Joseph is leaving us July 7. Erik & Kristin are hosting a good-bye party at their home on July 6, from 5:30 - 8:00. Their address is 2017 Broadview North, Wenatchee.
June 22 - Highway Cleanup - meet at 8:00am at Hydro Park.
June 25th @ 6 P.M. Presidential Changeover Dinner at Ridgeline Graphics. No morning meeting that day.
July 4th we will be running the parking at Walla Walla and July 5th is the clean up for the park. Contact Earl to sign up for shifts.
Brags and Confessions
John is celebrating his 54th wedding anniversary.
Carol and Jim leave for Europe on Thursday!
Taro had a great time in Germany, and he even screened calls while there since his name was left on the sag wagon list for the bike ride. What a team player!
Robin also had a great time in Germany and got a new rotary printed fan.
Jim had another terrible Chuck Norris joke.
Kathleen is going to DC to visit family.
Earls daughter Emma graduated high school last week and his youngest daughter Lucy is going into the 6th grade.

Joseph gave us the run down on how his time here was.
He got to do many things like visit:
The San Juan Islands, The Chelan County Fair, Lake Chelan, Pacific Ocean, and went he also skiing.
He carved his first Pumpkin ever and got his first Christmas Stocking!
All in all he has a great time with all the family's he stayed with, and it seems like everyone did a good job at making him feel at home while he was here.

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