Wednesday, June 19, 2024

June 18 Meeting Notes

 The meeting was opened by President Craig Reese. "Good morning, Sunbeams!" (Mark Anderson)

Returning Wenatchee Sunrise Rotarians, after long absences, were Jim Huffman and Jay Higgins. Welcome back!

President Craig welcomed visitors Jim Kuntz and Sarah Deenik, both from the Chelan-Douglas Port Authority, and Colette French, daughter of Carl French.


President Craig announced that he had just returned from Mark Anderson's funeral in Nevada. Mark was a long time Wenatchee Sunrise Rotarian who helped start our club's Challenge Scholarship Program and was the innovator of the Marky Award given to the club Rotarian of the Year. His favorite greeting was "Good morning, Sunbeams!". Also attending the funeral were Brian Noyd and PJ Jones, both former club members. Mark will be missed!

Don't forget that Monday night, 24 June, all the Rotary clubs are invited to Circle 5 Winery (formerly Martin Scott) to hear a Nashville artist perform from 6:00 to 9:00pm. There is no cover charge. Should be a fun time. This will follow the Confluence Club’s evening meeting out there.

Next week's meeting Tuesday 25 June will be at the Confluence Technical Center (CTC), 285 Technology Center Way in Wenatchee (Old Station area). 7 am. in the Skykomish Room; watch for signage at CTC. Our Pybus room(s) are in use that day! 

The Tuesday 25 June meeting will also be attended by our District 5060 District Governor Marjolein Lloyd and Archie M. Klumph, Rotary District 5060 Mascot! Don't miss this fun meeting.

Laerke will be giving her going away presentation on Tuesday 25 June, so be sure to attend that morning. She returns to Denmark shortly thereafter!

Wayne Massing presented Faviola Barbosa an award for her excellent translation work while selling Road Apple Roulette tickets on the parade route!

Tuesday night 25 June will be “Rotary Night” at the Applesox game. There will be a lot of Rotary action going on including the first pitch thrown out by District Governor Marjolein Lloyd of Kelowna. That's the team we are playing that night. We'll also have a Rotary information booth, a 50/50 raffle that benefits “Only 7Seconds” (a mental health nonprofit), and lots of fellowship time. Get your tickets at Type in “Rotary” in the promo box and get bleacher seats for $5 or you can sit in reserve section D for $10.50 where many Rotarians will be seated. Emma is asking for volunteers to sell the 50-50 raffle tickets. Contact Emma Crowe ( if you can help out! The 3 volunteers from our club to help at the entry table are Rebecca, Carol and Jim.

Our Presidential Change-Over Breakfast is going to be on the morning of 2 July, from 7:00 am to 8:30 am. The cost will be $8 for breakfast. Contact Carol ( if you haven't already signed up. We need numbers for the meals. The charge will be put on your next quarter’s invoice. Let's have a fun time roasting Craig and bringing in Rebecca as our next president.

David Barshes, Challenge Scholarship Committee Chair, gave a report of the number of students in the Challenge Scholarship Program who graduated this year, and the two who were going on to college next year using our Challenge Scholarships! One student graduated from high school a year early! It's good to see our scholarship program is so successful. David also bragged about his color picture being on the front page of the Wenatchee World newspaper, and was awarded a copy of that picture from the Sgt. At Arms, Wayne Massing!

Wayne Massing, Road Apple Roulette Fundraising Committee Chair, said the Wenatchee Valley Senior Activity Center received their donation check from WSRC during the planned crab feed last Saturday. Dave Tosch, Executive Director of the Senior Center, and the attending crab-eaters were told that our Board of Directors had increased the club's donation to $4,000! Immediately, the two other crab-eaters from the Springwater Insurance Group and the Solomon Financial Group, each gave $2,500, producing a grand total of $9,000 to the Senior Center. Leverage!!

Braggs and Confessions

Wayne Massing returned from a family visit to the Tri-Cities, and a tour of the Hanford B-Reactor.

Fabiola Barbosa bragged that her son graduated from high school. Also, she's going to be a nana again!


Sgt.-At-Arms Wayne Massing caught Taro Masuda sneaking in the door during the Pledge of Allegiance and was fined $1 for that! Thanks, Taro!


Jim Huffman introduced Jim Kuntz, Chief Executive Officer of the Chelan-Douglas Regional Port Authority. The CDRPA is the first of its kind in Washington. On June 11, 2019, all six commissioners from the Port of Chelan County and the Port of Douglas County signed the Interlocal Cooperation
Agreement, functionally consolidating finances, management and operations into one governing body - the Chelan-Douglas Regional Port Authority -beginning January 1, 2020. This functional consolidation was the first in the State of Washington where two county-wide ports fully consolidated organizations into one new entity.
The Chelan-Douglas Regional Port Authority is the principal economic development agency for Chelan and Douglas Counties.
After almost 27-years as the Walla Walla executive director, Jim Kuntz was hired as the first leader of the newly formed regional port. He was returning to his hometown of Wenatchee.
Jim is a graduate of Eastern Washington University and has a master's degree from the Evergreen State College in Public Administration. 
Today, the Port manages four airports, multiple business parks, the Confluence Technology Center and much more.

Jim Kuntz was welcomed with a warm round of applause!

The CDRPA has 6 commissioners. 

The current CDRPA has a yearly budget of about $4.6 million.

Pangborn Airport still has its 2 Alaska Airlines flights into Wenatchee and 2 flights out. The port is hoping to get an additional in/out flight later. The DCRPA is still courting an additional airline to operate out of Wenatchee Airport. Many improvements to the taxiway and other aviation facilities have already been made.

Pangborn Airport has an Army National Guard unit from Fairchild Air Force Base in Spokane that has moved into the old Executive Flight building. The DCRPA has sold additional acreage to the ANG where they can expand their presence. Their 6 Lakota and 3 Blackhawk helicopters can assist in flighting our wildfires should they occur. Once a month about 100 Army reservists will come to Wenatchee to fulfill their reservist duties and aid the local economy.

The older General Aviation terminal will be rebuilt to retain some original features, but increase its functionality, and visual appeal.

New corporate hangar development has already started with more on the way.

Future main runway development is planned for 2025-2027 and may require air operations to cease for a while. Most of the funding will come from the FAA.

Another area in the vicinity of Pangborn Airport are the remnants from the Gigawatt business that went bankrupt. The small cluster of buildings, now called the Trades District, will be reconfigured for workspaces, specialty trade spaces, limited retail and production shops. 

Pangborn has a record level of investments and expansions.

MicroSoft has already started work on their 6 Douglas County data centers. 

Current Douglas County assessed tax values will be greatly supplemented by MicroSoft's data center construction and taxable assets.

Three new MicroSoft data centers will be constructed in the Malaga area. The Chelan site will be connected to the Douglas site via fiber optic cables.

The Chelan MicroSoft data centers will bring additional tax revenue to Chelan County as well as additional jobs.

With the addition of the Douglas and Chelan MicroSoft data centers, record levels of construction and employment will be experienced.

Other CDRPA projects include the Lineage Redevelopment - Brewery District near the Wenatchee Train Depot. This will allow for the addition of small businesses like breweries and cider works near the Pybus Public Market.

Other regional proposed projects are a regional aquatic/sport complex. Site TBD.

Jim Kuntz fielded questions from the Rotary Club audience.

Q1: Will there be a third flight in and out of Wenatchee?
A1: The world-wide shortage of pilots is partially the cause of this condition. During COVID, many pilots retired. The airlines are trying to attract more pilots

Q2: What are some of the other destinations, other than Seattle, that the Port is trying to connect Wenatchee to?
A2: Denver, Salt Lake City, and the Bay area.

Q3: If the power for the MicroSoft Douglas Country data centers is coming from British Columbia, how does it get here?
A3: The Douglas PUD provides the connection to the data centers from the BC power source.

Q4: What is the size of the data centers in square footage?
Q4: Each is about 200,000 square feet.

Q5: What will happen to the ALCOA property?
A5: Since 95% of Chelan County is owned by the state of Washington or the federal government, it is difficult to coordinate what can go into that site. It may be developed as another industrial site.

President Craig Reese gave Jim presented the book, The Animal Farm, which will be donated to Pinnacles Prep in appreciation his speaking to us today.

Closing the Meeting

President Craig reminded everyone of the change in locations for next week's meeting. (Put a note on your calendar! Confluence Technology Center!).
Bill Ostheimer has his raffle ticket pulled, but he failed to pull the magic marble from the bag. Next week we will skip the raffle so we can have one at the Change-Over breakfast on Tues. July 2nd.
Mark's joke was funny, again!
The meeting ended at 8 am.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June 11 Meeting Notes

The meeting was opened by President Craig, and introductions were made including Assistant Governor Mike Kintner and program speaker Claire Oatie.


Our presidential change over breakfast is going to be on the morning of July 2nd. The cost will be $8 for breakfast. Contact Carol if you haven't already signed up.  We need numbers for the meals. The charge will be put on your next quarter’s invoice. Let's have a fun time roasting Craig and bringing in Rebecca as our next president.

Monday night, June 24th, all the Rotary clubs are invited to Circle 5 Winery (formerly Martin Scott) to hear a Nashville artist perform from 6:00 to 9:00. There is no cover charge. Should be a fun time. This will follow the Confluence Club’s evening meeting out there.

Tuesday night June 25th will be “Rotary Night” at the Applesox’s game. There will be a lot of Rotary action going on including the first pitch thrown out by District Governor Marjolein Lloyd of Kelowna. That's the team we are playing that night. We'll also have a Rotary information booth, a 50/50 raffle that benefits “Only 7 seconds” (a mental health nonprofit), and lots of fellowship time. Get your tickets at Type in “Rotary” in the promo box and get bleacher seats for $5 or you can sit in reserve section D for $10.50 where many Rotarians will be seated.

Laerke said that she graduated from Wenatchee High School, had lots of parties, and will be cutting her hair and donating it. She will be giving her going away presentation on June 25th, so be sure to attend that morning.

Assistant Governor Mike Kintner gave an update of our district and area activities, and gave Craig a gift in thanks for his leadership this year.

  • ·        He gave a summary of our club’s progress with over $ 5500 given to The Rotary Foundation, service projects, social events, leadership development, a great youth exchange, and the challenge scholarship program.
  • ·         Mike announced the Cashmere Rotary pickleball tournament June 29th as their fundraiser.
  • ·         District Governor Marjolein Lloyd will be visiting our club June 25th.
  • ·         The district governor changeover dinner will be June 26th at the museum. You can register on the DACdb calendar. The cost is $32 per person.
  • ·         Mike announced the Fishing Derby that East Wenatchee Rotary has on June 15.

Kathleen emailed that the Club Finder app is not working at this time, but you can find times and places clubs from around the world meet at this RI link.

It was announced that former Sunrise member and past-president Mark Anderson has passed away.  Craig and a couple others will be attending his memorial service.

Braggs and Confessions

Jim and Carol attended 3 different graduations in the last couple weeks. One for 8th grade, one for high school with his associate arts degree, and a college bachelor's degree. She mentioned she was very proud of our 8th grader who had cancer when he was four years old and had to miss some school.

Monsieur will be in Oregon for a couple of weeks.

Jennifer went kayaking on the West side, and took a flight over Puget Sound with their son-in-law as a new pilot.

Kathleen was in Seattle, and is now leaving for two weeks to the East Coast.

Rebecca is back from the Rotary International Convention in Singapore and came back with a case of COVID. She also said she's very proud of her daughter who graduates from West Side High School tonight.


Wayne M introduced Claire Oatie, Director of Community Engagement for the Community Foundation of NCW. Claire talked about the Leadership Institute of NCW. This is a free twenty session training program (bilingual) ending in the development of projects in neighborhoods, communities and families.

They're using curriculum from the Parent Leadership Training Institute and will be facilitated by 8 different trainers. Anyone 18 and over who wants to enhance leadership and community development skills can apply. Classes will be at Wenatchee Valley College and childcare will be provided. There will also be simultaneous bilingual translation. Applications are due June 30th, and classes begin September 21st and end January 15th.

Claire said the goal is to train and empower diverse members to strengthen the community. Vital conditions fill urgent needs. The training will create a sense of belonging and civic muscle in areas of social media use, civic confidence, knowledge of elected officials, and civic knowledge. Long term benefits will build bridges across many differences in our community. Funding comes from nonprofits, grants, and individuals.

You can check out her presentation at this link, or contact Claire at, or 509-663-7716.

After meeting notes

Kevin's travel ticket was drawn, but he pulled the wrong marble. Next week there will be over $245 in the pot. The meeting ended with the traditional joke by Mark.

Photos of two of our graduating challenge scholars at the West Side HS ceremony Wednesday night.  They will be attending future meetings in July.  Thanks David Barshes for coordinating the program and presenting the awards at the grad ceremony.  These two won the $10,000 scholarships.

Here is a letter and photos from Pearl, our outbound YE student.

It's officially my last full month in Belgium! I've been saying the time is flying since my first month here but it's somehow sped up even more. Here is my little May recap! 

May was a pretty calm month. I went to a couple concerts, visited a few new cities, and said some goodbyes to exchange student friends. My host Mom took me on a tour of a couple cities on her vespa and I went to this super cool plant sale in a castle! Those were probably the highlights of my month. I went to Brussels for maybe the last time until I fly home. Brussels is one of my favorite cities here so it was really fun to go again, but also a little bittersweet. My city has the biggest antique market in Europe, and I finally got to go see it!
I also went on a trip with school where we went canoeing in Dinant (one of the French cities in Belgium). It was about 13 miles, and the views were absolutely insane. It was such a fun experience!

People here are preparing for exams, but since I've already passed a set of exams I'm getting ready to do volunteer work with puppies! A Rotarian in my city runs a center that trains guide dogs for the blind, and I thought that sounded more fun than ending off my year with tests (shocker!) I'm really looking forward to it, butI'm basically done with school here which is crazy! I ended my school year by doing a presentation in Dutch on my life in the US and my year here, and by the end everyone said they wanted to come to Washington so it was a success. 

Looking forward to June! 

My host Mom and at one of our vespa tour stops!
Kayaking in Dinant

The only photo that I took of the Antique Market- you can’t see how big or pretty it really was from this!
Visited a new city (Mechelen) to say goodbye to an exchange student friend! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 4 Meeting Notes


The meeting was opened by Past-President Jim Adamson who gave a few notable highlights in history for today, June 4th.  He introduced visiting guests Dale and Sherelle Fields, Veronica Masuda, Abby Prieto (outbound YE student), Elza Domene (past YE student from Brazil), and program speakers Cori Bautista and Tammi Parkinson from the Women's Service League.


Wayne M gave a Rotary moment about an article in the June Rotarian.  He talked about the Rotarian Code of Conduct. You can find that, along with the object of Rotary and the Four Way Test on page 59 in the June magazine.

Wayne also presented a Road Apple award to Jim and Carol Adamson for selling over 1000 tickets during the Road Apple Roulette fundraiser. They were not there the week before to get their award.

Jim Adamson presented a Paul Harris +1 pin to John Shapman. John was absent when they presented the awards a couple weeks ago.  Thank you John for contributing over $2000 to the Rotary Foundation.

Carol talked about the presidential change over dinner which will take place at our regular meeting time on July 2nd.  We are having a full breakfast, and she sent around a sign up sheet for those who will be eating breakfast that morning.  The cost will be $8 per person with the remaining amount being subsidized by our club's fellowship budget.  The $8 will be put on your quarterly invoice.  We hope you can all come and bring a spouse or a guest to celebrate Craig's year as president, and welcome in Rebecca as the president for the new Rotary year.

Julie Bankin talked about Laerke's birthday coming up the day after her presentation on June 25th.  We sent around a Pybus poster for everyone to put down their birthday wishes for Laerke.  Carol is also purchasing another birthday gift to present to her from our club.

Alan mentioned that our next club social will be next Tuesday night at 5:00 at the Helbent Taproom. It's open to everybody including spouses and guests.

Braggs and confessions (here are the ones I remember)

John Shapman said they are pregnant with their fifth child.  He also mentioned that his father passed away a short time ago.

Earl contributed for having Elza come visit them from Brazil.  They were one of the host families 6 years ago along with the Banken's and the Noyd's.

Jim gave a dollar because he was happy to be president again for a day.

Julie confessed that she had a picture in the paper for the Master Gardener's program on worms.


Alan introduced our program speakers Cori Bautista and Tammi Parkinson from the Women's Service League of North Central Washington.  Cori and Tammy gave us an overview of what their organization does, and it's pretty amazing.  They've been around since 2008, and their goal is to build community through empowerment of women and deliberate volunteer action.  The group devotes many hours to their Diaper Drive, My Girlfriend's Closet, and Touch a Truck.  These events rate raise thousands of dollars to help women and families.  In 2023, they had 134 volunteers putting on events that raised over $75,000 in grants and scholarships.

Cori is a member of Banner Bank and a founding member of the Women's Service League.  She serves as a board member with Confluence Health, Pybus Public Market Charitable Foundation, and the National Association of Professional Mortgage Women.  Tammi Parkinson retired from the Wenatchee Valley College Foundation and soon became involved in the Women's Service League.  Jim presented the book, The One and Only Ivan, which will be donated to Pinnacles Prep in appreciation of them speaking to us today.

After notes

Carl won the raffle draw to see if he could pull the correct marble, but no such luck.  The pot continues to grow.

The speaker next week will be Claire Oatie, Director of Community Engagement at the Community Foundation of North Central Washington.  She will be talking about the National Parent Leadership Institute.

Mark led us to adjournment with his typical joke.

June 18 Meeting Notes

 The meeting was opened by President Craig Reese. "Good morning, Sunbeams!" (Mark Anderson) Returning Wenatchee Sunrise Rotarians,...