (Mark Anderson) Returning Wenatchee Sunrise Rotarians,...