Tuesday, October 27, 2020

October 27th Meeting Notes

President Earl Crowe brought the meeting to order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was completed, and Jim A. gave the Invocation.

Wayne M. presented the Rotary Moment about "The Butterfly Effect" from the October 2020 Rotary Magazine.


David Barshes would like to get one more mentor for another scholarship applicant. Please contact David if you would like to help with this part of our Challenge Scholarship Program.

Earl thanked the 8 Wenatchee Sunrise Rotarians who volunteered for the Wenatchee Make-A-Difference Day on Saturday, Oct. 24th. Clean-up at Lorraine Church's yard and at Rotary Park was completed by: PJ, Wayne, Jim and Carol, Erik, Jackie and Dan (our newest members), and Chris. We donated 30 hours of work. A newspaper article in the Wenatchee World listed our accomplishments.

Taro said the December elections are still happening. The club is still looking for a Vice President who, if elected, would take over that position in July 2021. If you have an interest, please contact Taro.

Kathleen announced that the Candy Cruz was still happening at Pybus on Saturday, Oct. 31 from 2-4 pm. Wear your masks or costumes to hand our candy to the kiddies as the parents cruise by in their cars. Rotary airplanes will also be handed out. Kathleen needs help in assembling the airplanes this Thurs. Oct. 29, 5 pm at Ridgeline Graphics. Show up if you can help.

Rebecca talked about today's Club mask contest. Earl wore a mask made by his wife Joy. It was topped with the NEW Rotary motto "Service OVER Self", because they didn't have enough letters to make "ABOVE". Jim A. wore a scary Phantom of the Opera mask, while his wife Carol wore a Groucho Marx fuzzy eyeglasses with an "I Heart Rotary" hat. Robin wore a veil mask for breathability and had a decorative headdress. Wayne wore his US Navy, Vietnam Veteran mask given to him by a shipmate. Rebecca wore a black mask custom-stitched with a spider made from dental floss. Kevin copied Carol's 
Groucho Marx look. The winner was Earl for Rotary spirit, Robin for most creative, and Wayne for "awesomeness".

Brags and Confessions

Jim and Carol's daughter is officially engaged and plans a wedding in March, 2021.

Robin said their Home Owners Association had its annual yard clean up. It was good to meet new neighbors.

Alan and Kelly's son was married to his sweetheart in Cle Elum on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2020, along the Cle Elum River.

Ruth and her husband Geoffrey sailed to Stehekin, where they celebrated their anniversary. They hiked until they hit snow and then returned.


Alan Walker introduced Lisa Brown, PhD, Director of the Washington State Department of Commerce. Lisa was appointed Commerce director by Gov. Inslee and began serving the agency in February of 2019.

Prior to serving as Commerce director, she served as chancellor of Washington State University, where she led the health science campus in Spokane. Lisa served in the state House of Representatives from 1993 – 1996, and in the state Legislature from 1996 – 2013. She has worked extensively on economic development across the state.

Lisa informs the Governor about economic recovery, especially during these times of the CoVid virus. Washington's downturn in the economy, about -5%, is the largest drop since the Great Depression in the early 1900's.

A current project of the Dept. of  Commerce is to provide broadband internet connections to all Washington homes. A survey can be taken at broadband.wa.gov and the results will be forwarded to the Dept. of Commerce to help improve Washington connectivity. Please click the link to check the speed of your internet and provide input to the Washington Dept. of Commerce. (NO personal data is stored.)

Diane Klontz
Lisa also introduced Diane Klontz, 
Assistant Director, Community Services and Housing Division. Diane has worked extensively with club member Alan Walker, Executive Director, Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council. Diane joined the Department of Commerce in 2001 and currently serves as assistant director for the Community Services and Housing Division. She began state service in 1994. Diane provides leadership for Commerce’s strategic initiatives to address the needs of vulnerable and low-income populations in communities throughout the state. Diane works with the Rent Assistance Program and the Eviction Moratorium Program.

Lisa introduced Tedd Kelleher, Senior Manager of the Housing Assistance Unit. Tedd also works closely with the Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council using the Rent Assist Program that helps renters pay their future rental fees. 

Questions were taken:
Q1: (Kathleen) Is there a formula to compute if someone is eligible to receive Rent Assist?
A1: (Tedd) Among other things, the applicant must earn about 50% of the area median income and have no unpaid rent payment due. Awards are for future rental fees. Up to 3 months is the current limit.

Q2: (Rebecca) Is it the renter or the landlord that usually applies for the rental assistance?
A2: (Tedd) It is usually the renter, but many landlords are trying to get rental money so they can pay their mortgage on that property. Alan Walker also added that there have been over 250 rental assists and eviction assists this year.

Q3: (Chris) Is the rental assistance only for rent or can it be used for Home Owners Association dues?
A3: (Tedd) It is only for rent.

President Earl said a children's book, dedicated to Lisa, Diane and Tedd, would be donated to the North Central Washington Library.

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May 7th Meeting

Section 1 was the winner, Al Schuster won the grand prize, sold 300 more tickets more than last year, please bring back unsold tickets, bee...