Adele: Joel Banken suggested that the club members submit hints of October activities for Adele, our Youth Exchange Student from Switzerland.
Email him things you can do with her throughout the year.
Email him things you can do with her throughout the year.
Thursday, Oct. 24, is World Polio Awareness Day. Carol Adamson reminded us of the area wide potluck at the Senior Activity Center on Maple St., 6:00 pm to 9 pm. $5/person, or $15/family. This is a good time to socialize with fellow Rotarians from our club, and the other clubs in town. A member of a local Rotary club will match up to $26,000 raised in our district. The Gates Foundation will match that total 2 to 1, giving a potential gift of $156,000 to The Rotary Foundation's polio eradication program. That will translate to thousands of kids who can be immunized around the world. Let's see if we can get at least 20 members plus family, to this event. Since it is a potluck dinner, A-H bring a main dish, I-P bring a side dish and Q-Z bring a salad. Bring your own beverages. Wine/beer are okay.
Thursday, Oct. 24, is World Polio Awareness Day. Pete Van Well, from the Wenatchee Rotary Club, asked for club members to join his club in front of KPQ Radio on North Wenatchee Avenue to collect donations for the End Polio Now campaign. 7 am to Noon. Please plan to attend, even for a short time.
Service Project-Future - PJ Jones said that our club's Make A Difference Day project is a clean-up of the area around the Senior Center on Maple Street on Sat. Oct. 26th. Time and tools to be announced later. Meet at Smitty's for breakfast at 7 am, or meet at the Senior Center at 8 am. Bring gloves and garden tools (rake, shovel, pruners, loppers, etc.) Put it on your calendar. If you haven't volunteered for awhile, make this easy one!
Breakfast: Kathleen McNalty, Club Treasurer, announced that the new breakfast price was $8.00 (down from $10.25). Pastries and some delicious breakfast sandwiches were provided from Glaze Bakery! All food items were gone at the end of the meeting!

March Skiing In Austria: PJ Jones announced an opportunity for club members to join him and Cookie for skiing in Austria. Only $3500 per person. Contact PJ for details.
Rotary Learning Institute (RLI) in Yakima: Kathleen McNalty announced that on Sat., Nov. 2nd and Sun., Nov. 3rd, the RLI-South will be held in Yakima. RLI is a grassroots learning and development program whose mission is to strengthen Rotary clubs. District 5060 pays for half of the tuition, and the club reimburses you for the other half. See Taro or Kathleen to sign up.
Cashmere Apple Harvest Volunteers: Gleaning of apples for those in need will be done this Saturday at Ringsrud Orchard in the Cashmere. 9:30 - 12:30. Bring family and friends. Get all the info at this link:
http://hosted.verticalresponse .com/1432033/2c07308be6/ 572676739/b1a5e35134/
Brags & Confessions
Erik Holmberg enjoyed a Dental Convention in Las Vegas. He visited Yosemite National Park, drove the winding coastal highway, and stayed in Depot Bay for 4 days. He celebrated his birthday this last week.Kevin and Lynn Love enjoyed their daughter's wedding in Boise, Idaho, despite the showers and cold weather. They spent some time repairing their retaining wall at their cabin in Conconully, Washington.
PJ Jones paid a fine for his (and Taro's) Ute's winning!
Robin DeRock said that her hockey team (Blackhawks) finally won a game after losing their first 5! Pick a new team!
Kathleen McNalty met with her Challenge Scholar (finally!) and took her out to enjoy Asian soup. A good time was had by all!
John Schapman announced that he'd had a baby girl, then correctly reported it was his wife who had the baby! Friday, August 30th her daughter was born! The club presented him with a card and gift certificate to Garlini's.
Jim and Christine Huffman celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary at Ohme Gardens.
Sargent at Arms
John Schapman was fined for claiming to give birth to his new daughter!
WSU Cougar fans paid fines (again) for the Cougar football loss!
Club Assembly
Club Secretary John Schapman read the previous day's Board Meeting minutes.
- Dues were sent out and collected by Kathleen McNalty, club treasurer. Only one member has not paid their dues yet.
- Money from a CD that is maturing will be moved into The Salisbury Fund ($25,000), our donor-advised fund ($18,000), and a money market account ($80,000).
- The Challenge Scholar program was changed slightly to make it easier for the scholarship awardee to gain access to their funds.
- The board approved a $500 donation to the Pioneer school's 6th grade outdoor camp. They are attempting to raise $12k.
- Ethan VanWeerdhuizen announced his resignation from the club.
Craig Reese gave a brief explanation of the Marv Salibury Fund, and who manages it.
A suggestion was made for the club to include a short presentation of the Rotary Bequeath Program at the Senior Dinner in March, 2020.
Programs - Milt Herman has contacted the Lilac Society for the Blind in Spokane to have them speak at one of our club meetings. So reply so far!
Pot Draw
PJ Jones was the big $5 winner. He donated it to the club.
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