It's almost time for our Presidential Changeover Dinner. This is being planned for June 23 (tentative). It may be done virtually, but we are also thinking of having it at an outdoor location (Sunrise Circle, etc.). Would you feel uncomfortable with sharing side dishes people bring (salads and desserts), or would you rather have it catered? Please let Rebecca or Kathleen know your preference.
was this year. She was a wonderful ambassador for Switzerland, our club, and our community, and made an outstanding effort to get involved with club members. We will miss her. She is scheduled to leave June 27, so the changeover event will be our goodbye party for her as well. If you cannot attend the event, please send her a card or call her to express your appreciation for all she has done.
Most of the meeting was a discussion of different fundraisers. Kathleen McNalty shared the fundraising philosophy and points to consider. These included making a minimum of $500; engaging as many members as possible in fun meaningful activities; viewed as community, family, and service oriented; possible partnering with other clubs and/or non-profits; promotes membership, etc.
We talked about a few ideas that Kathleen collected, and took a poll. Results are listed on the left. The bike ride is a given, and we are exploring partnering with the Chelan club this year on their two rides in September.
Pete Blanksma talked about the success of the Horse Poop Gambling (renamed Apple Road Roulette) in Idaho. He has already talked to Darci Waterman (Apple Blossom Director), and she thought it would be great. We would electronically grid the parade route and sell squares. A computer would chart where the poop falls, and those who had those squares would be put in a drawing for several prizes, which we would acquire.
The ribfest and great watermelon race also had good responses. The committee will continue to work on these suggestions, so stay tuned.
We welcomed guests Adele (youth exchange), and George Broome.
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