Jim Adamson spoke about the Club Spring Training Event is Sat., May 1st. There will be 3 breakout sessions the morning of Sat., 1 May 2021 (9:00, 10:00 & 11:00 am), each with 11 different topics and each at a unique Zoom meeting. The Zoom links for each session/subject will be sent out soon in an email to each club member, so you can register for the subject(s) you wish to attend. If you need help, Kathleen will help you sign up!On Sat., May 1, sessions are 9:00 am - 9:50 am, 10:00 am to 10:50 am and 11:00 am to 11:50 am. Each session has the same subjects in the same order. Subjects are:
- Leadership
- Club Secretary
- Club Treasurer
- Membership
- Public Image and Marketing
- The Rotary Foundation and International Service
- Community Service
- Fundraising
- Youth Services
- Adapting to Grow Rotary
- Rotary 101.

Rotary District 5060 Awards Ceremony. Click this link to register for just the Awards Ceremony:
District 5060 Awards Zoom Registration
There is no cost to attend the District 5060 awards ceremony so if you can't attend the Foundation Gala, be sure to attend the District awards ceremony. We'll be getting together in our normal meeting area in the Pybus Event Center, but both the Gala and Award Ceremony will be hybrid events (Zoom and Live at Pybus). Special bonus is a cash bar during the District 5060 awards ceremony.
There is no cost to attend the District 5060 awards ceremony so if you can't attend the Foundation Gala, be sure to attend the District awards ceremony. We'll be getting together in our normal meeting area in the Pybus Event Center, but both the Gala and Award Ceremony will be hybrid events (Zoom and Live at Pybus). Special bonus is a cash bar during the District 5060 awards ceremony.
Again, we will be doing the "takeovers" of the Wenatchee Valley Farmers Market at Pybus starting on May 15th and continuing October. It's on the 3rd Saturday of each month. There will also be non-profit tables this year where we'll have one for kids activities and brochures for the parents. Sign-ups will begin next week so check your calendars and come ready with your availability.
Rotary International 2021 Virtual Convention is now available for registration.
Rotary International 2021 Virtual Convention is now available for registration.

The 2021 Virtual Convention will be better than ever, opening more innovative opportunities to learn and to engage with the family of Rotary, near and far. You’ll be able to network in virtual lounges, meet new partners in service, and join fun activities with Rotary members from around the world.
This event is open to all Rotary members and participants from 12-16 June 2021. Registration fees are as follows:
- Promotional rate: US$49* through 7 May, 2021 (11:59:59 Chicago time - CDT)
- US$65 - 8 May through 16 June.
Click this link to register for the 2021 Virtual Convention: REGISTER for 2021 Virtual Convention
The Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club Board of Directors has received a request to terminate membership by Matt Eastman. We'll miss you, Matt. Keep in touch!
Brags and Confessions

Carol Adamson bragged (after the meeting) about the Women in Rotary gathering last Tuesday, April 20th at the Hilton Garden Inn. A good time was had by all!
Kathleen confessed/lamented about her laptop giving her fits. It shuts off after 1 hour of use! Working on figuring out why!!
John Schapman's kids' sport team played Matt Eastman's kids' team. John's team won! John also asked if anyone had ideas of how to get rid of a Northern Flicker Woodpecker that has been annoying his household. PJ offered the suggestion of building a house for it; that seemed to work at his home!
Alan bragged about the Community Action Council's mobile food pantry truck being on the front page of the Wenatchee World newspaper. Full color! He also said his son has been accepted to a graduate program for Sports Medicine at CWU in Ellensburg.
John McDarment bragged/confessed to having his 80th trip around the sun and celebrated a birthday on April 3rd. He donated $100 to the Community Foundation for NCW.
PJ's two fellow members of the National Demonstration Ski Team qualified for something.....dangerous, no doubt at Jackson Hole, Wyoming!! They're twins, but not with PJ!

In 2015, the PUD gathered to discuss a 50 year plan for the PUD and its facilities. The six year result of the planning is the Chelan PUD Service Center.
By bringing in the contractors during the planning phase of the building, many cost-saving ideas were incorporated early. This helped cut the time of the overall build while saving money.
The work on the Service Center started in August, 2020, after jumping through many qualification hoops. Over 13 agreements were signed in a single day authorizing various phases of construction. Many new methods of construction are being utilized in the building.
The Customer Service area will make it easier for you to find where you can pay your power bill! And, yes, there is PARKING available! With 500 employees working at the new campus, an adjacent 4 acre lot was purchased just for parking!
The Customer Service area will make it easier for you to find where you can pay your power bill! And, yes, there is PARKING available! With 500 employees working at the new campus, an adjacent 4 acre lot was purchased just for parking!

Dan answered questions:
Q: What about a parking garage?
A: For the number of parking spaces they need in a multi-level parking garage, it would cost about $30k/parking spot!
Q: Would the board room be available for public meetings?
A: Yes! The PUD decided against an auditorium because they have an arrangement with the CTC to use their meeting spaces.
Q: How is the new traffic bridge across the Wenatchee River into Old Station going to affect your operations, if at all?
A: The traffic will be East of the Service Center. Some streets might be dead-ended in the Old Station area. No major impact to PUD operations.
Kathleen thanked Dan for his presentation! The Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club will donate a children's book in his name to the Regional Libraries!
Progressive Marble Draw Raffle
Wayne showed everyone the silver marble to prove that it was in the bag. When Carol Adamson's ticket was drawn, her delicate fingers found the treasured, silver marble in the bag to win $74! Congratulations Carol to showing everyone how it's done!
Kathleen closed the meeting at 8 am.
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