Brags and Confessions
Wayne Massing bragged that his pool had been readied and opened on Monday for the 2020 summer season! Pool party after Social Distancing ends!Carol Adamson said that her grandson had been accepted to Linfield College in McMinnville, Oregon.
Our former Youth Exchange Student, Joseph Bernard, from France reported that France was closed. Only allowed outside for 1 hour to get groceries or medications. He also reported that he had been applying for admittance in a French or a S

Rebecca Lyons announced that her daughter Mari celebrated her 14th birthday on Monday, and she celebrated with friends, at a social distance, of course. She received gifts and cards.
Ruth Dagg said her 2nd son, who is in the military, announced his engagement for the end of June, providing he is allowed to travel for that event!
Jim Huffman recalled a TV story about a fire fighter who was planning to get married, but the church was destroyed by a tornado just prior to the wedding. The fire house crew used their hook and ladder trucks to form a make-shift chapel with arched ladders in the parking lot, and the wedding went on anyway!
Alan Walker disclosed that the local food bank had 10 National Guard soldiers helping distribute food. They have done so well, that 10 more will be joining them in a few days!
Alan Walker updated the club on the status of our 33rd Apple Century Bike Ride, scheduled for June 6, 2020. He said the Bike Ride Committee met and discussed various options (cancelling it, postponing it, etc.). With many other recreational events happening this Fall after the CoVid-19 pandemic is over, the committee felt that we would have too much competition on attracting riders. Also, the roads would be more crowded with late season fruit harvesting. Therefore, in the interest of rider safety, it was unanimously decided to cancel the 100 mile bike ride! Our Challenge Scholarship Program will have enough money for the next few years of scholarships. The club will form a Fund Raising committee to discuss the possibility of replacing the Apple Century Bike Ride with another fund raiser.John Schapman, Club Secretary, discussed the Rotary 5060 District matching grants that were available for service projects related to the CoVid-19 pandemic. If our club spends $500, and applies for the District grant, then the District will match that $500. John suggested that we contact "Pins and Needles", a local fabric/sewing company, to see if we can help out there by making masks and gowns. The cost for masks is $3-4/mask and gowns are about $20/gown. The local healthcare workers' needs are for 150-200 gowns. Other clubs have been contacted to join in, but response hasn't been forthcoming. If you can sew, contact John Schapman to help out.
Jim Huffman asked about the money for the recovery of non-profits due to the CoVid-19 pandemic. Has our club applied for that? Alan Walker said it was decided by the Bike Ride Committee that other organizations have greater needs than ours, and that we would not apply to recover those funds.
Jim Adamson reminded the club that this weekend is the virtual District Conference (Dis-Con 2020).
To register for this free event, click on this link: DisCon-2020 After registering for the Plenary Session on Saturday, April 25th, you can then select which Breakout Sessions to attend on Sunday, April 26th. The Dis-Con 2020 on Saturday runs from 1:00 pm to about 5:30 pm. On Sunday, the Breakout Sessions are from 2:00 pm to about 5 pm, depending upon which of the 30 minute sessions you choose. The speakers for the Plenary Session are the same ones that would have been in Kelowna for the "live" District Conference! Once registered, you will be provided with the ZOOM meeting number and login information!
Our Tuesday morning program was Mike Coleman, Managing Director, Fiber Optics andTelecommunications, Chelan County Public Utility District (PUD). Mike updated the club on the status of the increase in internet usage locally and world-wide because of the CoVid-19 pandemic.
More people are working from home, and more students are being schooled through the use of online classes.
Mike reminded us that even though the schools have closed, their internet usage has not diminished. The PUD did a survey and determined that there were 9 city/town areas in Chelan Country that needed an increase in mobile hot-spots to allow more access to the internet. Each of these areas would have six hot spots in parking lots or where a large group of users could assemble, but still use "social distancing" from their vehicles. Several local internet providers have allowed FREE internet access via these hot spots.
The increased internet access gives individual the ability to electronically submit job applications, unemployment forms, and school assignments and homework. The first hot spots will be available this week, and the additional ones will be completed by the end of April. They will remain in use until the end of 2020.
Each hot spot will have a 200'-300' range. The equipment needed, bandwidth servicing, and initial PUD investment is near $250k.
Lack of rural broadband is a very big issue. World-wide students who do not keep up their studies during this pandemic will always be behind!
During Mike's program, he was asked if after the end of the year and the hot spots get turned off, is there a possibility of a service organization "sponsoring" the hot spot(s) to keep them active? Mike said he'd ask this question and get back to the club.
Club Spring Team-Building Experience
Amended Model for 2020 (VIRTUAL MEETING):Zoom "VIRTUAL" Meeting
All participants MUST Register by using 1 of the 2 links below. Part of the process is to meet as a club, so PLEASE choose the correct day for your club (USA or Canada)
Saturday 16 May: 25 Clubs from USA
Saturday 23 May: 33 Clubs from Canada
9:00-9:30 Log into common Zoom meeting
10:00-11:00 Breakout session 1: Discussing "Best Practices"
11:00-12:00 Breakout session 2
12:00-1:00 Breakout in clubs (goals, club action items, strategic planning)
1:00-2:00 Back to main room for debrief, suggestions, social!
Specific Targeted Breakouts for 2020:
Leadership - For Presidents-Elect, Presidents, VP & others considering this track
Secretary - Best practices for all Club Secretaries (and those that help with data base management!)
Treasurer - Best practices for treasurers
Membership - Retaining members as well as attracting new members
Public Image & Marketing - How do we get the word out & stay connected with each other and the community
TRF & International Service - Anything to do with the Rotary Foundation or International Service
Community Service - Ideas for ways to serve in our Communities in our New Reality
Fundraising - Novel fundraising ideas… ESPECIALLY in times of social isolation!
Youth Service - Also many new considerations because of COVID-19
Member Experience - Focus on Club Vibrancy (program options, different socials, etc)
Rotary 101 - Discussion about the basics - Q&A
Register for CSTE 16 May 2020 (All Rotarians in USA Clubs)
You are invited to register for the CSTE-USA Zoom meeting.
When: May 16, 2020 09:30 AM PDT
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Volunteer Surge (from DG Peter Schultz)
I have an exceptional and extraordinary request of you, and all members in our district, to join the fight against COVID19. What if there was a way to help, from the safety of our homes, and make a real difference?Our district is one of several leading in an extraordinary new effort, and your immediate participation is critical to its success. This program will be announced via a press release soon (CNN, NYT, and other major coverage), and will be adopted by Rotary Clubs across the nation in the next few days.
The background is this: Two weeks ago, Rotarians in a local club engaged Rotary International to recruit 1 million volunteers in two weeks to sign up with Volunteer Surge, a new program that allows us to train online, for free, to become a Telehealth Worker, or a Community Health Worker. These volunteers will provide basic assistance, and will reduce suffering and save lives, locally and across the nation. How? By helping our health care providers to focus more of their attention where it is most needed. TIME IS CRITICAL!
Please go to to learn more and decide how you, your friends, and family can participate. And share this link with others on Facebook, email, and other social media. The world is watching, and we, as Rotarians, people of action, are now truly defined by our actions in this crisis.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 a.m.
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