President Taro Masuda thanked all the volunteers who helped at the Senior Activity Center on Saturday's "Make-A-Difference-Day". Those in attendance were Taro Masuda and his son Reagan, Milt Herman, Rebecca Lyons, Kevin Love, Wayne Massing and his wife Karen. Over 28 bags of shrubs, grasses, and tree trimmings were collect, then hauled off by PJ Jones later on Monday.

Kathleen McNalty asked for a club volunteer to help set up the weekly breakfast at the club meeting on Tuesdays. Glaze Bakery delivers the breakfast sandwiches, and pastries, but someone is needed to cut the sandwiches and pastries in half and put them out for the club. Ruth Dagg stepped up to the challenge.
Jim Adamson spoke about "The World's Greatest Dinner to End Polio" held on Thursday, Oct. 24th at the Wenatchee Senior Center. Over 90 people attended bringing with them raffle items, pot luck foods, and desserts. Over $8,000 was raised by the Rotary Clubs of Leavenworth, Cashmere, Wenatchee, Wenatchee Sunrise, Wenatchee Confluence, and East Wenatchee. This donation was doubled by one Rotarian, and then matched at 2 to 1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for a total of
$48,000. This included the donations collected by Rotarians in front of KPQ Radio on Thursday morning, and from the Senior Center tables for the Dessert Dash.
$48,000. This included the donations collected by Rotarians in front of KPQ Radio on Thursday morning, and from the Senior Center tables for the Dessert Dash.
Sue Rose from the Wenatchee club.
Carol, being Carol to get some donations.
PJ Jones gave a brief description of his discovering the fire above Rock Island on Monday night. Someone else had already called it in! The 15 acre fire was finally extinguished later.
Brags & Confessions
Club President Taro Masuda bragged about his Utes football team winning over California.
Erik Holmberg bragged about having to wear an Oregon Duck's hat after the Husky-Duck game..
John Schapman bragged about taking garden tools to Pybus Public Market to be sharpened by the Master Gardeners. He exceeded the limit of the number of tools that they would sharpen, but they sharpened them anyway! He also bragged about taking his family to the Riverfront Railroad line for rides.
Alan Walker paid a fine for not attending "The World's Greatest Dinner to End Polio" because he had to prepare his office at the Community Action Council for painting on "Make-A-Difference-Day".
President Taro Masuda bragged about when he accidentally dropped in on the Apple Blossom Festival Auction, when he and his wife meant to attend the Drag Queen Show (a YMCA fundraiser!) at another venue!.
Sargent at Arms
Erik Holmberg asked those who attended "The World's Greatest Dinner to End Polio" to stand. All others paid a $1 fine!
Joy Robertson and Makenna Lake from the TEAMS (Training, Educating, and Mentoring Services) Learning Center were the presenters at Tuesday's meeting. TEAM Learning Center's early childhood learning program emphasizes learning through play. Teachers Joy and Makenna showed many examples of how children learn basic concepts of their surroundings, such as gravity, balance and getting muddy; all while having fun! The center staff educate the students, parents, and community. Parenting classes are held weekly at Pybus Public Market. The Wenatchee Follies and Wenatchee Home Depot have been major contributors to the TEAMS Learning Center. Their Facebook and website pages give more details on this non-profit organization and how it serves our community.
Club President Taro Masuda presented Joy and Makenna with a book that will be donated in the name "TEAMS Learning Center" to the North Central Washington Children's Library. The book is "Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun."

Pot Draw
Robin DeRock was the big $30 winner. She donated the money to TEAMS Learning Center.