Our Tuesday, April 16, 2024, Rotary Club of Wenatchee Sunrise was called to order by President-Elect Rebecca Lyons. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, a moment of silence followed, and "Say Howdy" followed with members greeting each other and our guests.
Our guests for this meeting were Dan Feil, soon-to-be new member, Chris (Emma Crowe's fiancé), Veronica Masuda (Taro's daughter) and our Youth Exchange student Laerke. The Apple Blossom Royalty and their chaperons were introduced as the meeting's speakers.
Alan Walker Club Secretary, read the minutes of the Board Meeting, and reminded club members that the Board meeting is now being held on first Thursday of each month at 7 am in the basement of the Maple Street Cashmere Valley Bank.
-A multi-year planning session is being planned. Board Member Allie Schank will send an online poll to those club members who volunteered to be part of this planning session. The poll will ask recipients the days in late April and early May when they would be able to meet. This planning session should be completed by mid-May.
- Dan Feil's membership application was approved by the Board of Directors. We welcome Dan to our club. His induction into the club will be at a future meeting.
-Club member Joel McDonald has resigned from the Rotary Club of Wenatchee Sunrise and has joined another area Rotary Club.
-Due to an accounting error, the increase in District 5060 and Rotary International's dues was not paid. The club dues will increase by $40 per year and will show as a $10 increase on member's quarterly billing.
Alan also announced that he was still seeking volunteers for the Apple Blossom Youth Parade on Saturday, April 27, 2024, from 7:30 am to about 1 pm. Volunteers will be given keepsake Apple Blossom Festival T-shirts to keep. Duties included keeping vehicles off the parade route, and answering questions like "When is my son's Cub Scout group coming in the parade?" Sequence of parade groups and floats will be provided to volunteers on a handy clipboard! You also get to use a walkie-talkie radio, too. See Alan to volunteer or sign-up online.
Julie and Joel Banken just returned from Youth Exchange events in Canada.
Wayne Massing announced that the Road Apple Roulette tickets sales has reached 2418, almost 48% of the 5,000 tickets that are available. The Cafe La Vie En tickets sales were good for the first shift, but not for the second one. Therefore, the Friday, April 19th tickets sales at Cafe La Vie En will just be from 8-10 am. Those who have signed up have been notified of the time changes. Also, the ticket sales at Firehouse Pets and Trek Bicycle were spotty, and not very productive. We will drop the plans to have sales at those 2 sites on Saturday, 20 April. At our April 23rd club meeting, we will have more information about our booth in the Food Court and have a sign-up list for volunteers wishing to sell tickets there. Youth Parade on Saturday and lots of people eating Funnel Cakes (just across from our Rotary ticket table)!!
Rebecca Lyons attended the Environmental event at Pybus over the weekend. Zero Waste at Apple Blossom is an achievable goal. Volunteers in the Food Court of Memorial Park will assist Apple Blossom attendees in separating garbage from recycled materials. Last year, the amount of garbage going to the landfill was reduced by 50%. An even greater amount of recycling is anticipated this year.Jim Adamson reminded the club that the Fellowship Committee has put together a social event at a woodshop in Cashmere to drink wine and use power tools to make "Shark-cutery" boards on April 29th. More details later.
Kelly Walker reminded the club of a free Fraud Awareness workshop at Pybus Tues. April 16th at 7 pm. Learn how not to be scammed and your bank account compromised.Youth Exchange Update
Our Inbound Youth Exchange student Laerke gave us an update on her YE activities. She spent 1 week in Hawaii, and got to surf. There were about 85 other Youth Exchange students there as well. After returning to the mainland, she flew to New York City and met up with 61 YE students there. After seeing the major sights of the Big Apple, they flew to Washington, DC where they toured the capital and other historic sights. An inbound orientation was just held in BC, Canada.
Brags and Confessions
Emma Crowe bragged about having just returned from Burundi, Africa, with her Sister Connection manager Craig Reese (and Rotary Club of Wenatchee Sunrise President). She slept on the flight home and was able to attend the 7 am club meeting. Craig was NOT able to sleep on the plane and took two days off work! Emma and Chris are looking for a wedding venue!
Alan Walker enjoyed spending a birthday for his 87-year-old mother in Ellensburg.
Sgt. at Arms
David Barshes was given an award for his work in a local theatre group. He previously agreed to pay a fine for overlooking this publication of his award.
Allie Schank came in late and paid a small Happy Buck fine to Earl, our treasurer.
Program Speakers
Jim Adamson introduced our speakers for today's program. Apple Blossom Festival Royalty and their chaperons. Queen Ella Stimmel (Eastmont High School), Princess Jennisa Hepton and Princess Lexie Fennell. Chaperons are Ceci Wood and Jan Crollard. Link for more royalty information: 2024 Royal Court — Washington State Apple Blossom Festival
Clothing was a big topic of discussion for the girls. Macy's provided the pink jackets (and matching pants). Other clothing was donated from different stores. There are different combinations of clothing and jewelry for each day, so a spreadsheet is used to let the Royalty how to dress for each occasion. Outfits are labeled A-M on the spreadsheet.
The Royalty sang a song that they composed. Very nice!They will participate in other parades in Manson, Spokane, Seattle, Olympia, Penticton, Cashmere and Maysville.
A tour to Olympia to meet Washington Representative Brad Hawkins was a big deal for the Royalty! A song being sung there didn't go quite right, so they did a do-over!
Tuesday, April 16th, they were visiting Blossom Valley Assisted Living center to meet some of the residents there!
Wednesday, April 17th is the day that Royalty gets to see their Apple Blossom float for the first time! Exciting!The Royalty offered the official Apple Blossom Festival pins for sale for $5.
Club President Rebecca presented each of the Royalty with a gift from our club!
Kevin offered Queen Ella the chance to pick the winning raffle ticket, and she picked her own! She was not able to pick the magic marble to win the $100+ prize.Joke
Mark VanHorne took off his crown for Dance King at the Wenatchee Wild hockey game to put on his Joker hat. "What do you can a paper airplane that doesn't fly? STATIONERY"
President Rebecca banged a gong and adjourned the meeting at 8 am.
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