Our virtual meeting was opened by President Taro Masuda, and our speaker, Jodee Smith, was introduced. Jodee is a 4th grade teacher at Washington Elementary School in Wenatchee. (She had an upcoming video class with her students, so we shuffled our normal meeting order.)
Some of our club members were appropriately dressed for Cinco de Mayo, May 5th, celebration to day!
Non-Rotarian Guests: Elza Domene, former Brazilian Youth Exchange student to Wenatchee 2 years ago. Jodee Smith, Washington Grade School teacher.

Jodee Smith, grade school teacher, has been teaching for 12 years, but this is only her 4th year at Washington Elementary School. She's originally from Portland, OR, is married, has 3 daughters, and lives in Cashmere. This is her first time using video teaching.

The Wenatchee School District's first priority was to connect with students during this time of the covid-19 quarantines. Jodee said that she and her students didn't use any electronic technology in their classes, and had to catch up on the usage, unlike the middle schools and high schools that use that technology already. The District provided all training on the use of the Screencastify and Flipgrid software, and
web cameras.

The students are given assignments, the teachers follow their progress via on-line tracking, and follow-up with any questions or problems the student are having. Students' work and engagement of the subjects are tracked online for the students and the teachers to follow.

The school district has allowed teachers to use popular applications, like SnapChat, to make their
lessons (and appearance) more fun!
Occasionally, teachers will give feedback on the online learning process. Some of the positive comments are: great way to learn technology, provides team collaboration and district-wide cohesion. Some of the negatives comments are: it's TOUGH, induces a lot of anxiety, and online is not like face-to-face teaching!
Jodee answered some questions from the club members:
Q: What's in store for teaching next year?
A: Next year the District is planning on split shifts with less students in each classroom to isolate them.
Q: Is there advancement criteria?
A: Yes. Students' grades were frozen as of March 16, 2020, and that is the lowest grade you can get. Students are expected to improve from that level.
The club thanked Jodee Smith for updating us on the progress of education in the Wenatchee Valley.
Happy Bucks/Brags and Confessions
Erik Holmberg bragged about going golfing today with 3 other "family" members.
Jim and Carol Adamson were called out for having their color picture in the paper for the ad hoc Apple Blossom Parade this weekend. An "above-the-fold", color photography that spanned half the page should cost them $50 in Happy Bucks!
Earl Crowe announced that the Wenatchee City fireworks were still scheduled for the night of July 4th, but the Walla Walla Point Park would not be open to the public. If there were not attendees, there would not be any parking, and our club would not be selling parking spots.
Jim Adamson reminded us of the Club Spring Team-Building Experience, Saturday, May 16th.
Amended Model for 2020 (VIRTUAL MEETING):
Zoom "VIRTUAL" Meeting. All participants MUST Register by using 1 of the 2 links below. Part of the process is to meet as a club, so PLEASE choose the correct day for your club (USA or Canada)
Saturday 16 May: 25 Clubs from USA
9:00-9:30 Log into common Zoom meeting
10:00-11:00 Breakout session 1: Discussing "Best Practices"
11:00-12:00 Breakout session 2
12:00-1:00 Breakout in clubs (goals, club action items, strategic planning)
1:00-2:00 Back to main room for debrief, suggestions, social!
Specific Targeted Breakouts for 2020:
Leadership - For Presidents-Elect, Presidents, VP & others considering this track
Secretary - Best practices for all Club Secretaries (and those that help with data base management!)
Treasurer - Best practices for treasurers
Membership - Retaining members as well as attracting new members
Public Image & Marketing - How do we get the word out & stay connected with each other and the community
TRF & International Service - Anything to do with the Rotary Foundation or International Service
Community Service - Ideas for ways to serve in our Communities in our New Reality
Fundraising - Novel fundraising ideas… ESPECIALLY in times of social isolation!
Youth Service - Also many new considerations because of COVID-19
Member Experience - Focus on Club Vibrancy (program options, different socials, etc)
Rotary 101 - Discussion about the basics - Q&A
Register for CSTE 16 May 2020 (All Rotarians in USA Clubs)
You are invited to register for the CSTE-USA Zoom meeting.
When: May 16, 2020 09:30 AM PDT
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Earl Crowe discussed the Local Races, form of a fund raiser. More information to follow.
Elza Moment
Elza Domene, our Brazilian Youth Exchange Student from 2 years ago, joined our video call. She said she has not been working, and has been home since March. She has been studying at the university, and enjoys that. She has a boy friend since September 2018!
Taro Masuda ended the meeting with a quote from The Cookie Monster: "No matter if you have a bad day, or a good day....Eat a cookie!"