Holiday Social Notes
Santa Claus, President Earl's Father-In-Law David Hardwick, made an appearance, and presented Santa's history throughout the ages.
A White Elephant Gift Exchange was modified for our online format. Those wanting to participate bought gifts which were collected by Santa Earl and his elves. The gifts were then scrambled up and returned to different club members. Everyone was surprised with the gifts they got to take home! Lots to eat and drink in those exchanges!

International in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world. It was signed by Holger Knaack, President of Rotary International.
Those receiving awards were: Robin DeRock +3, Bill McDowell +2, Milt Herman +2, Matt Eastman +1, Taro Matsuda +1, Kathleen McNalty +1, Kathy Hamilton +1, Alan Walker +1, Rani Sampson PHF, Craig Reese PHF, Joel McDonald PHF, Rebecca Lyons PHF, Gregory Lyons PHF given in Memory of Gregory, Rebecca's husband, John Schapman PHF, and Wayne Massing PHF. The "PHF" indicates the initial award presentation. The "+" indicates that this has been awarded multiple times in the past.
On a sad note, our beloved club member Leonard Noss passed away on Dec. 20th of complications from a recent fall. Len was just short of his 96th birthday. His quick wit and sense of humor was enjoyed by all he met. RIP, Len! Our prayers to his family.
Dec. 29th Announcements
Our public image grant was approved for new club canopy. The grant will provide $200, and the club budget will cover the rest.
PJ reported that our application for the Road Apple Roulette was not approved by the gambling commission, so we will need to come up with another fundraiser for this year.
Bike ride committee meeting January 19 at 5:30. A zoom link will be sent out prior.
Members needing our prayers
John McDarment fighting the COVID virus
Earl dealing with medical problem (not COVID)
Ron Griffith, whose wife Marilyn is on hospice.
Brags and Confessions
Robin has her Christmas décor down. She and Richard enjoyed a virtual Christmas party with their district governor classmates, and even did a gift exchange. She got a stuffed mascot for the Philadelphia Flyers that she immediately gave to her dog for a chew toy (since she is a Chicago Blackhawk fan).
Jackie and Dan picked up a friend of Dan's in Spokane last night at 10:30. He's from W. Virginia, and will be visiting for a week.
Alan and Kelly celebrated Christmas with families in Olympia, Ellensburg, and Lake Roosevelt.
Craig and PJ announced their birthdays, and donated money for their years.
Milt added $96 in honor of Leonard Noss, who would have been 96 on New Year's Day.
Kathleen's daughter is out of quarantine.
Joel talked about effects of Co-Vid and his experience of getting the vaccine.
Craig (our club Rotary Foundation chairman) shared about The Rotary Foundation (TRF).
What it is - advances world understanding, goodwill, and peace through initiatives that include health, education, alleviation of poverty.
Why we give - to support six areas of focus:
- peace and conflict prevention/resolution
- disease prevention and treatment
- water and sanitation
- maternal and child health
- basic education and literacy
- economic and community development.
How money is collected - individual donations and club fundraisers.
Where the money goes - 50% to districts for community and international grants, 50% the world fund for global grants and peace scholars.
Polio Plus - donations go to help pay for vaccinations and supporting costs.
Recognitions for our contributions - different recognitions for different giving levels, both for the program fund and the endowment fund.
Our club goals
- club contribution of $4500 for our member donations ($50/member plus $50/member club match)
- polio plus contribution of $1500
- 2 new Bequest members ($10,000 pledge to endowment fund when we die)
- 4 new Benefactors ($1,000 pledge to endowment fund when we die).
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